Desert Cleaning Janitorial Services in Tucson,
                  ArizonaJanitorial & Office Cleaning
Tucson, Arizona

2023 Janitorial Articles

By Reid Sossong, RPA and Scott Sossong

We're all about clean, let us make you the satisfied client. Visit the Desert Cleaning Home Page to learn more.


From everyone here at Desert Cleaning Janitorial Services Inc we want to wish everyone and their families a safe and Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Our weekly articles will resume the first week of January.

Finding a cheap commercial janitorial service is easy, but hard to find a good one

This a true statement and happens time after time around Tucson. There are some companies that want a cheap price and all the services included. There are the quote “Big National” companies that will give a cheap price with below par service and someone may want that and they get what they pay for in the poor service they receive. Then others are tired of cleaning up after the current janitor and get the service they want.

Most office managers just want the cleaning done right and not have to worry or clean up the skipped over loose ends the janitor leaves behind. What a phenomenal concept. We have heard many times how they took the cheap price and signed a multi-year contract. Then the services were poor and they can’t get out of the contract. Insult to injury. It’s definitely not the way we do business.

How do you find a good janitorial service in Tucson? Here are a few tips on questions to ask yourself: Are they a local service? How long have they been doing janitorial work in Tucson? Do they have real references? Do they brag about how big their company is nationally or who all of their large clients are? Do they know their employee names? All these questions are a good start in finding the right cleaning company.

It boils down to a local service or a national franchise. And the winner is clearly the local service. Full disclosure; we are a local service. We are a family owned and operated company and have been specializing in commercial janitorial services since 1980. So if you are looking for a great janitorial service and a competitive price check out our website for references and other information and let us know if you have questions or want a quote.

Happy Thanksgiving From Desert Cleaning

We want to wish everyone, their families and loved ones a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

I recently read an article and wanted to share the key highlights I was able to take away from it as well as touch on the key points as well. Many people don’t realize that successfully operating a commercial janitorial service is a true art: from keeping up with tight deadlines and providing consistent efficient service is very difficult to do each and every day.

There are several key tools to do in order to be able to do this successfully. You have to be able to plan accordingly, creating a well-structured plan with even the finite details included will ensure that nothing is overlooked or missed. In this plan, prioritizing tasks in which they are performed is crucial. Some tasks require prompt attention while others can be on hold for a duration of time.

The importance of maintaining consistency is what quite a few companies seem to lack. Everyone wants to create a good impression on the first service they provide, the level and quality of service provided on day 1 has to be carried out each and every service entirely. You cannot start to slack off on the quality, consistency and thoroughness of the service provided.

Ensuring that management, supervisors and the frontline staff all know, understand this and make sure that maintaining consistency is crucial to keeping clients for the long term. Each and every job in our industry opens the door to unique challenges that we have to act quickly on and find solutions to on the spot. Adaptability and problem-solving are essentially the cornerstones to get things done efficiently. 

Commercial Office Cleaning In Tucson

Let’s travel up in the foothills area in Tucson. It is considered the higher end area of Tucson with all the luxury amenities. The 85718 and 85750 zip codes have always been a great place to clean offices and shopping centers. The main arteries are Craycroft Road and Swan Road which takes you right into the foothills and Sunrise/Skyline/Ina which take you to I-10. If you would like a bid let Scott know.

Desert Cleaning handles the highly competitive janitorial market here in Tucson. We start by having the best of the best janitors in Tucson. How did you get such a great team? It took time but the real secret is we pay our janitors more. Just like our sought after systems we have people waiting to work at Desert Cleaning and it is why we have been in business for over forty years.

The offices demand the best cleaning available in the foothills. That’s where we come in with our state of the art and sought after cleaning systems. We are able to provide the best office cleaning experience here in Tucson for the 85718 and 85750 zip codes. Scott will tour your offices with you and give you a quote.

Need a local janitor service and don’t want a multi year contract? Desert Cleaning is local and we don’t require a long term contract. Wow, that was easy. We have been in the office cleaning business for over 40 years in Tucson, so use our experience to your benefit and see the savings.

Do you know the office cleaning prices in Tucson? There are no set prices because of the many variables. How many services per week, day or night service, additional services… to name a few. If you are putting together a budget or dissatisfied with your current service we can help. We can phone, email, or come and tour your office and give you a bid.

Tucson Office Cleaning Examined 

Here are a few key items to look for when hiring a Tucson office cleaning service. If you are looking for the lowest bidder then stop reading.  In this article I’ll cover references, how long have they been in business in Tucson, are they just a national franchise or a quality local service that you can trust?

Reference letters are very important in the bidding process. A new company may not have any and could be a risk since there is no established trustworthy track record form them as a company and what quality of service they provide. An established company with no references is a major red flag. References show a pattern of getting the job done with people that are trustworthy as well as the level of service that is provided.

How long have they been in business here in Tucson? This shows how stable they are and if their heart is really here. Are they going to close shop and leave Tucson? We have seen it before over our past almost 44 years in business, all of which has been here in Tucson.

Do you know if the janitorial service is hiding behind a national franchise name? You will wind up paying for the money you save. Over the years I have talked to many unsatisfied office managers that went with a franchise thinking they must know they are doing.  Once they find out that isn’t the case, that’s when they called Desert Cleaning. We’ll come in and straighten the cleaning mess and bring everything up to speed and keep it there. We have done this countless times, our reference letters can back this up.

Desert Cleaning has been in the office cleaning business in Tucson for almost 44 years and there is a reason - we do the job. See our link to references on our home page at Contact us and experience the difference.

The Best Office Cleaning Service, Here’s Why

I talk about restrooms a lot in my articles and that’s because they are used and abused on a daily basis. It’s important to clean, use proper cleaner disinfects, and stock the consumable supplies in the restrooms. The old saying is “if you want to know how the business is run take a look at the restrooms”, this is still true today.

Frequency of services varies from business to business. If we service an account once a week by mid week the restrooms look used and could possible use some restocking of the consumable supplies. Sometimes office managers may request a mid week service of the restrooms only. Other accounts have have service five days a week with a day porter mid day to bring the overall cleaning of the office as well as the restrooms back up to speed.

In a previous article I wrote about how people can judge your business by looking at the restrooms. The other area I want to mention now is the lobby and the first impression it gives. The lobby needs the chairs wiped down and moved to vacuum, magazines straightened, front door glass cleaned, reception counter cleaned.... Even the messiest people will notice a clean and organized lobby. You cannot reverse first impressions someone has, making sure the lobby is clean and organized should leave a good lasting impression.

If you want the best office cleaning service in Tucson you are in the right place, Desert Cleaning Janitorial Services, Inc. Please see our references and let us show you why we’re #1 in our industry. We look forward to working for you!

Local Janitorial Service

What is a local janitorial service and the benefit to you? We’ll look into what makes them so much better than an out of town franchise janitorial services.

Do we want low prices? Yes. Who wants the best service? We all do. Can we have both? With a small local janitorial service it may be possible to offer both. With a smaller company you get a hands on service. The large out of town franchises just can’t compete, they usually under bid to win the contract but doesn’t offer the same hands on service as a local janitorial service would.

The local janitorial service you usually see the same faces and not the revolving door of people as you would with the franchise. We have had several employees with us now for over 20 years. When you bid low you have to cut corners, franchises know this first hand.

Local janitorial services maintain their equipment with pride and make sure the on site janitor has the supplies and tools needed to do the job. In a small company decisions can be swiftly and seamless.

The local janitorial service has pride of ownership. Anyone that starts a business and stays in a local market wants to establish a good reputation. This is exactly what us here at Desert Cleaning Janitorial Services, Inc have proven. Over the years we have seen janitorial services come and go here in Tucson.

Are you looking for reputable home grown janitorial service? Please fill out our online quote form or give us a call. Thanks for reading.

We Need A Day Porter In Tucson

We have been Tucson’s go to day porter service since 1993 and provide day porter services for shopping centers and office buildings. Whether it is once a week service or seven days a week you can expect a high level of day porter service each and every time. Please contact us and we can provide a list of services, or if you already know what services you want you can email it to us at .We look forward to talking to you!

Our janitor’s when cleaning at your building can wear identification, such as: hats or shirts with our company name on them, and or a laminated ID card with the employee name and our company name. You can request this additional service for no additional charge, just let us know.

Janitorial Supplies: Two Types

The janitorial supplies are split in two categories. First are the supplies that are consumed by the owner, clients, and its employees. The second area is the cleaning supplies needed to do the actual cleaning. The supplies are important and should be spelled out in the bid, so everyone is clear and on the same page.

Supplies to do the actual cleaning almost always are supplied and paid by the cleaning contractor. There are occasions when the owner will supply some or all the cleaning supplies. Also, they may want a certain product used or products that are unscented to be used. It’s always good to talk about it upfront before starting.

Supplies that are consumed: toilet paper, hand towels, soap…. These supplies can work a number of ways on how they are purchased and delivered. The owner will usually handle the supplies for a lower frequency of service account, and on a five day a week account the cleaning contractor will handle them. Again, it can work a number of ways and we will work within your system.

At a few of our accounts the supplies are built in the monthly price so the owner has a consistent monthly amount to pay making it easier to budget.

The burning question is will I save money if I buy the supplies from Desert Cleaning? The answer is really close and it depends on the business situation. For example: the secretary goes to Costco once a week and buys the supplies, along with other items, so they would typically purchase the supplies from there. But then there are situations where the account wants no involvement in purchasing the supplies, and that’s where we come in.

A few companies like to have more control over the supplies so the supplies don’t grow legs. Another account may have multiple locations so the supplies have to be signed for when delivered and billed directly.

We do Janitorial Inspections!

The janitorial inspections are a big part of our sought after system. Critical inspections are unique to each account and frequencies of service count too. A checklist is used as a guide and areas that need attention are brought to the onsite janitor. Does the inspection team correct any deficiencies? Yes and no, let’s take a look.

Desert Cleaning has the best janitorial inspection team in Tucson. Their job is to give the best janitorial experience and not to try and find fault with the onsite janitor necessarily. Our team is seasoned and with the go to inspection sheet that works.

Our inspection form we use is a guide and combined with our team's experience it keeps everything on track. The whole idea of the office inspection is to give you the best office cleaning possible and not to try and find fault with the onsite janitor. Even the seasoned janitor can miss something and it’s the inspection team’s job to discover things before the office manager does.

With our system we know that each account has important items and we keep track of them. We have created a system that allows you to come in and take a file and go clean an account without many glitches. This is possible because of our important item’s alert system and the basic services.

Our inspection job may appear easy but in reality they are the last chance to catch an error before the office manager does, that’s a lot of weight to carry. It is a never ending cycle and we feel we are constantly learning everyday. It may cost a little more to have an inspection team but we look at it as an insurance policy to ensure you have a great janitorial experience.

The Best Janitorial Services in Tucson

How can you tell who the best janitorial services are in Tucson? Look at their reference letters, reviews, and overall reputation. Review our reference letters. We let our references do our talking. References are important for any business. It’s such an important reason to do a good job. Both current and past references should be checked to see a pattern. The more the better and the time in business matters.

Is time in business important? It can show consistency and stability. Who would you rather hand your keys to; someone just moved here and is starting a new business with no references or a business that is established locally with many Tucson references. I know my choice.

Our Desert Cleaning inspection team is seasoned in office cleaning and inspecting offices for the janitorial work. These inspections are another tool that leads to a good reference. When you bid low and cut corners it may be hard to get a good reference, if any.

The current references can be a name and phone number or a testimonial in letter or email form. The current reference is usually the point of contact and is best on the company letter head.Most common topics are how long they have done business with the janitorial service and do they work well with the cleaning service. Are they happy with the service?

Contact us or see our references at Also we have a fast free online quote form on the web site.

Tucson’s Best Janitorial Service

Does Tucson have set office cleaning prices? There are no set prices because of the many variables. How many services per week, day or night service, additional services… to name a few. If you are putting together a budget or dissatisfied with your current service we can help. We can give phone, email, or come and tour your office's quote.

Planning a meeting and your conference room is sub-par, hopefully hasn’t happened to you. The conference room is right up there in importance with the restroom and lobby. People will judge your business in part by how clean the conference room is that day. Moving chairs and vacuuming properly, dusting and positioning mini blinds all adds up to an organized room and lets clients know how you’ll handle their business the same.

The additional service we provide is the cleaning of the microwave inside and outside. The inside can get splattered with food and needs to be thoroughly cleaned including the ceiling, walls, and the plate that spins. I know, I know, other janitor services either don’t provide the cleaning of the microwave, and if they do it’s not a thorough cleaning of the microwave.

Do you bill for janitorial services monthly? In our system we send the invoice out on the first of the month for that month. Now, the invoice is not due until the first of the following month. Any additional items we have on the invoice are for the previous month. Also, we usually email you the invoice and we still have a few that want it mailed. However, this is not in stone and we will work within your system for sure.

Someone Is Always Watching

Everyone is looking, so do a good job. Part of our system is inspections of our accounts and the real secret is to do them consistently. Our inspection list is a proven checklist that we are constantly improving to give you a high level of janitorial service.

The inspections really add up during the course of a year. Having an inspection done helps everybody stay on course. Let's take a peek at some of the items we look for when inspecting: is the front door glass cleaned, are the lobby magazines in order, are the reception counters clean....

I mentioned how the secret is having regular inspections. Someone asked me if I still have inspections on accounts that have no complaints? Yes, and that could be why they have no complaints. The bulk of the office cleaning is the on site office cleaner. When we do an inspection it is to help the on site janitor as well as providing a high level of janitorial service.

The inspection is part of our service with no additional cost. Some companies don’t do inspections and it’s part of their low bid. We know if we do regular inspections it adds up during the course of the year and is appreciated by the office manager.

There are many details in the office cleaning business and it helps to have a second set of eyes go through to get to 100%.

Tucson Bank Janitorial Services

Janitorial for a bank is different from cleaning offices in Tucson. There are certain cleaning items that are the same: restrooms, door glass, vacuuming…. What I’m talking about are things like: cleaning the outside drive through teller boxes, how to save the teller trash, what to do in the lobby, the teller area…. There are unique cleaning items for a bank.

All drive through teller boxes need nightly attention. Just like the inside teller windows that get dirty the outside boxes have the elements to get them dirty too. Also, there may be an atm that needs cleaning as well. Some banks may want trash picked up in the area too. It makes since.

Going back inside to the teller area let’s start with cleaning the teller window which usually has a lot of fingerprints. Paper dust is everywhere, so a thorough dusting is required. Saving the teller trash is important and usually is rotated in case they have to go back through it they can.

The lobby tasks like cleaning the front door glass, sweeping and mopping the floors are performed. Then in addition at a bank we change the date on the island counter calendar,clean the island counter and restock, the front area of the teller window needs to be cleaned, and let’s not forget the vault which has to be cleaned during the day, usually weekly.

Are you a bank manager? If you have questions or would like us to visit you at the bank please let us know.

Top Janitorial Service in Tucson

Review our reference letters. References are important for any business. It’s one reason to do a good job. Both current and past references should be checked to see a pattern. The more the better and the time the company has been in business matters.

Is time in business important? It can show consistency and stability. Who would you rather hand your keys to; someone just moved here and is starting a new business with no references or a business that is established locally with many Tucson references. I know my choice.
Our Desert Cleaning inspection team is seasoned in office cleaning and inspecting offices for the janitorial work. These inspections are another tool that leads to a good reference. When you bid low and cut corners it may be hard to get a good reference, if any.

The current references can be a name and phone number or a testimonial in letter or email form. The current reference is usually the point of contact and is best on the company letter head. Most common topics are how long they have done business with the janitorial service and do they work well with the cleaning service. Are they happy with the service?

Contact us or see our references at Also we have a fast free online quote form on the website.

The Process Of Hiring The Right Janitor

Most people don’t realize the effort to get the janitor to the job site. The effort starts with running an ad for a janitor. Then training, payroll setup, insurances, medical sick time, supplies, floaters to cover him or her…. And don’t forget supervision and the inspection team. The choreography has to be right for the system to work and give you great service.

Having  a job posting for a janitor can be a challenge if the management team doesn’t know what they are looking for in a janitor. Most ads receive a lot of response and a seasoned HR person can eliminate some quickly. After that select a few to come and fill out an application and decide from that group.

Training of a new person either experienced or not, is important. Many times the experienced person may have experience with a trash and dash company and that may be hard to reprogram into our system. Then there is the person with no experience, but motivated that works great. It is definitely an art in finding the right person and training them.

Direct deposit and starting the payroll requires accuracy. We have used Paychex payroll services for years. Even though we use a payroll service we still have to call in the payroll every two weeks and check everything for errors.

Insurance is a healthy expense every month and like any insurance when you have a problem you’re glad you have it. Most businesses have a bond, liability insurance, and workers compensation insurance. I’ve heard that some businesses don’t have any insurance because they think they are saving money. If something happens and the janitor has no insurance, I wonder who they will look at to pay the bills?

Brush and Flush

For our commercial office cleaning system, we have the janitor clean and supply the restrooms at the beginning of servicing a building. This way if a cleaning task is missed since there are many tasks and details to do in the restrooms, the janitor will have time to correct it while still at the office building, and not have to go back.

Commercial office restrooms are designed for janitors to keep clean with easy to clean surfaces like chrome, ceramic tile, glass, stainless steel, porcelain, and metal.

The janitorial floor care system that we use has steps to follow before any hard surface floor is wet mopped. First, our system requires you to sweep, vacuum or dust mop the floor. The janitor will pick up larger debris, small stones, and get in places the dust mop can't reach. Other office cleaning services will skip this step to cut corners to justify the low price they gave. Janitors know a floor with loose debris removed from the floor helps get the floor set-up for the mopping with a wet mop. The next step in our commercial system includes the wet and damp mopping of the floor which cleans and removes stains, or double mopping as we refer to it in our system on floors.

Let’s cover commercial office complaints and how we handle the complaint. Many kinds of complaints surface and just when you think you've heard it all, another company will tell you a story that happened to them that you had never heard. We try to find out exactly what happened and as we have found out it is not always what you think took place. We know the real secret is just do the job and don’t get complaints.

Wanted: Daytime Local Janitorial Service in Tucson

Is your company looking for a local janitorial service here in Tucson? Do you need service in the daytime for security concerns? We have had these requests over the years and the daytime cleaning usually costs more and we can usually clean them. We’ll take a look at the issues in this article.

It may cost more for a daytime janitorial service for several reasons. First, it is harder to find a janitor for daytime work and the janitorial service may have to pay more for the right person. There usually is a minimum two hour charge and it goes up from there.

Also, the time adds up quickly when the office cleaner has to wait for people in the restrooms, on the phone, or in a meeting. Then some people are annoyed and slam their door, even if the person knows the janitor cleans the offices in the daytime.

Let’s take a look at the sunny side of daytime office cleaning. I would rather clean a jewelery store or a bank vault during the day when everyone is there. Dusting can be an issue unless the janitor uses a dusting glove or damp microfiber towel to keep the dust out of the air.

A big plus to cleaning during the day is they actually get to see you and if they have a request or complaint they’ll tell you. Many times the customer never sees the janitor so it is hard to appreciate all they do. Day portering is done usually during the day at various times.

I hope you enjoyed this article and let me know if you have questions or need a quote.

A local janitor service is the number one way to get the janitor service you want. The local service gets more involved and provides a much better janitorial experience. Also, the money stays in the Tucson economy. If you need a Tucson local janitor service call or email us and we’ll put a comprehensive office cleaning proposal for you. Some companies look for the cheapest office cleaning service and others get the service they want.

Commercial Office Building Restroom Cleaning

Cleaning the restrooms in an office, the janitor has a lot to juggle. From the cleaning to filling the dispensers, that is why it is a good idea to do the restrooms first. The janitor's closet is usually between the restrooms or at least nearby so the janitor has quick access to the supplies needed in the restrooms. If there are multiple restrooms then the restroom cart is brought in for organization.

The top to bottom cleaning method is used in the commercial restroom so everything falls on the restroom floor and the sweep/mopping of the floor is the last task performed. First, we start with dusting the ceiling vents and tops of partitions.

Stocking the dispensers in the restrooms is very important as well as the cleaning of the restrooms. In some cases the janitor doesn’t want to overfill the towel dispensers because it makes them hard to get out and can make a mess trying to get them out. Toilet paper is the most important item in the restroom to stock.

The cleaning of the mirrors in the restrooms seems easy but I have seen on building tours where it looks like the janitor only cleaned the area he/she sees and when you bend down the lower part of the mirror is still dirty. Also, some mirrors may be too high to reach and will need assistance.

The cleaning and disinfecting the restrooms is often misunderstood. Cleaning the surface before disinfecting is the proper step or using a cleaner disinfectant in one. Be sure to read and follow the label. I’m not an expert on disinfecting so please check with an expert first or read the product label.

The sweep/mopping is the last task and the janitor should start at the furthest point from the door and mop their way to the door. Then pick-up the wet floor signs. I hope you liked the article, be sure to check out the rest of our site and fill out our Fast and Free Online Quote Form.

Searching For A New Janitorial Service

Searching for a new janitor service can be daunting. I want to break it down so it becomes clear and easy. You may have received marketing material from several services or seen a few on the internet. After contacting a few services you will probably want one or two to come out and look at your offices to give you a quote.

On the tour of your offices is when you can tell the janitor service exactly what you are looking for in what services you will need. The janitor service will be taking notes and getting a picture in their head of your offices. It gives both sides a good idea of the services needed.

The phone or internet quote is possible, too. We are seasoned, having been in business since 1980 and after a few questions can put a bid together, usually contingent on seeing the offices (either being in person, floorplans, etc). For example, we have bid on offices not built and can get close on the bid price.

Issuing the same information to the janitorial services giving you bids is important so you are comparing apples to apples. After receiving all the bids it is time to review them. I’ve heard some office managers have a checklist of important issues for the offices.

References are the top indicator of the janitor service, much like a person looking for a job. Quantity is important as well as quality. One good reference is fine, but 10 good references leaves no doubt. References tell a story and are like a resume, no doubt or question.

A search for a new janitorial service doesn’t have to be daunting. Our research shows to go with Desert Cleaning janitorial services, inc.. They are proven, trusted, and tested.

Details Matter, Looking For The 5%

What we have focused on since the beginning and continue to today is to focus on the small details when cleaning a customer's account. Details matter and they add up quickly, if you neglect to bring any details up to speed, overtime they will be more apparent and people will start to notice that this area(s) have been neglected and the complaint phone will ring.

What details am I referencing? There are many to list but a few are (cleaning the coffee stains in the kitchen sink drains, straightening lobby magazines and brochures, pour disinfectant cleaner down any floor drain to prevent any smell, consistently replace urinal screens, replace restroom air fresheners so there is always a consistent smell, straighten trash cans when vacuuming, if there is a building concern like a plumbing problem or a roof leak to report that immediately and so on).

Some of the time details that we may notice might not fall under our concern or service we offer, but if we point this out to the office manager, property manager or business owner they can then decide whether to act on it. If you were to pick 2 details out each time you service a customer's account and clean/do them it will add up by the end of the week, month and year. 

So many other companies only focus on the basic service they offer and not in addition to the small details. While it sounds so easy to do, many companies do not make it a priority for them to focus on. If their employees are not trained or shown to lookout and clean these detail areas then they have no idea that they are missing out on something.
Details roughly make up 5% of the overall tasks/service we provide. While it looks like a small percentage it can separate yourself from competitors drastically. People do tend to notice small details, especially if it is spread throughout the office building.

Does Your Janitorial Company Have Insurance?

Before we begin, we are not insurance agents. Consult your insurance agent or an insurance carrier as this is for general informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional insurance advice. Always seek the advice of your insurance agent or insurance carrier or other qualified professionals with any questions you may have regarding an insurance question.

There are several types of insurances needed to run a legitimate janitorial service: liability, workers compensation, and bond.

Many companies try to self insure with no capital to back it up. If a claim arises and the janitor service can’t pay, who will they look at next? You probably guessed it. So the real question is who is saving the money when the janitorial service doesn’t have insurance?

Two types of claims covered are important, so ask your insurance expert about per occurrence and claims made when buying insurance. No one likes making insurance payments, but when something happens it’s nice to have.

The certificates of insurance are issued upon request from the insurance company. It shows the office manager that the janitorial service has insurance and the limits of liability. Also, the office manager can ask to be an additional insured on the policy and it will show on the certificate of insurance. It’s a good idea.

Risk management is simple, eliminate the risks and life is better. Look around your offices inside and out. You will start to see things you can do to help eliminate someone getting hurt or a potential lawsuit from arising. I’ll give you a couple of examples: put black strips where it gets slippery, put poles in front of where cars park to help prevent someone from driving into the building, it happened to a local business we know of here in Tucson, put evacuation floor plans throughout the building, have the correct OSHA certified 1st aid kits and so on.

I didn’t cover workers comp or bonds, so I’ll discuss them in a future article. I hope this article helps your thoughts on insurance.

What Is The #1 Complaint Nationwide?

Since the majority of the accounts we service are after hours, we understand that we are their eyes and ears. From the start, we encourage everyone in our company to express clear and consistent communication. If we happen to encounter a situation at a building (a roof leak for example) we will notify our point of contact for that building as soon as possible. As well as offer if in any way to assist. We also encourage everyone in our company to take pictures or videos of any problem, question or situation they encounter which helps to see exactly what they are facing and to see exactly what is going on.

One of the most common overlooked areas in a building is dusting, it’s the #1 complaint nationwide in our industry. One of the areas that gets overlooked is dusting in the restrooms, particularly the tops of the stalls/partitions as well as dusting the vents. With people using the restrooms all day long, the paper dust from toilet paper, and hand towels mainly is constantly in the air and overtime settles on horizontal surfaces or gets pulled towards the vents. There have been articles saying what first or lasting impressions people have on your business and the two main areas people heavily judge are your lobby and your restrooms. If you can’t keep these areas clean, organized and presentable how is the rest of your company operating?

We don’t move papers on the desk or on top of file cabinets when dusting unless we are given the green light. We dust around, behind, and under certain items on a typical desk and if you have specific procedures to follow let us know. When in doubt don’t move it is our motto.

Differences of Janitorial Services

Let's kick off this week talking about the janitor's closet in an office building. This is where the janitor has equipment, chemicals, and consumable products. Many times the janitor's room is part of another room, especially in a building where there isn't a designated janitor storage closet. Many of the cleaning rooms, or janitors' closet, have a water hose and sink to fill and empty a mop bucket and a small area for a vacuum, trash bin on wheels, and paper supplies etc. also it serves as a good spot to keep a log book for the office manager to leave notes.

What separates Desert Cleaning Janitorial Services, Inc and other commercial office cleaning companies? One thing is the length of time on the contract for services. Our company doesn't require a lengthy several year contract, unless you want one for a specific reason. Something else that separates us is our employees. We have the best janitors in Tucson. Tired of cleaning up after your janitor?

Visit our home page and fill out our Fast and Free Online Quote Form, or give us a call and let's review your needs and get your office cleaning back on track.

Commercial cleaning businesses aren't the same. When you think of a franchise what comes to mind? Fast poor quality food at a super low price that is too good to be true. This can apply in the janitorial cleaning business, national franchises offer poor service at a cheap price that are too good to be true. I've seen government bids go to the lowest bidder and the price was below minimum wage. Now how do they get the job done? They cut services and basically trash and dash to have the account make sense, and then you the owner has to deal with the situation. That's not how we operate, we don't like the complaint phone to ring and that motivates us to do our best.

Tucson Janitorial Service

Emptying trash is one of our basic services. This consists of emptying all trash cans in your office building. Also, we replace the liner as needed, which means some get replaced every service and others can go a while. Then, we use larger sized can liners in the trash cans so they don’t get pulled in the can which causes a mess to clean up.

Let's talk about cleaner/disinfectants. These are products that are two in one. They work well in removing soil and matter, then disinfecting, saving time and money. They are used in wipes as well which have many uses in commercial office cleaning. NCL has an excellent product out, email us for more details.

The red can liners are used for? Red can liners are used mainly in medical facilities for hazardous waste. There are services that pick them up and incinerate them out of Tucson. Years ago the janitor was involved in the handling of the red bags.

Communicating With Your Janitorial Company

We have heard countless stories over the years of how difficult it may be for the office manager, property manager, facilities manager and even the business or building owner to communicate issues, concerns, changes in service needs, etc… to their janitorial company. If a concern is brought to the attention to the janitorial company, there may be a long response time, they acknowledge the area(s) they have been neglecting and promise to correct it but don’t, are not flexible in changing the service needs and more.

Here at Desert Cleaning we do not operate that way by any means. If you call or email us, we immediately contact you back whether it’s by phone call, email or text message, we will respond as quickly as possible. If an issue or concern is raised and brought to our attention, we will correct that promptly.

We want to take care of all of our accounts and ensure that they are satisfied with our work, our people and our company as a whole. If there are any changes in service that are requested we can work with you on those, yes we can be flexible! Again, ensuring that you are being taken care of is our goal.

One of the areas of service we provide during each service at your building is dusting. The number one complaint nationwide in the cleaning/janitorial industry is dusting. Especially here in Tucson, AZ since we live in a dustbowl, we cannot afford to skip dusting by any means. Unfortunately other cleaning/janitorial companies do not understand this and they tend to skip dusting. There are many different types of dusters on the market currently, but it wasn’t always that way.

Here’s some history on the duster. The duster was invented around the 19th century in Iowa. There was a lady who worked in a broom factory and thought of the idea. The duster first started with turkey feathers and evolved into mainly composed of ostrich feathers. Present day on the market, there is an assortment of dusters to pick from, ranging from the ostrich feathers to microfiber, lambswool and more. Many dusters come in different colors and some have a wooden handle, retractable handle or even extension poles to be able to reach high places.

Commercial Office Cleaning Since 1980

Concrete floors are becoming more popular in all different types of businesses. For the longest time concrete floors were mainly associated with warehouses and industrial type businesses. Now, they are being used in homes, restaurants, retail shops, and even office buildings. This is occurring for many reasons, both the initial and maintenance costs for concrete floors are low compared to other types of flooring. Concrete floors can also be sustained, designed and they can even add your company logo into the concrete!

Maintaining the cleanliness and appearance of the lobby is very important. It is the first initial impression of customers and clients when they first enter the building. If they happen to have to wait in the lobby, they have time to look around and start critiquing. Some details we focus on are: cleaning the front door entry glass, cleaning the reception counter, straightening all brochures and magazines, vacuum all floor mats, dust clear horizontal surfaces including plants, move all chairs to clean the floor then put back making them look uniform and presentable. All of the small details add up and overall makes a good impression.

If there are odors in the restrooms, many times it may be coming from the floor drains. Luckily these odors can be taken care of easily. Pour a disinfectant cleaner down the floor drain to fill the S pipe so the sewer smell/gasses cannot come up. This should be done frequently, making sure there is enough disinfectant cleaner in the S pipe. There are also covers you can try as well to cap the drain. Both of these methods will help with the odor problem as well as helping prevent any bugs from coming up the S pipe.

Commercial Office Cleaning Service in Tucson

So many establishments are converting their restrooms and other parts of their buildings to a touchless system. What is a touchless system? A touchless system involves all of the surfaces a person touches, converting these surfaces to touchless. Some examples are: soap dispensers, paper towel dispensers, flush valves, faucets, hand dryers, etc…Traditionally when you touch these surfaces you create a need for these areas to be cleaned and disinfected. Restrooms are breeding grounds for germs, bacteria, viruses and many others. Having a touchless system in your restroom and possibly in other areas of your building will help cleanliness and overall improve the building.

Looking for a day porter for your shopping center? We can help! Day portering shopping centers, retail centers and office complexes involve a trained janitor picking up non biodegradable trash around all buildings, parking lot areas, landscaping and around the dumpster areas. The day porter also empties all of the outside trash containers and replaces the liners and emptying the cigarette urns of cigarettes and replacing the sand if needed. Other duties the day porter may be required to perform are: dusting or wiping window sills, sweeping corners of the property where debris collects, etc…Day portering works well along with a parking lot sweeping company.

Bank, Credit Union Janitorial Services in Tucson

The janitorial services for a traditional commercial office building compared to a bank or credit union branch are different in many ways. Here we will review the similarities and differences between them.

To start with the similarities, both commercial office buildings and banks or credit unions will both need their restrooms cleaned and restocked, cleaning the front door glass, cleaning and restocking the break room or kitchen area, dusting all clear horizontal surfaces, vacuuming all carpeted areas, and damp mopping all tile floor areas.

The differences however and unique services that banks and credit unions require us to perform are: cleaning the outside drive thru teller boxes, the rotation of emptying teller trash each night, specific lobby cleaning, spraying and wiping the teller stations and more.

All teller boxes need nightly attention. Along with the inside of the teller windows that get dirty plus the outside boxes that are exposed to the outside elements which get them dirty as well. There could be one or more ATM machines that need to be sprayed and wiped down nightly. Some financial institutions request that we pick up any trash in the parking lot and depending on the type of flooring in the lobby, buffing the floor weekly ensures the shine of the floor is always consistent.

In addition, we also change the date on the island counter calendar, clean the island counter and restock. We can’t forget about cleaning the vault, which has to be done during the day and usually weekly.

We service banks, credit unions and all financial institutions! Please contact us for a fast quote.

It’s All About Inspections

One of the spokes in our company wheel of our success is: inspections. Inspections play a major role in retaining accounts, keeping the account satisfied, double-checking our employees quality of work, seeing first hand any changes in the building and ensuring all parties involved are satisfied.

We have an inspection checklist that we follow which we are always improving, to make sure that you always receive the high level of janitorial service you deserve.

By us inspecting our accounts, that quickly adds up over the course of a year. Each building has its own unique details and important items and a cleaner could easily overlook something. But, by inspecting and following the checklist, it helps make sure that everyone is on the same page and nothing is overlooked.

This inspection service we offer comes at no additional cost to you! Lots of other janitorial companies do not do inspections and that falls in line with their low bid. These companies skip doing inspections to try and save money, but do they really save in the end? If you are looking for a high quality, established and local commercial janitorial service here in Tucson please fill out our fast online quote form or give us a call at: 520-722-6776. We can come and tour your office and discuss your needs and then give you a detailed quote.

Looking For A Janitorial Service Quote? We Can Help!

There are several different ways that janitorial service quotes can be handled. Either over the phone, email correspondence, or in person. Majority of janitorial bids start with our Sales Manager, Scott, meeting with you and touring your office.

Upon learning the service specifications you need, seeing the facility/facilities, as well as any additional building information we are able to gather, we can then prepare the bid for you. We strive to prepare the bids immediately, having them look visually presentable as well as easy to read.

The majority of our bids are sent via email in a PDF format. If a quote is done over the phone or through email, we can also provide you a quick breakdown of services and a cost per month. With these types of quotes, these are given and figured site unseen, with Scott only going off of the information given to him over the phone or email. We welcome all of these types of service quotes.

To set up a service quote, please contact us at either of the following:

We look forward to working for you and your company!

Who wins when the office cleaning contract is awarded to the lowest bidder? The answer is nobody. The cleaning company more than likely will be breaking even or possibly be losing money since they bid so low. And with that, they will try everything they can to eke out a profit even if that means cutting corners, not providing the level of service they said they would. Which in turn, the building/company that chose to go with them is losing as well because now they are not getting the level and quality of service they thought they would be getting with this cleaning company.

Do you need a day porter service in Tucson? Since 1993 we have been offering day porter services for shopping centers, businesses and office buildings. Whether you need service once a week or seven days a week, we can handle any size and frequency of service you need.

Do I Want To Hire A Janitorial Franchise Or A Local Janitorial Company in Tucson?

To start off with a topic from last week’s article, as I talked about the cordless vacuum market, products, supplies, equipment and many other items in our industry are constantly changing. 20 years ago we were using the 15+ lb solid metal Royal vacuum cleaners, fast forward to today and now we’re using cordless vacuums made mostly from plastic and aluminum, which are a night and day difference from using a Royal vacuum.

Also, 20 years ago we were using the terry cloth towels to clean with, and now today we are using microfiber towels which have endless benefits. Some of these benefits are: they can be laundered hundreds of times, use 95% less water, the fibers pick up more dirt and residue than cloth towels do. Microfiber traps and locks dirt and debris whereas cloth does pick up some dirt and debris but most of the time it is only spreading it around the surface you are cleaning, which is ineffective and causes streaking. The point of this is that over the many years we have been in business, we have to be constantly changing and evolving with the times, if not then you run the risk of becoming a dinosaur company and will eventually go extinct because you didn’t change the right things along the way and evolve with the current times. We are constantly looking for new products and equipment to try and see if it is worth switching over to, instead of what we are currently using.

Over the years we have heard from bids that we go on, property managers and business owners of companies and people not being satisfied with the national janitorial franchises, surprising right? From poor management to having such a high turnover of staff, to bidding low and having to cut corners to try and eke out a small profit, which is just the beginning, all in all hiring a janitorial franchise instead of a local janitorial company is not the best decision. If you are looking for a hands on, well established local janitorial company in Tucson please contact us! 520-722-6776 or

A lot of time can be spent on cleaning floors, depending on what type of flooring you’re trying to clean. Carpet is always the fastest, quickest and easiest floor to clean since it is a one step process to clean, using a vacuum. Compared to hard surface floors where it is a two step process to correctly clean and maintain the floor. The two step process involves removing any loose debris off of the floor. This can be done by either vacuuming, dust mopping, sweeping, or using a microfiber BONA pad. Then the last step is damp mopping the floor, making sure to damp mop your way out of the area to ensure you won’t be walking on a wet floor, leaving tracks and mainly having the high risk of slipping. Placing wet floor signs out as well as placing the mop bucket near the wet floor area are key to prevent people from unexpectedly falling on the wet floor.

The Best Office Cleaning in Tucson

I want to update you on the cordless vacuum market. It appears prices are still high, compared to the prices of traditional corded vacuums whether they are an upright or backpack vacuum. There are several brands of cordless vacuums on the market, one in particular we are pleased with is the Makita brand. We have bought their cordless backpack vacuums as well as their cordless upright vacuums. While these vacuums do a great job and have a list of benefits, they don’t come cheap! Both of these types of vacuums cost over $1,000.00. Traditional corded upright vacuums and backpack vacuums cost in a range of $300 - $500. Buying the Makita cordless vacuums is a tough pill to swallow price wise but their run times are 90 minutes on a single charge, they are easy to use and maneuver and they hardly break down or need any repairs made. Plus all of our employees using them are very pleased with the performance and actually look forward to vacuuming!

No one is allowed at the jobsuite unless they are approved by a Supervisor, Management or our office and are on our payroll. Some folks may think it’s no big deal, until something happens, then it’s a liability concern. The big question is who will pay if someone gets hurt or things are missing at the office being cleaned?

Desert Cleaning has been in business here in Tucson since 1980 and there are several reasons for that. Not too many companies have been in business for 43 years and are still going strong. Take a look at our reference letters we just added a new reference from a current account we are servicing. We have over 30 reference letters that span the past 43 years, not too many companies can say that can they?

Tucson Janitorial Service 

Tucson businesses by the airport have hot water that is nice in the janitor room to use in the mop bucket. This helps in killing germs and losing matter. If the water is too hot that can have a negative effect on some surfaces and can burn the janitor. A few businesses have the hot water turned  off to save money. Hot water is available in this area and it helps when cleaning the mop bucket at the end of the service and ready for the next cleaning.

The important part of giving the customer the number one office cleaning experience is our quality assurance inspection. When our inspection team checks an office they aren’t trying to find fault with the onsite janitor. Instead, they are there to be sure the customer is receiving a high level of office cleaning. After the inspection we review any items with the onsite janitor before the complaint phone rings in the morning.

In Tucson the most common complaint in the janitorial business is “dusting.” I see it on bid tours all the time and I’m amazed. It is so easy to do and I guess for some janitors it is easy to skip. And, once someone starts skipping that’s where the problems start. I hope my competitors aren’t reading this article.

Desert Cleanings' specialties are detailing the office. It’s not hard to figure out, just look around the office. Vacuum the doormats inside and outside at the entrance. Dust any artificial plants in the lobby. Spray and wipe the kitchen cabinets. Clean the inside of the microwave. Other details include keeping our equipment clean and organized and the janitor closet swept and  mopped.

Questions? Call or email Scott at or 520 722 6776, you’ll be glad you did.

Office Cleaning in Tucson

The new janitorial account is always exciting. It’s a good feeling after all the things it took to get to that point. With the right systems everything falls in place: marketing, sales, hiring, supplies. “We want to go with your service” is always nice.

Getting a new account is great. The website is a good marketing tool for many reasons. The newspaper is still used to market janitorial services  and is the number one tool. Also, newspaper ads work great for branding and hiring….

Finding the right janitor is an art for each account so the client receives top of the line service and the start of a new account is smooth. The hiring process takes a while to master and some companies hire the first person that comes through the door. The result is the account never gets off the ground. The right person is critical to keeping the customer happy.

Using a system is a must because the time to clean the account is budgeted. The first few nights at an account go over the normal budget, but that is already baked in the price. The goal is to get the account cleaned for the night and let the new janitor get a feel for the offices or business.

The supplies are always part of starting a new account. There are two types of supplies, the supplies to do the actual cleaning and the consumables: toilet paper, hand towels, soap…. Getting the office stocked with the supplies is important and needed to do the job.

Tucson Office Cleaning Services

The day porter is a service we have been providing for over 30 years and whether you need it once a week or seven we can handle it. Our services range from emptying outside trash containers to spot cleaning vacant suites. We can customize our services to fit your needs. Call or email us and let’s get started, thanks.

Next is dusting because it is important. The area I want to talk about is restroom dusting. This is an area that many companies don’t do. Some spots to dust in the restroom are the tops of the partitions, baseboards, and wall tile. Also, vents and any lighting fixtures….Dusting in the restroom is especially important because germs and smells can make the dust a real sticky mess to clean.

Security of your office is at the top of the list of importance for the janitor. Locking the doors we use and setting the alarm when we leave is paramount. Nobody wants to come to work in the morning and find the door unlocked. I can’t count how many times we have arrived at an account to find the door unlocked. We'll let the manager know. 

The supplies are discussed on every bid with the office manager. It’s simple when you think of the supplies as two parts. The first part are the cleaning supplies to do the actual cleaning. The second part are the supplies needed in the restrooms, the “consumables.” The question is who will supply and pay for them? We always pay for the first part and will work the second part so it works for you.

In Tucson if you need a new janitorial service see our website at Fill out our fast, free online quote form, you’ll be glad you did.

Local Janitorial Services 

Do you want a local office cleaning service in Tucson? Reid started our janitorial service 43 years ago and we are definitely a local company, so you have stopped at the right spot. We aren’t out to be the biggest cleaning company in Tucson and are selective on the cleaning accounts we work with. It has to be a win-win situation. For fast service please fill out our online quote form, or give us a call at 520-722-6776. Ask for Scott, tell a friend!!

Bowl mops are used to agitate and remove any matter inside the toilet bowl. This is done on a regular basis and when a ring in the bowl appears it’s time to get the pumice out. Keep the area wet and use the pumice lightly. Older offices and sometimes the fixtures are older and can be cleaned, however, they may have stains that are permanent because they bled into the porcelain surfaces of the bowl.

Many companies overlook the details and we focus on them. Why? Because the customer is paying us and we take pride in our work. Here are a few examples: front door glass clean, wipe reception counter, move items away from walls and dust, straighten magazines in lobby…. This is just a taste, there are many details in the office cleaning business and our goal is to clean them. Phenomenal.

The restrooms  are a never ending story and easy, yet many janitor services skip it. That’s when we get a phone call asking how soon we can start. The dusting is usually skipped to save time because of a low bid. It may take a few days before anyone notices, but they will see the build-up and then the complaint phone rings and it turns into a nightmare to bring it up to speed.

Trashing is considered one of the basic services. Can liners are common for both the desk size can and the barrel on wheels. We use the barrel on wheels to dump the desk size cans into. Can liners need to be replaced regularly. If the can liner is stuck to the side of the can it needs to be replaced.

The Big Debate

Reid Sossong, RPA

Should you use hot or cold water is the big question as a janitor. Will hot water kill germs? Will cold water work just as well as hot water to water your flowers? With the internet full of articles on the subject it makes it confusing to have another or not.  So let’s get the story started.

Research shows that hot water kills bacteria but not germs is up for debate. You know the difference between germs and bacteria here in Tucson? I think there is a benefit to using hot water when possible in this market. Every time the janitor cleans a toilet they use cold water and it seems to work well and the complaint phone doesn’t ring in the morning.\

Many buildings have the hot water turned off, to save money, and those buildings are still there. Products used with the water are more important when cleaning. If hot water is available then cry. I have never read a label that required hot water to be used with the product.

Have you ever used hot wax on floors?

Questions or inputs?

Trash and Dash Janitorial Service

The term “trash and dash” is used when the janitor starts skipping services. The main reason is usually from taking a low bid. I have heard it from property managers and office managers over the years. I’ll explore the trash and dash and low bid in this article. Enjoy!

Let’s start with the low bid. Most office managers want to save money and that makes sense. However, when the janitor service bids low they eventually figure out that they are losing money and this is how the trash and dash starts.

Giving a low bid can indicate they are desperate for work or their business model is set up for high volume. We have seen them come and go leaving a trail of dirty offices and unhappy office managers, not good.
With trash and dash it may be their plan to get in and out quickly and supposedly make more money. Rather than do the job right and get paid a decent price. I’m not going to change things but it is amazing how some operate. I have seen  it over the years and it’s too bad..

First thing to do is to check references. Are the references on a company’s letterhead or a made up quote on their website. This could be a warning signal. Another reason to look at references is it will indicate how they’ll work with you.The more references the better. Also, if the references are over a period of years. 

Looking for a new office cleaning service in Tucson? Call us at 520 722 6776.

Number One in Tucson

The number one problem in the office cleaning world is dusting. Tucson is a dusty place, a dust bowl. When you add in paper dust and human follicles to make a real dusty office . Office cleaners that start skipping the dusting in an office are creating a real project down the road. It has to be done consistently here in Tucson.

The reliable duster used to combat the dusting is the feather duster. The feather duster was invented in the 1800’s in a broom factory. It is still used today for its efficiency and speed. We still have them in our toolbox for versatility. Dusting is not hard to do yet many services skip it, and eventually it shows.

A damp microfiber towel is a great way to remove dust in the office. It takes longer to use, so we use it in special situations. Microfiber has many uses. There are microfiber duster gloves and other assorted dusters on the market. The prices are a lot less than the standard duster as well. The dusting is a never ending task here in Tucson because we live in the desert and it is always dusty.

We do not move papers on the desk or on top of file cabinets when dusting unless we are given the green light. We dust around, behind, and under certain items on a typical desk and if you have specific procedures to follow let us know. When in doubt don’t move it is our slogan and has worked for years here in Tucson.

Tucson dusting is important year round because we live in a dust bowl. I hope you enjoyed this brief look at dusting and if you are having problems with your janitorial service please contact us and put our experience to work for you and your company. We leave other companies in the dust. Tell a friend!

Janitorial Supplies in Tucson   

The janitorial supplies should be covered before giving a quote. There are several ways the supplies can be handled. Some of the questions are: who orders them, who pays for them and who delivers them? Also, there are two categories of supplies, supplies for the cleaning and the supplies consumed in the restroom.

We will work within your system on the supply issue.

The two types of supplies are. First, there are the supplies that the janitor uses to do the actual cleaning. Then there are the consumable supplies needed for the restrooms: toilet paper, hand towels, soap…. I’ll mainly cover consumable supplies and in a future article I’ll cover the other type used to clean….

We can leave the office manager a note of the supplies needed and the office will order them. Or the janitor can call their office and let them know the supplies needed and they can order them. Sometimes the office manager will keep track of the supplies and order them as needed. It can work several ways, which is great. Moo!

Our cleaning supply store can deliver the supplies but may require a minimum order amount. The cleaning company will deliver the supplies. The office manager may go to Costco and pick up the supplies themselves and it is a good way to get out of the office for a few hours.

Concerning billing and paying for the janitorial supplies it can work a number of ways too. First, we can give you one price for everything, including the supplies. We can pay for the supplies then put it on our monthly invoice to you. You can set-up an account at the supply store and charge for the supplies.

Office Cleaning Specialist

Cool weather is starting and do you want an inferior janitorial service in Tucson when Desert Cleaning is here? We specialize in office cleaning at affordable pricing. How do we consistently beat the competition? It’s simple we pay our people more, so out of the pool of people that are looking for janitorial work we get the best of the best.

Contracting with us and using our system is easy. We set-up a file so we can keep track of emails, notes taken on the initial walk through, and important items…. Also, we create a file in our computer that has your billing information and email information all in one place.

The supplies can work in a few ways. First there are two types of supplies: the supplies to do the cleaning and the supplies you consume: toilet paper, hand towels, soap…. We’ll handle the supplies the way you want. The most common is you supply the consumables and we supply the actual cleaning supplies to do the cleaning.

At Desert Cleaning, the invoice is sent on the first of the month for that month and the supplies shown on the invoice are for the previous month. The invoice total amount is due on the first of the following month. We can mail or email the invoice to you. Why would you want to settle for less? Tell a friend.

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Desert Cleaning Janitorial Services, Inc
2251 N. Indian Ruins Road Suite B
Tucson, AZ, US, 85715-5305
Call Scott at (520) 722-6776

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