Desert Cleaning Janitorial Services: Newsletter
By Reid Sossong
We're all about clean, let us make you the satisfied client. Visit our home page to learn more.
Helpful Janitorial ThoughtsStarting a new account includes the billing and setting up a file for all the details talked about on the walk through. On the issue of billing we bill you so it works for you and your system. The following items are part of billing: billing with, or without supplies that you consume (tp-ht-soap), make charges all inclusive, or have monthly line items, send the bill email, or regular mail. |
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On the first of the month we send the bill for our services for that month, so you have time to put it through your system, but is actually due on the first of the next month. Concerning supplies they are for the previous month and the cleaning service is for that month. Again, we work within your system.
In the hygiene world it includes washing hands and using hand sanitizers to help from getting sick. When you were little and being told to always wash your hands with soap and water because of all the germs…. Places like schools, homes, and offices are still the same today and need to be addressed. A few Men and women don't wash their hands after using the public restrooms and this could be the starting point for many germs.
Most germs will remain on your hands for hours and all the things you touch become contaminated through out your travels. I have seen more hand sanitizer dispensers in offices and restrooms with the trend growing around Tucson. Some office managers have their employees using the sanitizer wipes first thing in the morning to clean their phones, key boards, and desks because it is a great way to start the day. Sanitizers and washing hands aren't the cure-all; however, it sure helps in preventing the spreading of germs everywhere.
Some of the personal protective gear includes gloves. They are an important part of the cleaning business and rank with eye protection. The you tube video shows two common types of gloves that are used in commercial office cleaning: reusable and disposable. Cleaning gloves should always be worn when cleaning in the restrooms and empting trash cans within an office.
Most gloves are changed, or rinsed after cleaning the restrooms to help prevent cross contamination. There are lots of gloves are on the market and the two basic types are the disposable and reusable to narrow it down for this article. The nice thing about the reusable gloves they can be washed just like you would wash your hands and then hang them up to dry.
Update: HEPA (high efficiency particulate air ) air systems for vacuums used mainly for facilities that are concerned with indoor air quality ( IAQ ) like a hospital or medical clinic….The office managers are concerned with allergies and employees missing work because their sick, so the HEPA may or may not be used. It is well known that HEPA filters trap more dust and that the standard cloth and paper bags work well in offices and other work space because they are less expensive
Stepping to the outside of the office it may have an elevator, drinking fountain, and stairs that all need cleaning. Elevators have tracks, flooring, and wiping down the cab…. The floor of the elevator is usually carpet or tile and needs to be cleaned nightly. Being outside in the elements is another reason for consistency. Next on the cleaning list is the drinking fountain and like the elevator it is exposed to the elements. Many locations have an outlet to plug in a vacuum under the drinking fountain to vacuum the elevator. The elevator tracks need a mini-vacuum and wiped cleaned. Concerning the outside stairwells in general they need to be swept with an occasional wet mop in the mix.
I hope you enjoyed this article and if you have any thoughts please email me at
If you can't then call or email us!!!!! Now on to my article, starting with the four main services for janitorial office cleaning are: trash, restrooms, dusting, and floors in general. Then there are the usual details like front door glass, reception counter....
The removal of trash from an office is a good place to start. Most cleaning companies use a large barrel on wheels with a can liner to dump trash from each desk.
We use a can liner to help keep the can from getting dirty and for easy trash removal. If you use just a can liner to dump trash with no bucket on wheels you risk of the liner leaking on the carpet.
Now let’s talk about the restrooms and how property managers know it is very important to have them cleaned and disinfected. In our system we start cleaning the restroom's first. If a restroom cleaning chore is missed in the restrooms the office cleaner will have time to correct it before leaving the building and driving away.
Floors, floors, and floors are important. Our system starts with the hard surface floor that is dust mopped or wet mopped, but requires you to sweep the floor first, because this will pick up larger debris and get in places the dust mop can't. Office managers have told me that previous janitorial services will skip sweeping to cut corners to try and save money.
A good janitor knows a swept floor removes larger items from the floor and gets the floor set-up for the next step. Next up is the wet and damp mopping of the floor which cleans and removes stains and light dust. Some accounts require double mopping and a final sweep.
I want to bring in the conversation the janitor closet. It is used for storing cleaning equipment, cleaning chemicals, and products the owner consumes. The system we developed operates smoother when the janitor room is big, has shelves, and is equipped with a water hose and sink to fill and empty a mop bucket, plus a locked door.
Here’s a topic I’d like to review is the janitorial servicing of the lunch room. The following is a basic list of services: removing trash, cleaning sinks and countertops, sweep and mopping floors, clean and wipe tables and chairs, cabinet fronts, tops of refrigerators and fronts, microwaves in and out. On the topic of dirty dishes we can include them in the services, however, most offices want to do their own dishes and avoid the additional cost.
I was just asked the other day if we move any files or papers on any desks, file cabinets, and any where in the office when dusting? And the answer is, what ever you want us to do when dusting. Generally, we try to be very careful, so an important paper is not lost or misplaced when we are dusting your offices. Tucson is a dusty city and it is a constant battle to keep an office dusted. We have found if you stay ahead of the dust it helps.
Upgrading paper products in the restrooms is an inexpensive way to upgrade and make everyone feel good. Having the restrooms clean, clean with class A paper products and soap will upgrade a class D restroom to A, well maybe. Making the change always makes people feel good even if the restroom is not new, just think about it. If a building has cheap products in the restrooms it will frustrate the user and magnify everything else in the restroom negatively as well as the impression of the business where it is located.
We use can liners for the barrel on wheels and desk trashcans. We use kitchen trash can liners that are the same can liners we use in our barrels. The 40 x 48's large can liners work the best in our trash barrels. Large can liners have enough room and thickness for our needs and any bigger would be heavy when full of trash, and sometimes we fill them only half way. The 30 x 37 can liners are used for the standard office desk trash can that you see in most offices. Because liners are bigger than the desk can, however, they are easier to replace and will hold more trash without getting sucked down in the trash can like smaller ones.
Our system has the office cleaner dust consistently. This prevents the light soil that builds-up on surfaces from becoming a sticky mess that is unhealthy. In the winter I have been told that dust can hold germs and when it is stirred up and someone breaths the dust….Consistent dusting is the key, so it doesn't become a project and mess. Offices are unique for dust accumulation because of the air movement, moisture, and surrounding environments, like open windows and doors. The longer dust sits the more time moisture and other elements can mix with the dust and make it sticky.
I hope this article is helpful and as usual if you have any questions or input let me know. The question of the day, “Can you afford a cheap service?” If not, then call us and let us make you a happy client.
In our commercial office cleaning system we have the janitor clean and supply the restrooms at the beginning. This way if a cleaning task is missed in the restrooms the janitor will have time to correct it while still at the office building, and not have to go back.
Commercial office restrooms are designed for janitors to keep clean with easy to clean surfaces like chrome, ceramic tile, glass, stainless steel, porcelain, and metal.
Floor drains that are in the restroom floor can have a unique smell. If you want to eliminate the drain odors, just pour water down the drain until the odor stops coming up and repeat in a week.
The janitorial floor care system that we use has steps to follow before any hard surface floor is wet mopped. First, our system requires you to sweep the floor. The janitor will pick up larger debris, small stones, and get in places the dust mop can't reach. Other office cleaning services will skip sweeping to cut corners to justify the low price they gave. Janitors know a swept floor removes larger items from the floor and gets the floor set-up for the mopping with a wet mop. The next step in our commercial system includes the wet and damp mopping of the floor which cleans and removes stains, or double mopping as we refer to it in our system on floors.
Jumping over to commercial vacuums that are basic to the janitorial industry, the following are some examples: backpack vacuums, the upright vacuum, and the mini vac. We use the upright vacuum on a regular basis to clean offices, banks, and commercial buildings in the east, central, north, northwest, south, and most of Tucson and surrounding towns. We use the backpack vacuum which has become popular and for many reasons, however, the backpack vacuums don't have a beater-brush that really cleans the carpet when you vacuum. Then cleaners use the mini-vacuums for detailing and hard to get places the upright is unable.
Let’s cover commercial office complaints and how we handle the complaint. Many kinds of complaints surface and just when you think you've heard it all another company will tell you a story that happened to them that you had never heard. Another issue is janitorial services will confuse a request with a complaint and be defensive instead of listening first, and we like when they act this way. We try to find out exactly what happened and as we have found out it is not always what you think took place. We know the real secret is just do the job and don’t get complaints.
Did you know germs remain on your hands for hours and all the things you touch during this period will be contaminated with them. What happens next is someone will come along and touch the contaminated area and rub their eyes and get sick. In my travels I see more and more hand sanitizer bottles in offices, restrooms, and even the tire store I was at a couple of day’s ago. Office managers have their employees using the sanitizer wipes first thing in the morning to clean their phones, key boards, and desk tops which is great. Some grocery stores in front as you walk in have the sanitary wipes so you can wipe the handle on your cart and your hands. Fitness centers for years have spray bottle’s and towels to clean the equipment when finished.
At Desert Cleaning we use a commercial inspection check list when checking for a routine inspection of your office. This list helps in having a successful inspection at your offices, because there are plenty of details. It is our guide during the inspection and gives us a document to refer to later at our office for review with the staff to get them on track.
We created this list to use as a tool to keep the inspector on track and is general in thought. Also, we developed for each of our accounts an important items sheet listing all the important items specific to that office or business.
The following is a partial list we use for inspections::
• Check entrance door glass top to bottom.
• Check receptionist counter and desk area, pull things away from wall.
• Straighten lobby magazines.
• Check everywhere for dusting.
• Replace trash can liners if needed ( smelly, items stuck to the can liner, torn...)
• Check men and women restrooms for build-up: under urinals, full mirror, dispensers full, vents dusted and tops of partitions, hard water build-up in bowls and sink, behind bowls, wipe tops of base-boards, wipe walls under dispensers, floors swept and mopped ( edges and corners ), under seat, wipe partitions….
• Check the vacuuming everywhere: under desks, behind doors, move chairs and trash cans….
• The janitor closet is clean, organized, and smells good.
• Anything outside: stairs, handrails and elevators: walls, tack, floors etc...
• All hard floors swept and mopped, corners etc…
• Check for spots on interior-interior glass in offices.
• Conference room: move chairs and check floor under table for vacuuming. Table surface spay and wipe.
• In the kitchen check: sink, counter, tables, cabinets, trash can and lid, refrigerator and microwave exterior wipe, interior at some offices.
Our inspectors have done office cleaning for years and use the list as a guide. From our viewpoint, keeping the account clean for the client is paramount. The inspectors aren't the cleaning police trying to catch something wrong on the office cleaner. And, we review any discrepancies with the office cleaner that cleans that office. Any ideas you have concerning inspections please email me.
Our idea of an inspection is to keep your office and restrooms looking great. Our office cleaning inspectors take pride in what they do and it shows in our references.
When we inspect an office we take the barrel on wheels when possible to have all the cleaning supplies with us. It makes the inspection flow and provides you with a high quality service. If an area needs dusting the inspector will do it, or part of the restroom mirror was missed then we’ll clean it. Another job of the inspector is checking and delivering supplies.
One of the secrets to inspecting is regular inspections. This applies to accounts that have zero complaints. And, when you think about the zero complaints it’s probably why it doesn’t have any, because of regular inspections and a good on site janitor.
The cost of the inspections is built in the price and budget. This is an area were some companies skip to justify their low price and then it shows in their work. We like to keep our customers happy and enjoy the inspectors even after 34 years in business. That is one of the reasons we have been around so long we love what we do and it shows in our work. Check our references on our homepage.
The janitorial liability insurance covers many issues. The following are a few of the topics it serves: the public, employees, office staff, lost key, property damage and some lawsuits….
With janitorial liability insurance there are basic issues and I'll cover some of them in the following article and give you a cursory look, however, please check with your insurance expert before making any moves.
Also, let’s discuss the two types of basic claims: claims made and occurrence for the janitorial business. Some other issues to talk about are; policy limits and certificates of insurance that most places require and additional insured on the certificate of insurance each year.
Janitorial liability insurance coverage is a must and most cleaning companies are insured. In general the liability policy will cover the employees and business in most lawsuits that surface targeting them. Attorney fee's, time spent on a case, court ordered judgment, court costs, any agreed settlement should be covered by the janitorial insurance. This is why we have an Insurance policy, so when a claim happens it reminds you of the reason you buy insurance to begin with.
Bodily injury is next, which can happen for many reasons. The liability policy usually covers medical expenses, and lost work hours to name a few. This could happen at our office or an account with our insurance. High on the list should be risk management because it can help prevent an injury before it happens, for example: slip resistance strips on stair, rails in the restroom stalls. Next let’s talk about property damage that usually happens when an employee damages property while on the job is usually covered. Many insurance policies will cover any loss of use, as well as replacement or repair to the property that is damaged in the business.
Some other coverage's to check out for the janitorial business are: lost key coverage, the main office, damage from the cleaning at an office. The lost key coverage is expensive and that is when it is nice to have the insurance to cover it. Imagine all the rekeying and new keys that each tenant and employee will need in a big building. Then there are coverage's for the main office, for example: liability if someone gets hurt or someone burglarizes the office it’s usually covered. Please note that this article should not be relied on and anything in it should be verified with your insurance expert here in Tucson, Arizona.
According to Arizona law that indicates it is mandatory for employers to have workers’ compensation insurance for their employees in Arizona. Please verify with your insurance expert. Then in Arizona, workers’ compensation is a "no fault" system in which an injured employee is entitled to receive benefits for an industrial injury, no matter who caused the job-related accident. Please note when an illness or injury is job-related, then the injured worker receives medical benefits as well. Then the claimant may receive temporary compensation, if eligibility for that benefit. Other benefits are included and this article doesn't cover the entire law on liability insurance. Also, you should seek expert advice and don't rely on information in this article.
Do you know all the things in the janitors’ closet? Here’s a quick list: The equipment to clean with, cleaning chemicals, and products the owner consumes. The janitor's room, many time’s, is part of anther room, especially in a building where there isn't a designated janitor storage closet. An unlocked janitor closet is frustrating, items can go missing, and the janitor can't clean the offices to completion. And we still have missing equipment.
Our system clicks a lot smoother when the janitor room is roomy, has shelves, and has a water hose and sink to fill and empty a mop bucket. Another concept is a door lock, I know what you’re thinking. Commonly, offices have a room or a small area for a vacuum, trash bin on wheels, and paper supplies that all have to fit everyday like a puzzle. The location for the janitor closet is near the restrooms in most buildings. This helps for restocking the restrooms and filling/dumping the mop bucket.
The equipment left in a janitors closet in Tucson is important the bigger the building, so guess, Why? That way the janitor can leave the equipment there and it's ready for the office cleaning the next service. Pulling all the equipment in and out every night at a large office building would be costly because of the time. At some of the big accounts they have room for carpet cleaning and floor machines as well as the nightly cleaning gear. Also, it helps to keep organized.
The janitor closet should have shelves because they are nice to get things off the floor and helps with organizing. Here are some examples: boxes of can liners, hand towels, toilet paper are best kept off the floor and on shelves because they are smaller. Then, shelves are good for keeping time sheets and keys for the suites. The floor can get wet, so we try to keep as much as we can off the floor for obvious reasons. The large trash can on wheels, vacuums, and mop buckets all go on the floor of the janitor closet.
Something to note: small accounts the janitor will use just a large can liner with no cart and has to be aware of any leaks in the can liner and may want to double bag. Our policy is use a larger can liner for the desk trash cans and trash cart because this will help the liner from getting pulled in the can and creating a bigger mess to clean up. When the can liner is pulled in people still throw items in the can. Where the trash cart is emptied is important, because when the liner leaks the carpet floors may get stained stain. This will create more work for the janitor to clean up, no doubt. When the janitor removes the cart liner they do it outside to avoid messes in the offices..
All of us here at Desert Cleaning provide janitorial services and the interaction with the point of contact for the owner. All calls are taken seriously and we pride ourselves in handling requests swiftly and fast.
At Desert Cleaning we want your clients to feel great about dong business with you. We all know a filthy office is a reflection on your business and operation so we do are part to make you look good. Our janitor has scent bottles that can be placed around your office, because a good smell sells.
Let’s circle back to the interaction with the office manager which could include a log book to make notes from either Desert Cleaning or the point of contact on various subjects.
Here is a key floor maintenance secret, putting mats at all the entrances to your building. Let me tell you why. Mats are important in helping stop the dirt that comes from the outside and grinding the carpet, tile…. With entrance mats it will not wear out the tile and carpet as fast. Around 81.5% of dirt will come off a person’s shoes and onto the mat, this helps save the flooring. The janitor can remove stains by wet mopping and vacuuming the mats. Then when they are worn out, just replace them. Another thought is to have the mats on the outside and inside of all the entrances to the building a phenomenal concept that drives home the point
The duster was invented in the late 1800's here in the United States. A worker in a broom factory in Iowa thought of the duster. My research shows it started with turkey feathers and over time evolved into mainly ostrich feather's, I’ll do some more research. There are many types of dusters available and each serves a function. They come in different sizes and range from a few inches long to 30 inches in size to, interesting. They are made with feather ( the most common ), lambs wool, microfiber, and colored dusters to name a few. Most have a wood handle and some are retractable. I have seen extension pole dusters that are used for high places.
The easiest cleaning task I think is hard to do for some companies is dusting. I have mentioned it before how we live in a dust bowl which makes a lot of the dust we have inside. Remember, dusting is one of the easiest tasks for the janitor and for some companies the hardest.
Stop: When it comes to dusting desk tops and shelves that numerous small items, trophies, or valuable art is different with each office. The office manager may want items moved and some don’t. However, in general papers and files on desktops we don't touch or move, unless we are told otherwise. Moving everything away from the wall and dusting where possible is something we can include. Areas in offices with many items can sometimes be dusted, however, unless all the things are move it's hard to get all the dust and should be talked about with the office manager.
We leave the competition in the dust. And, it isn't that hard when the office cleaner knows what to dust at each office. Our rule is "when in doubt, don't move it," when dusting at any office. When the dusting loop is skipped it will build-up and become a project and may take several times. We dust clear horizontal surfaces and then the office manager can tell what else. Are your offices dusted properly? I’ll bet your customers know.
Whether it’s day time or night time janitorial service, we provide service in most situations. Here are some of the cons to the daytime service: The janitor has to wait many times for someone to get off the phone, or back track to clean an area because of a meeting that was occupied in the conference room. The cost will be higher to provide janitorial service during the day for several reasons. Hiring a janitor for the daytime is harder. It’s common for the janitorial work to be at night when the business is closed and the janitor can clean a lot easer without interruptions.
In buildings over 100,000 square feet the restroom cart is very important because with the cart the janitor can have all there cleaning supplies, restroom paper products, and a container for the trash. Most carts fit the mops, bucket & wringer…. Then after using the bowl mop it is usually wet, so we use large plastic cups on the cart to put the bowl mop and sponge in for the restrooms. Also this will keep everything from getting wet in the rest of the car.
Unless we are told in our system we don’t disturb or move any files or papers on any desks, file cabinets, and any where in the office when dusting…. Working smart, we try to be very careful, so an important paper is not lost or misplaced when we are dusting. Our goal is when you arrive at your office in the morning your papers will be in the same place as you left them when you left. Something else to note: When our janitor see's an item next to a trash can, or on top and they are not sure if it's trash or of importance our system at Desert Cleaning is if you have to stop and think if it is trash, just leave it. It beats dumpster diving in the morning.
Cleaning an office isn’t always inside, for example: Sweep and mop stairway's, landing, wipe hand rails, and maybe there’s an elevator outside that needs attention. First on the list we dust and clean the hand rails depending on how dirty they get. This will dictate the method of cleaning and frequency. Moving over to the stairwell the janitor will start at the top of the stairwell and sweep all the way to the bottom, and in some cases an electric blower will be used. Last, the janitor will make a pile and sweep it into a lobby dust pan and put it in the dumpster, or trash container
Are you receiving bad service with a big national janitorial service? I’ve heard managers having to put-up with it for a few more years of poor cleaning or management and can’t get out of the contract. Does this sound right? Of course it doesn’t, you’re right. This is how they operate; the national franchise will have a salesperson that bids low low, promises the customer everything, gives a few services away for free. Next, they give to a franchisee who bought into the business. Then what happens is the franchisee will have to cut corners to have it make any sense on the business side. Many of the managers I talk with wish they had never signed with the national cleaning janitorial service.
You are probably already aware that all janitorial bids are not the same. Some things to look for after receiving the bids: check references, how long has the company been in business in Tucson and are they a local company, how long have their employee's been with the company, do they have liability insurance and what is the coverage. Other items to check if they have worker's comp insurance, do they have a bond, do they have a security system, how about a cleaning system, how do they handle specific details and items for your office. The big one is if they are a franchise and just using the national name, or do they know how to clean and is your janitorial account being handed to any inexperienced franchisee that they have on a list. Another big item to find out about price and how did they arrive at that price is important. Do they want a lengthy time on the contract to be signed? The top and bottom lines are important and the people that run the business.
For decades microfiber has been around, however it has exploded in the janitorial industry in Tucson it seems. Here’s a fact, microfiber towels can absorb 9.5 times more than the typical bar mop towel studies have shown. The name microfiber was derived from the size of the fiber that is about 100 times smaller than a human hair, so I have heard.
Microfiber towels perform better in most conditions than other types of towels on the market here in Tucson. We still use the standard bar mop towel, and the microfiber towel is hard to use for lemon oil or de-sol-it for some reason. The microfiber towels are made of high density woven man made fibers and they come in a variety of colors for cross contamination worries. Here’s a fact that the microfiber towels have fibers that are excellent for trapping dust, bacteria, water, and performs best when wet we have found. Stunning is fact that the microfiber towel is more absorbent and can absorb many times it's weight in water compared to the white bar mop towel
I think microfiber regular mops are superior because they are easy to use, last a long time and do an awesome job on the floors. Also, Microfiber mops are better for cleaning than traditional cotton mops, and they do a better job than disposable cleaning pads. I was reading the microfiber wet mops are energy efficient to process, bacteria resistant and do not need to be used with any chemicals to provide excellent cleaning of any type of flooring. I thought this was interesting that the microfiber mops were originally developed for anti-slip flooring because the woven fabrics will not lint and anti-slip flooring shreds traditional blended types of mops.
Another microfiber product on the market is the industrial microfiber dust mops which are sewn in conventional slot end style and are the most durable dust mops on the market. Also, the microfiber dust mops will hold up to hundreds of launderings, and that can be a huge savings for the contractor. I want to mention the dust mops are bacteria resistant, lint-less, and I've heard you can use bleach to when cleaning. Here’s something interesting, they pick up and hold soil through electrostatic elements and do not need dust mop treatment.
Part of the janitor's job is to notice carpet spots, usually around the coffee area. When a carpet spot is noticed the janitor will find out what caused the carpet stain by asking the people in the offices. It helps to determine the cleaner to use. Our experience say's many of the spots in commercial offices are from coffee or soda that is water based and can be removed with a variety of carpet spot removers and cleaners on the market. Many times water will work in some cases and should be tried first. Next is petroleum based spot like gum, or tar/grease from people bringing it in on their shoes from the parking lot. There are two types of carpet cleaners for petroleum spots mainly: Lemon oil or de-solve-it and we have had good results using them. Read the label before using.
I hope this article was informative and if you have any thoughts or input on anything to do with cleaning please email me at
Here are some options when we bill for office cleaning: With or without supplies, charge per service, or monthly total, email, or regular mail... Please note that we’ll work within your system.
When the first of the month arrives we send the bill for our services for that month we’re in. However, our cleaning invoice is not due until the 1st of the subsequent month.
When it comes to scheduling the cleaning of your office we can accommodate most schedules. Some accounts we service every day of the week, for example: Shopping centers and offices. Sometimes the office manager wants office cleaning service during the day and that is possible. However, the most common service is done nights and weekends when people aren’t there. On the other extreme we have accounts that are every other week that we can accommodate.
On the supplies, this can work a number of ways. Business and office managers supply the item's they consume: TP- HT- Soap etc.. is the most common system. They keep control of the cost and supply usage using this system. Then, we supply all the equipment and cleaning supplies to do the actual cleaning. Over the years we have had probably every combination, so let us know what you and let’s work together. Thanks in advance!
Jumping over to vacuums in the janitorial business there are mini vacuums, backpack vacuums, upright vacuum, and wet/dry vacuums…. The most common is the upright vacuum still today. Our system to clean offices, carpet areas, and commercial business's in the Tucson area requires the right vacuum, or upright.
The backpack vacuums are a good alternative, because they have maneuverability and can clean in spots where the upright is unable. The small vacuums for detailing and hard to reach places, here are some examples: below desks, next to file cabinets, and furniture. The wet/dry vacuum is used for heavier pick-up of dirt or water. This is how it got its name.
Break rooms in an office has basic services, which are: emptying trash cans, cleaning sinks and countertops, sweep, mopping floors and sweep again, cleaning and wiping tables and chairs, cabinet fronts, tops, fronts, and handles of refrigerators, microwaves in and out. Items like dishes can be cleaned, but most offices want to do their own dishes, because of the additional cost. Break rooms usually get a lot of trash with all the food items, so it is important to empty on every service.
Every cleaning company get’s complaints, but it’s how we handle the complaint that separates us. Some of the common types of complaints, missing items and something wasn’t cleaned, or a missed trash can. Our policy is to listen to the complaint first. Then figure out exactly what happened is important. Many times it something no one thought. Our goal is to keep them to a minimum by doing the job and any we do get we respond as fast as we can.
Gloves are an important part of the cleaning business. Our video shows two common types of gloves that are used in commercial office cleaning. Janitors know that cleaning gloves should always be worn when cleaning in the restrooms and empting trash cans. Gloves are changed, or rinsed after cleaning the restrooms to help prevent cross contamination and the janitor getting sick. Many, many gloves are on the market and the two basic types are the disposable and reusable. Many times the janitor will have a preference of glove they like. What is nice about the reusable gloves they can be washed just like you would wash your hands, and then hang them up to dry and they are ready to go again.
I want to clarify that liability insurance coverage is a must with must office managers and most cleaning companies have are covered. From what I know the liability policy will cover the employees and business in most lawsuits that surface targeting them from the cleaning business, and please check with your insurance agent. Don’t rely on this article. The attorney fee's, time spent on a case, court ordered judgment, court costs, any agreed settlement should be covered by the policy, again check with your insurance agent.
Tucson is one big dust bowl, so it is critical that the janitor uses the duster regularly. There are different types of dusters for different uses. Horizontal surfaces are dusted and what to move and not to move on desks and shelves on the horizontal surface. One of the easiest tasks for the office cleaner is dusting and the easiest task to not do is dusting. I have seen other janitorial services lose an account over the dusting. However, this is where we come in and pick-up the duster to get the work done.
Turn the vacuum off and let’s talk about back in the day when folks would smoke in offices and buildings it really added another twist to the cleaning of offices all around Tucson. As a janitor you would go home smelling like a cigarette ashtray. Cigarette dust was everywhere, especially when you would empty an ashtray. In the eighties we had a government office building where practically everyone smoked and the whole building smelled of cigarette smoke. Smoke was in the ceiling tiles, drapes, carpet, and walls.
Turn the water off. Heads up, the PH scale is important to understand when reading labels. Cleaning products have some level of acid or alkaline. This determines the use of the product. The neutral PH reading is water, and is used in many cleaning products to create the right cleaning strength. Using the wrong chemical can ruin surfaces when applied. Read labels and ask before buying to eliminate problems.
The basic services we offer: trash, restrooms, floors, and dusting and include all the details in each area. There are common details like front door glass, reception counter, and dusting. I'll discuss some of the services for each topic and give you a better feel for office cleaning services we call basic.
Trash removal from an office requires a large cart on wheels with a can liner in it to keep it clean. Using just a can liner to trash with no bucket you risk the liner leaking on the floor and then you have that to clean as well.
Using a larger then required liner for the trash cans and trash cart on wheels will help the liner from getting pulled in the can. The area where the trash cart is emptied is important in preventing the carpet floors from getting stained and making more work.
Switching gears to dusting, did you know it is the number one complaint in the janitorial industry? Offices still need to be dusted here in Tucson because it is dusty here. Many janitor services skip dusting, probably to keep their cost down and again to justify a low price they gave. Office managers tell me on bid walks that the dusting has been minimal and so that’s why they called me.
Desert Cleaning has a system where they clean the restroom's first. This way if a cleaning task is missed in the restrooms the janitor will have time to correct it before for leaving the property. Office bathrooms are designed for janitors to keep clean by having easy to clean surfaces like chrome, ceramic tile, glass, and stainless steel. The floor drains are part of the restroom cleaning check list because of the smells that can be expelled from them, so if you want to eliminate the drain odors then pour water down the drain.
When you put our basic janitorial services with our high level of service that we provide no one can touch it. Here are the following cleaning tasks for most lunch rooms in a office: emptying trash, cleaning sinks and countertops, sweep and mopping floors, clean and wipe tables and chairs, cabinet fronts, tops of refrigerators and fronts, microwaves in and out. Hand washing the dishes can be included, but most offices want to do their own dishes, because of the additional cost they will have.
Some lobby area cleaning ideas: spray and wipe clean the reception counter, clean reception glass both sides, vacuum the entrance mats in and out, clean the front door glass both sides, vacuuming under chairs and putting back, straightening magazines, replacing Kleenex dispenser and so much more. Most business waiting rooms are where your customers wait for their appointment and this allows them time to look around the lobby and form their opinion of how you run your business.
A huge part of the office cleaning business is the office cleaning, and then the other half is working with a management team that can provide the janitor in the field everything needed to get the job done. Our systems have worked for 34 years and it will work for you. You want a company you can trust with the behind the scenes operation to get the janitor to your offices to clean. The management team and janitors at Desert Cleaning take pride in what they do for a living and it shows in quick response to complaints, requests and we’ll do the same for you.
Desert Cleaning developed a comprehensive cleaning system that insures quality control and includes details using the latest state of the art cleaning systems to provide you with a high level of commercial janitorial.
Office restrooms need to be cleaned regularly and if the paper hand towels still have wood pieces in them then this can impact your building or business. Then if old dispensers are left on the wall it can create a bad image. The old dispenser's left on the wall don't look good in any building that I know. Removing them is the first step in upgrading the restrooms. This is all part of a big picture in keeping or attracting tenants to the building. Having dispensers that are kept clean makes a difference. Soap dispensers that are easy to use also feels good. Have you experienced using a restroom and going to wash your hands only to find there are several dispensers and all of them are empty, so what do you do?
When a building or business owner wants to upgrade the restrooms paper products are a cheap way to accomplish this goal. When the restrooms are clean, clean with class A paper products and soap will upgrade a class D restroom to a…. This always makes people feel good even if the restroom is not new. When a building has cheap products in the restrooms it will frustrate the user and magnify everything else in the restroom negatively as well as the impression of the business.
Even if the restrooms are old and in a warehouse it makes a big difference in employees attitude because it shows the company cares about them. We have had restrooms in some accounts that were built back in the 1950's, however, we kept them clean-clean and the owner bought good quality paper products which also helped.
The HEPA (high efficiency particulate air ) air systems for vacuums are for facilities that are concerned with indoor air quality ( IAQ ) mainly a hospital etc. . .. Property managers and office managers are concerned with allergies and employees missing work because their sick. Basically, HEPA filters trap more dust. . .. Standard cloth and paper bags work well in offices and other work space.
The janitor closet is where equipment to clean with is kept along with cleaning chemicals, and products the owner consumes in the restroom like: toilet paper, hand towels, soap…. The janitor's room can be part of anther room in a building where there isn't a designated janitor storage room. What’s nice to is when they lock so items don’t walk away. When items are missing you know who pay’s the bill.
Our cleaning system works smoother when the janitor room is big, has shelves, and has a water hose and low sink to fill and empty a mop bucket. Business’s usually will have a room or a small area for a vacuum, trash bin on wheels, and paper supplies in the office. The janitor closet is usually next to or between the restrooms.
The shelves in the janitor closet are handy to keep organized. Boxes of can liners, hand towels, toilet paper should be kept off the floor and on shelves so they don’t get wet. Shelves are good for placing time sheets and keys for the suites, usually in a lock box. Shelves are for mainly small Items and the large trash can on wheels, vacuums, and mop buckets all go on the floor without tripping over boxes etc…
Another week of keeping it clean. Remember "Got Trash? We're there in a Flash!"
Dust comes from many any places through out the office complex. First, the entrance and the opening of the door during the day brings the dust in.
Then, shoes and clothes bring in dust too. Dust in the air eventually settles on the floor and other surfaces along with paper dust.
Folks walking on the carpet with each step stirs up the dust that has settled on the floor.
This makes vacuuming so important on a regular basis.
Let’s talk about the air vents in the office building and how they blow air and dust all around the room. Then there are the delivery boxes and as I already mentioned paper dust that people aren’t aware are creating dust in the office.
Let’s put the duster down and talk about proper floor care. Before any hard surface floor is dust mopped, wet mopped, or buffed etc… the system calls for sweeping by the office cleaner to pick up larger debris. Property managers have shown me how other cleaning companies will skip sweeping to cut corners and they charge a cheaper price. The properly swept floor removes the debris and other loose items from the floor and gets the floor ready for the mopping steps in our system. The dust mopping step is next and it does not replace sweeping. Office managers have said on bid walks many times that some companies will skip sweeping and when you think about it that's probably why it's out to bid. The next to last step would be the wet and damp mopping. And the last step, we’ll sweep the floor again.
I want to take time and review our day porter service for shopping centers and parking lots here in Tucson, Arizona. We can service 1-7 days a week day porter service and can accommodate most situations. Tucson day porter services include picking up trash around all the buildings, parking lot and in the landscaping, around dumpster areas and any coves where trash builds up. The day porter will empty all the outside trash containers in front and replace the liners and clean the lids at shopping centers and offices. Other day porter services are dusting window sills and mopping up spills on the concrete sidewalk etc…. Common area restrooms can be included as well.
Probably the easiest cleaning services is dusting. Some companies struggle trying to understand this. Where we live here in Tucson is considered a dust bowl which makes it important for the office cleaning staff to dust the offices. With different types of dusters on the market, I'll try to cover the macro picture. I'll cover some history on the duster and appreciation for such a simple but useful tool.
Dusters were invented around the 19th century here in the United States. A lady that worked in a broom factory in Iowa thought of the idea one year. It began with turkey feathers and over time evolved into mainly ostrich feather's that were used. There are many types of dusters on the market. There dusters that may only be a few inches long or 30 inches in size to accommodate the task. Some are feather ( the most common ), lambs wool, microfiber, and colored dusters available. Others have a wood handle, retractable, or extension pole dusters for high places. Then there are a few that are retractable into a case to protect the feather's and easy to carry in your pants back pocket.
When dusting desk tops and shelves, especially with numerous small items, trophies, or valuable art is a case by case agreement with the office manager on what they want dusted. Papers and files on desktops we don't touch, unless we are told otherwise and we'll make a note in on our important items list. We’ll move or lift small objects and dust under and around them, again with your approval. Pulling everything away from the wall and dusting is something we do.
When the janitor knows the correct way to dust it’s easy. This is our rule "when in doubt, don't move it," when dusting offices. When the dusting loop is forgotten the dust will build-up and become a project that shouldn’t happen. We say clear horizontal surfaces should be dusted and then the property manager can add other areas. If your clients when they are waiting in the lobby and they notice dust everywhere it leaves a bad impression.
This must be Day Porter week. I few paragraphs ago I wrote about the day porter picking up trash around all the buildings, parking lot and in the landscaping and around the dumpster's at most centers, either office or shopping. The shopping centers usually require the day porter to empty all the outside trash containers and replace the liners as needed. We can service them one to seven times a week, or just the weekends. Other services include dusting window sills on vacant suites, sweeping out corners that accumulate trash and debris and hosing off the side walks or spot mopping them.
The janitor closet is where the janitor keeps equipment, cleaning chemicals, and items the owner consumes for that building. Janitor closet’s have a slop sink with a hose to fill the mop bucket which is always nice. Many times office buildings may have the janitor's room that they share. We lock to have a lock on the janitor room, otherwise items seem to disappear mysteriously. We need a closet with a small area for a vacuum, trash cart on wheels, and consumables for the owner. Also, it is a good spot to keep a log book for the property manager and janitor to make notes. The janitor closet is between the restrooms, which is convenient for cleaning and restocking the restrooms.
The restroom cart is extremely important because with the cart the janitor can have all their cleaning supplies, restroom paper products, and an area for the trash so you don't have to keep back tracking back to the janitors closet. Also, the mops, bucket & wringer etc... fit on the cart as well. Bowl mops are usually wet after using them, so we put them in large plastic cups. Using a cup will keep everything from getting wet in the rest of the cart..
The soap that is used in the commercial office cleaning business is soapy. Bar soap that is used at home is rarely seen in the business office restrooms, maybe in a D building you might see it, or as a temporary measure. We see powder soap is used when there is scrubbing action needed, depending on the business here in Tucson. Liquid hand soap, which we see the most in business restrooms, is common. Liquid hand soap comes in cartridges that fit into dispensers or bottles that screw off under the sink that can be easily refilled, usually in A or B buildings. Smaller buildings many times will use soft soap in a refillable bottle that is placed on the counter.
Another week in cleaning paradise, I hope my article is useful. If you have a question or input please email me at
These are a few types of common vacuums: mini vacuums, backpack vacuums, upright vacuum, and wet/dry vacuums etc... . Mostly seen is the upright vacuum and used in a system to clean offices, carpet areas, and commercial business in the Tucson janitor business.
The backpack vacuums are a good alternative to the upright, because they have maneuverability and can clean in spots where the upright often can’t reach. Office cleaning companies use the small vacuums for detailing and hard to reach places, here are a couple of examples: below desks and vents.
The wet/dry vacuum is used for heavier pick-up of dirt or water. This is how it got the wet/dry name for the two uses. The commercial upright is still in heavy use today as the main vacuum for office cleaning here in Tucson. What’s nice about the new ones they are lighter and easy to maneuver and only weigh 8 lbs from powrflite. Also, working on them is quick and with a low price point makes them easy to throw away instead of fixing.
When cleaning small accounts the janitor will use just a large can liner with no cart and has to be aware of any leaks in the can liner and may want to double bag. We use a larger can liner for the desk trash cans and trash cart because this will help the liner from getting pulled in the can and creating a bigger mess. If the can liner is pulled in people still throw items in the can and it becomes a real problem. The area where the trash cart is emptied is important, because when the liner leaks the carpet floors may get stained stain, thus creating more work for the janitor to clean up. The best to remove the cart liner when full is outside to avoid messes inside the building.
The large can liners are kept in the janitor closet along with cleaning equipment, cleaning chemicals, and products the owner consumes. The janitors closet is in most buildings, but not always. Sometimes the janitor room will be part of another room in some office buildings that I’ve seen. Our system we developed operates smoother when the janitor room is big, has shelves, and is equipped with a water hose and sink to fill and empty a mop bucket and a locking door. The janitor’s closet is near the restrooms makes it convenient to service the restrooms it’s next to.
Our janitor service covers most of Tucson: east, north, central, south, northwest, west, and southeast. If your area is not mentioned give us a call to be sure. Cleaning frequency in any office building with a high traffic count of people usually requires five nights a week janitorial service or more. Compared to a low volume office that may only need once a week office cleaning or more. These variables are all factored in when preparing a bid for your offices. An account that is serviced weekly will have a higher labor cost. Our minimum is 2 hr’s per service, even if there is only 100 square feet to clean.
Let’s take a look the water temperature, contact time, and motion needed to remove soils from surfaces. This will have an effect on the cleaning. The water temperature isn’t thought about and never considered as the problem when cleaning offices. Some people think the higher the water temperature the quicker the soil is dissolved and easier to remove from the surface. But, if the water is too hot it can remove some of the floor finish, or break down the chemicals. Regarding the contact time our system calls on the janitor to read the manufactures label on the chemical being used before using. Motion is needed for the soil to be lifted and removed from the surface that is being cleaned.
Of the many types of dusters on the market each has a certain job. Dusters range in size from only a few inches long or 30 inches in size to accommodate different requirements needed for office buildings. Feather dusters (the most common), lambs wool, microfiber, and colored dusters to name a few of the dusters available. Some have a wood handle, retractable, and extension pole dusters for hard to reach places that are used less frequently.
The dusting of desk tops and shelves, especially with numerous small items, trophies, or valuable art then are a case by case agreement with the office manager on what they want moved and dusted in the office. The papers and files on desktops we don't touch, again unless we are told otherwise and we'll make a note in our file under important items, so when our floater covers the account. We’ll move or lift small objects and dust under and around them and when in doubt we don’t touch. We pull everything away from the wall and dust, usually copy rooms and kitchens when possible.
Did you know germs remain on your hands for hours and all the things you touch during this period will be contaminated with the germs? When someone touches the contaminated area and rub their eyes and gets sick. I know I’ve seen more and more hand sanitizer bottles in offices, restrooms, and supermarkets in my travels around Tucson. Office managers are having their employees using the sanitizer wipes first thing in the morning to clean their phones, key boards, and desk tops before starting the day. Grocery stores have in front the sanitary wipes so you can wipe the handle on your cart that could have been used by someone before that was sick.
If you hear “trash and dash,” it describes a cleaning company that quickly empties the trash and leaves without providing a lot of the services they agreed to do with the owner. There are janitorial services that bid to low to get the job and now they are trying to have it make sense, so they are trash and dashing. Soon the business manager will figure it out and they lose the account and wonder why.
Most paper products are either cheap or expensive, even if it's a folded or rolled paper hand towel for your restroom. Here’s a thought for a business owner who wants to upgrade the restrooms, buy expensive products for the restrooms. If you had a clean, clean restroom with class A paper products and soap it can really upgrade a class D restroom to an A, maybe. This will make people feel good even if the restroom is old and seems outdated. Then the other scenario is when an A building has cheap products in the restrooms…
Microfiber is not new here in Tucson in the janitorial world, but can be found in the big box stores like Target, Home depot etc…. Microfiber has many uses, here are some examples: multi use towels, dry and wet flat mops, string mops, and can be ordered color coded. Microfiber has many benefits and in this article I’ll cover a few.
Microfiber mops have different mop heads on the market today. Microfiber got the name from the size of the fiber that is 100 times smaller than a alien eye lash. The microfiber towel can absorb 10 times more liquid than the typical bar mop towels that are still around and have their use.
A study shows microfiber mops are being used and they perform better with all the microfiber benefits. One area microfiber towels are hard to use is for lemon oil or de-sol-it so we still use the white bar mops for them. Microfiber is made of high density woven man made fibers and they come in a variety of colors to help prevent cross contamination in commercial and residential use around Tucson. Microfiber towels have fibers that are excellent for trapping dust, bacteria, water, and work best when wet.
A microfiber wet mop is best because it is easy to use, lasts a long time and does an excellent job. The microfiber mops are better for cleaning and absorbing. I’ve seen microfiber used in bed sheets, shower curtains, and bath towels. Another reason is they are bacteria resistant. Microfiber was originally developed for anti-slip flooring. Also, microfiber is s woven fabric that will not make lint like a cotton towel.
Microfiber dust mops are sewn in conventional slot end style and are the most durable dust mops that are on the market. Similar to the towels the microfiber dust mops will hold up to hundreds of launderings. Also, the microfiber dust mops are produced with continuous filament microfiber yarn and are a 100% synthetic which makes them highly desirable. Another point is dust mops are bacteria resistant, lint-less, and are a fun to use, they hold soil through electrostatic elements and do not need dust mop treatment like the standard dust mop.
We will organize and present a comprehensive cleaning program for you and your office that includes details and the latest state of the art cleaning equipment. There are other lesser janitorial services in Tucson and when we clean your office we clean like it was the first service every time we do. Being in business for 34 year shows that we love our business and it all comes out in the job we do for you. Check out our references.
Most offices tell us not to disturb or move any files or papers on any desks, file cabinets, and any where in the office when dusting or providing janitorial services. We work smart and try to be very careful, so an important paper is not lost or misplaced when we are cleaning. Are goal is when you arrive at your office in the morning your papers will be in the same place as you left them the night before. Also, when our janitor see's an item next to a trash can, or on top and they are not sure if it's trash or of importance our rule at Desert Cleaning is "when in doubt, leave it." It's easier than dumpster diving the next day. Another part of our system is if you have to stop and think about lifting the paper or file then don't, because your first thought is probably right.
Entrances and lobbies need to have the trash emptied, floors cleaned, dusted, magazines straightened, and clean windows. The following are some other lobby cleaning items we provide: clean reception counter, vacuuming the entrance mats, clean the front door glass, pulling out chairs and vacuuming. If you aren't receiving this level of service call us and we'll be happy to do the job right. Because this is where clients wait for their meeting with you and while they are waiting they have time to look around at the cleaning and develop an opinion of your business and how it's run just by looking at the cleaning in the entrance and lobby area.
Hand soap in commercial janitorial offices is my next topic. Bar soap that is used at home is never used in the business office restrooms, well maybe in a D building or a warehouse restroom etc... Some of are accounts where powder soap is used because there is scrubbing action needed. However, most offices have liquid hand soap which comes in many types. Some of the liquid hand soap comes in cartridges that fit into dispensers, or bottles that screw off under the counter that can be easily refilled with a gallon of soap which makes it cost effective for you. Other offices may have the refill bottles on top of the counter which gets the job done.
Concerning the use of green products we’ll use products that you recommend and put it in our system for you. Here are some names we have used: Seventh Generation, Earth Friendly, and Ecover. We have little requests for green products in all our years in business. A few of the chemicals are plant based products, and a few of the paper products are EPA Compliant recycled apparently. The paper products are from 20-202% recycled products. Take a guess at the number one green product that is everywhere?
When hiring a new janitorial service check references, find out how long the company has been in business in Tucson and are they a local company, how long have their employee's been with the company, do they have liability insurance and what is the coverage, do they have worker's comp insurance, do they have a bond, do they have a security system, how about a cleaning system, how do they handle specific details and items for your office, are they a franchise and just using the national name, or do they know how to clean. Next is the price and how did they arrive at that price. Then is a lengthy contract required, usually several years? If you’re looking for a quality service at a fair price call us.
Desert Cleaning Janitorial Services, inc., provides a system for details that are usually over looked by many janitorial services here in Tucson. Let’s take a peek at some details: straightening lobby magazines and straightening conference room chairs, positioning trash cans back where you found them and replacing the can liner as needed. Our company cares how your office looks and we know that it is a reflection on your business as well as ours. The four main cleaning sections in the cleaning janitorial business are: dusting/details, trashing, floors and restrooms.
Touch free restroom doors on restrooms are getting more attention as managers realize the benefit to their company. It creates a healthier work environment which should equal less sick time in the big picture. I have seen and heard some neat concepts, here’s some examples: a button located at the base of the door you push with your foot to open the door, a tiny sprayer that sprays the door handle at intervals, disinfected wipes at the door, and the best and most effective, in my opinion, is no door at all. If you know of more examples let me know.
The Number one concern is security for the janitor. We try to enter and leave through one door to help reduce the odds of a door left unlocked, usually by the alarm key pad for quick turn off. Another topic is not letting anyone enter the premises without proper identification, or we know the person. Certain security lights should be left on and alarm set. The number two concern for janitors is making sure there is toilet paper in the restrooms.
The janitor that does regular vacuuming prevents damage to carpet due to dirt and grease grinding into carpet fibers. Here are some suggestions: rooms with light traffic, vacuum the traffic lanes twice weekly, and the entire area once weekly, while heavy traffic areas need the to be vacuumed daily with the entire area at least once a week. The type of vacuum makes a difference as well.
The can liners for the kitchen and desk trashcans as well as our cart on wheels are our main uses. The kitchen trash can liners we use are the same can liners we use in our carts which are the 40 x 48's large can liners. The 40 x 48 can liners have enough room and thickness for our needs and any bigger would be heavy when full. Medium 30 x 37 can liners are used for the standard office desk trash can. The liners are bigger than the desk can, but are easier to replace and will hold more trash without getting sucked down in the trash can like the smaller can liners that are 24 x 24 and thinner. We used to use the three sizes, but to simplify things we use just the 30 x 37 and the 40 x 48's and have been using this system for years successfully.
Desert Cleaning janitorial services, inc is flexible to your requirements, here are some examples: length of time in contract, how supplies delivered and billed, and time schedules to do the janitorial service. Our basic contract is month to month, but if you are planning a budget and want to lock in a price we can that’s ok. Concerning the supplies, the owner usually supplies the items they consume, like hand towels, toilet paper, and soap.
After setting up a file for your business this is how we like to bill. However, you should know we'll bill you so it works for you. The common way's we bill for office cleaning are: with, or without supplies that you consume (tp-ht-soap), have monthly line items, send the bill email, or regular mail and we do have a few accounts we bill by regular mail which is not a problem. On the first of the month we send the bill for our services for that month, so you have time to put it through your system and we receive the check by the first of the subsequent month that we just billed. Please note we bill for supplies for the previous month and the cleaning service is for that month that the invoice is marked.
Cleaning services for lunch rooms in an office are as follows: emptying trash cans, cleaning sinks and countertops, sweep and mopping floors, cleaning and wiping tables and chairs, cabinet fronts, tops, and handles of refrigerators, microwaves and clean in and out of both. We can clean the dishes, however, most businesses want to do their own dishes, because of the additional cost.
This has been another fun week in the janitorial business. Our sought after janitorial service and the best employee's in Tucson we are able to service businesses, shopping centers, and commercial offices and have been since 1980 when we opened our doors. Our team of talent and experienced janitors that our company has to offer in Tucson, Arizona believes in consistency, because the customer is number one. We are a family-operated company committed to providing you with high end janitorial services. If you are thinking of switching from your current service we make the transition smooth. What this means is for example: your current service drops you with out notice, we can usually start immediately.
It’s true, we don’t require a locked in long term contract here in Tucson, Arizona.
A common occurrence at every office is carpet spots. The offices we see don't have a big problem, then, other offices know they have an ongoing situation with carpet spots especially around the coffee area and certain desks.
Then when a carpet spot is discovered the janitor should find out what caused the carpet stain as a first step.
By doing this it will help to determine the cleaner to use on the spot. There are times you can figure out the cause of the spot and sometimes nobody in the office knows where the spot came from. Most of the spots in Tucson's commercial offices are from coffee or soda. Both are water based, and can be removed with a variety of carpet spot removers and cleaners on the market. Sometimes just water will work. Then the other carpet spot is petroleum based like gum, or tar/grease from people bringing it in on their shoes from the parking lot and outside. For this there are two types of carpet cleaners for petroleum spots that we use: Lemon oil or de-solve-it. Be sure to read the label.
Continuing with floor care our system has steps to follow before any hard surface floor is wet mopped. Our system requires you to sweep the floor first, instead of fling the debris around. By doing this the janitor can pick up larger debris, small stones, and get in places the mop can't research. I’ve seen other office cleaning services that will skip sweeping to cut corners because the low price they agreed to with the owner. This gets the floor set-up for the mopping. Next step in our system includes the wet and damp mopping of the floor which cleans and removes stains. We refer to this as double mopping.
Still on the subject of floors let’s review the different vacuums that are basic to the janitorial services business. Here are some different types of vacuums: backpack vacuums, mini vacs, and the upright vacuum. We use the upright vacuum on a regular basis to clean offices, banks, and commercial buildings in the central, east side, north, northwest, west, south, southeast, and all over the Tucson region. Backpack vacuums have become popular and for many good reasons, but the backpack vacuums don't have a beater-brush that really beats the carpet when the janitor vacuums. For that reason many office managers won’t allow them. Janitors use the mini-vacuums for detailing and hard to reach places.
The janitors job sometimes goes outside, for example, sweep and mop stairway's, landing, and wipe hand rails. The first thing we do dust and clean the hand rails. Also, depending how dirty they get will dictate the method of cleaning and frequency, this includes the inside. The janitor will start at the top of the stairwell and sweep all the way to the bottom of the stairwell, and in some cases an electric blower. Then the janitor will make a pile and sweep it into a lobby dust pan and put it in the dumpster. The last step is wet mop or inside vacuum the stairs.
When on building tours I have seen outside elevators that have been neglected. The tracks and wiping down the elevator etc… The elevator floor is usually carpet or tile and needs to be cleaned on a regular routine. Then, being outside in the elements means is another reason for attention. Also, be sure to check the drinking fountain close to the elevator because that needs cleaning. To vacuum the elevator there should be an outlet to plug in a vacuum under the drinking fountain, or if it will reach from the inside that will work. Elevator tracks usually need a mini-vac and wiped cleaned with a cloth so you don’t scratch the surface. Next, are the elevator walls that will need cleaning.
The janitorial business involves the office cleaning and everything it takes to get the janitor there to clean. Our management team has kept the business running for all these years like many business’s. Desert Cleaning is lucky to have a great team that responds to complaints and requests. We know your office is special, so we designed our basic services and any additional items that are important to you and incorporated them into our contract and list of services.
When we submit a bid we will organize and compile a comprehensive cleaning program for your office or business. We’ll include details using the latest state of the art cleaning equipment that will help provide you with a high level of janitorial services. We clean your offices like it was the first service every time because we love our job and business and you benefit. Here are some of our references , please take a look.
Let’s talk about complaints and the real story, which is how we handle the complaint. There are several common types of complaints, missing items and something wasn’t cleaned. No matter what the complaint is we always listen. Finding out exactly what happened is important and as we have learned it is not always what you think happened in the story. Every janitorial service has gotten complaints, unless they are working on getting their first account. We try and keep them to a minimum by doing the job and any we do get we respond immediately.
Our day porter service will remove trash around all the buildings, parking lot and in the landscaping and the dumpster area's in the basic services. Most shopping centers require the day porter to empty all the outside trash containers and replace the liners as needed, and serviced one to seven times a week as well. Other services include dusting window sills on vacant suites, sweeping out corners that accumulate trash and debris and hosing off the side walks or spot mopping spills. Vacant suite clean out’s are sometimes needed as well as window cleaning.
Our solid reliable employees that can think on their feet and know how to clean properly make our cleaning system number one. We only hire the best from the janitorial labor pool and we have an excellent retention record with some over twenty years. I competition knows that we pay more than the going market to our employees and it shows in our top quality services for our customers.
Here is a subject not talked about enough, gloves. In video we show two common types of gloves that are used in commercial office cleaning and janitorial services. Good janitors know that cleaning gloves should always be worn when cleaning in the restrooms and empting trash cans in any building. The gloves are changed, or rinsed after cleaning the restrooms to help prevent cross contamination. Lots of gloves are on the market and the two basic types are the disposable and reusable to start with reviewing. Most janitors have a preference of glove they like for many reasons. Reusable gloves can be washed just like you would wash your hands, and then hang them up to dry for the next time you clean.
Wood and metal polishes on the market are available at numerous stores. The stainless steel polishes not only clean but protects the metal, and leaves a high shine which is nice. Many of the metals that we have seen in Tucson office buildings are stainless steel and still need to be cleaned and polished. We have seen lemon oil used on stainless steel. To much lemon oil can appear greasy and thing's will stick to the surface easily and look messy. The janitor can reuse the same cloth if it kept in a plastic bag, so it doesn’t get everything else greasy.
This closes out another week of janitorial news here in Tucson. I really enjoy writing these and it’s because I love our business, If you have a questions or input please call or email me. Please fill out our online quote form on the home page. And remember “It’s a fact no long term contracts.”
At offices here in Tucson the number 1 concern for hygiene includes washing hands and using hand sanitizers as often as possible. Remember when you were little and being told to always wash your hands with soap and water from your parents.
Offices and business’s are the same today with most men and women that don't wash their hands after using the office restrooms I’ve read. Most germs will stay on your hands for hours and all the things you touch become contaminated with the germs.
In many offices more and more hand sanitizer dispensers are being used in restrooms and all around the office. Some office people are using the sanitizer wipes first thing in the morning to clean their phones, key boards, and desks to help prevent getting sick. With all this being said hand sanitizers and washing hands aren't the cure, but they sure are part in preventing the spreading of germs and cross contamination in today’s world.
This is a topic I haven’t written about for a while, the water temperature, contact time, and motion needed to remove soils. Can this have an effect on the cleaning in most uses? Water temperature is often overlooked and never thought of as the problem when cleaning offices in central Tucson. Many office cleaners think the higher the water temperature the quicker the soil is dissolved and easier to remove. However, if the water is too hot it can remove some of the floor finish, or break down the chemicals it is mixed with. For the contact time our system calls on the office cleaner to read the manufactures label on the chemical being used. Action is needed for the soil to be lifted and suspended to make remove from the surface
The easiest cleaning task that is hard to do for some janitorial services is dusting. Doing it consistently every service shows. We are in a dust bow lhere in Tucson which makes it important for the office cleaning staff to perform the dusting at each service. There are different types of dusters on the market. Then, I'll cover some history on the duster. Also, I want to jump into details concerning which horizontal surfaces are dusted and what to move and not to move on desks and shelves in offices. Please note that dusting is one of the easiest tasks for the janitor and for some the hardest.
From what I know the duster was invented over 100 years ago here in America. The inventor worked in a broom factory in Iowa that had the thought. She started with turkey feathers and over time evolved into mainly ostrich feathers that we see today.
There are many types of dusters, each with a certain use. The duster can only be a few inches long or 30 inches in size to accommodate different requirements. The feather duster (the most common), lambs wool, microfiber, and colored dusters to name a few. They may have a wood handle, retractable, and extension pole dusters for hard to reach places. Now they make a few that are retractable into a case to protect the feather's and easy to carry in your pants if needed.
When we are dusting desk tops and shelves, especially with numerous small items, trophies, or valuable art then it is a case by case agreement with the office manager on what they want moved and dusted. Papers and files on desktops we don't touch, unless we are told otherwise and we'll make a note in our file under important items. Our thought is to move or lift small objects and dust under and around them and when in doubt we don’t. We’ll pull everything away from the wall and dust, usually copy rooms and kitchens. Offices with many items can sometimes be dusted, however, unless all the things are moved it's hard to get all the dust and should be talked about and put in the contract so everyone is on the same page.
Most offices will need cleaning and stocking in the restrooms and in the kitchen. Different kinds of services for an office kitchen are offered. But there are the basic services for most kitchens in an office that the office cleaner would provide, here are some examples: Emptying trash, cleaning sinks and countertops, sweep and mopping floors, clean and wipe tables, cabinet fronts and sides, tops of refrigerators, microwaves in/out and filling dispensers as needed. Some other services are the washing of the dishes, but most people want to do their own dishes right away and not have the janitor cleaning their dishes. We have had a couple of offices that we would just fill the dish washer and turn it on and the client would empty it in the morning. Then there are coffee pots and putting the water bottles on the drinking fountain that we can include.
Let’s move on to the restrooms and how office managers know it is very important to have them cleaned and disinfected. Our system calls for the cleaning of the restroom's first, so we clean it in the order of importance of the cleaning tasks for the whole business. If a cleaning task is missed in the restrooms the janitor will have time to correct it before leaving the building is the reason for this order. Commercial restrooms are designed for janitors to keep clean by having easy to clean surfaces like chrome, ceramic tile, glass, and stainless steel through out the restrooms.
If your office isn’t getting cleaned take a look at the janitor closet, it will give you a clue. Is it clean, organized and ready for the next cleaning? This a good sign they are cleaning your offices the same way, clean. Then, if the janitor closet is unorganized and dirty it would be a good sign on why they aren't cleaning your offices the way you want. Some other tips: Look at around at the dusting in office areas and the restrooms that can be over-looked by many cleaning companies and could be a sign of trash and dash because they gave a low price and can’t do the work.
Until next time and the thought of the week “ Good service is not cheap and cheap service is not good."
Let’s review the waterless urinals that I wrote about recently.
Here are some thoughts: the water savings, energy to move the water around, and special cleaning needed for the waterless urinals to work properly.
Waterless urinals look the same as a regular urinal, but the pipe from the waterless is straight so gravity takes urine down to the sewer and so the sewer gases don't come back up into the room it has a cartridge to seal the opening, oh what a relief.
This is an interesting tid-bit about the urine smell in commercial restrooms is created when urine and the water are mixed together. The urine is simply a sterile substance which drains and then evaporates leaving the urinal looking untouched. Start cleaning from the outside and working to the inside of the urinal and don’t use harsh chemicals or brushes. These are some of the steps to the cleaning and I think it is more hassle then the benefit. It will be perfected, but until then the old system works.
Part of our system we have the janitor clean the restroom's first. Because if a cleaning task is missed in the restrooms the janitor will have time to correct it while still at the office building and avoid a complaint. Many commercial office restrooms are designed for janitors to keep clean with easy to clean surfaces like chrome, ceramic tile, glass, stainless steel, and porcelain. Above I just wrote how waterless urinals have the sewer smell coming back up and the same is true for floor drains that are in the restroom floor drain. Here is the to do If you want to eliminate the drain odors, just pour water down the drain until the the odor stops coming up , that’s it.
Our floor care system has steps to follow before any hard surface floor is wet mopped, the system requires you to sweep the floor first. This allows the janitor to pick up larger debris, small stones, and get in places the dust mop can't get to as easy. Many times office cleaning services will skip sweeping to cut corners to justify the low price. All knowledgeable janitors knows a swept floor removes larger items from the floor and gets the floor set-up for the mopping. Then we have the step in our system that includes the wet and damp mopping of the floor which cleans and removes stains, or double mopping as we refer to it in our system. For an additional cost we do a final sweep of the floor again for a really clean floor.
Now I want to talk about the different vacuums that are basic to the janitorial industry, the following are some examples: backpack vacuums, and the upright vacuum. Our company uses the upright vacuum on a regular basis to clean offices, banks, and commercial buildings in the central, east, north, northwest, west, south, and all over the Tucson area. The backpack vacuum has become popular and for many reasons, however, the backpack vacuums don't have a beater-brush that really cleans the carpet when you vacuum which at some locations is a requirement. Office cleaners use the mini-vacuums for detailing and hard to get places the upright can’t, like under desks and between areas.
Surface tension is a property of water. The surface tension prevents the water from cleaning properly and that is one reason why chemicals are added to the water. What the chemicals do is reduce the surface tension and allow the water to spread evenly. Also, the cleaning chemicals help attract particles to the chemicals and removed from the surface. Last item is the chemicals breakdown soils on the surface as well.
The solvent cleaners work the best to remove gum and oil from carpet and sidewalks etc... You want to be sure to read the label on the bottle and follow the instructions because you may create more work or ruin the padding. De-solve -it and lemon oil are two removers we have used over the years with positive results from each. Make sure to read and follow the directions on the bottle before using these products. One tip is not to pour the product directly on the gum, instead use a cloth and pour the product on the cloth and dab in the area, and don’t rub. You don’t want to see the results if this procedure is not followed according to the label.
An office building with a high traffic count of people usually requires five nights a week janitorial service. Then, a low volume office building may only need once a week janitorial service. Scheduling the cleaning time is a huge factor since labor accounts for a majority of the gross income. An account that is serviced once a week has a higher labor cost compared to the five day a week account. Our company does day porter work for shopping centers and office cleaning for business and they all have unique schedules. We realize this and can usually make the schedule you need work.
Keeping and using a clean mop bucket, wringer, and mop & mop pole is part of our system in cleaning the desert. After each service the janitor/cleaner should rinse and wipe out the bucket and wringer for the next time. Also, a trip to the quarter wash is in the system. In addition, the janitor will change the mop head regularly to ensure quality. It makes for a cleaner fresher office for you and separates us from the other office cleaning companies
This ends this week’s article on office "Our Customers keep good company in Tucson." Desert Cleaning Janitorial Services, inc. has top quality cleaning services and employ for businesses and shopping centers all around Tucson. Our company is a full service, family-operated business committed to providing you with high end janitorial services you deserve. Some business’s only shop for price when looking for a janitor, others get the service they want.
Here are some thoughts when we bill for office cleaning: with, or without supplies, charge per service, fixed monthly total, email or regular mail, etc.
Then on the first of the month we send the bill for our services for that month, however, please note our cleaning invoice is not due until the 1st of the following month, which gives you all month to put through your system.
Regarding the supplies, many business and office managers supply the item's they consume: TP- HT- Soap etc.. and keep control of the cost and supply usage, but we can supply these items with a slight mark up.
Also, we supply all the equipment and cleaning supplies to do the actual cleaning for your offices unless there are special products you want used. The supplies can be included in total price, or we deliver and bill, or the janitorial supply house delivers direct to you and bills you.
This leads into the scheduling of the cleaning of your office which isn't a problem for Desert Cleaning Janitorial Services, inc. Usually, we can accommodate most schedules and have in the past with a few unusual requests. Our schedule includes accounts we service every day of the week, or seven days a week. There are a few accounts that want office cleaning service during the daytime, but most service is done nights and weekends. Call us to see if we can accommodate your schedule.
This isn't a new topic about how germs remain on your hands for hours and all the things you touch during this period will be contaminated. Then someone will come along and touch the contaminated area and rub their eyes. We see more and more hand sanitizer bottles in offices, restrooms, and supermarkets. Also, many office managers have their employees using the sanitizer wipes first thing in the morning to clean their phones, key boards, and desk tops. Most grocery stores have in front the sanitary wipes so you can wipe the handle on your cart. You'll notice at fitness centers they spray and wipe equipment down.
This next subject is about complaints and we feel that it is how we handle the complaint that is important. Numerous kinds of complaints abound and just when you think you've heard it all another company will tell you a story that happened to them. Then, many janitorial services will confuse a request with a complaint and be defensive instead of listening. It is nice to find out exactly what happened and as we have found out it is not always what you think happened. Some business's keep a log book to leave notes and it's easy for the written word to be interpreted differently. That's why we know everyone gets complaints and the real trick is to not have any complaints.
I've written about can liners in Tucson that we use are plastic and can be purchased at most janitorial supply stores. At Desert Cleaning we use the can liner to keep the can clean and easy to take to the dumpster. We use the white semi-clear liners that have a cleaner look than a black can liner for offices. The Desert Cleaning system uses a larger then required liner for the trash cans at each desk and our trash bucket on wheels. The reason we use these is because the liner won't get sucked in the can or bucket as easy and when tied off properly it looks great.
Why aren't your office getting cleaned? Take a look at the janitor closet, it will give you an idea, if it is clean, organized and ready for the next cleaning it's a good sign they are cleaning your offices the same way. If the janitor closet is unorganized and dirty it would be a good clue on why they aren't cleaning your offices properly. Here are some other thoughts: Check the dusting in offices and the restrooms, which is over-looked by many cleaning services and this may be a sign of trash and dash.
Desert Cleaning doesn't disturb or move any files or papers on desks and other areas when cleaning, dusting or providing janitorial services at your office. Our reason is so nothing is lost or misplaced, that makes sense. Also, when our janitor see an item next to a trash can, or on top, and they are not sure if it's trash or of importance, our rule is "when in doubt, leave it," because it's easier than dumpster diving the next day. We use the same thought for papers on desks that if you have to stop and think about lifting the paper or file then don't, because your first thought is probably right.
Your office or facility is special, so we developed our basic services and any important items that are important to you and baked them into our contract, so you receive the highest level of service. We listen to you, your concerns, and areas of importance for your offices are unique. Desert Cleaning will put a comprehensive cleaning program together and included sought after details using the latest state of the art cleaning systems to provide you with a high level of commercial janitorial service for your offices.
Kitchens in an office will need cleaning and stocking. There are different kinds of services for an office kitchen. Here are the basic services for most kitchens in an office that the office cleaner would provide: Emptying trash, cleaning sinks and countertops, sweep and mopping floors, clean and wipe tables, cabinet fronts and sides, tops of refrigerators, microwaves in/out and filling dispensers. Additional services are the washing of the dishes, but most people want to do their own dishes right away. Cleaning coffee pots and putting the water bottles on the drinking fountain is possible.
This wraps up another week of sought after janitorial news here in Tucson. Desert Cleaning provides top quality cleaning services for a plethora of businesses, shopping centers, and industrial parks in the Tucson area. The staff at Desert Cleaning has the best talent and experienced janitors that our industry has to offer in Tucson, Arizona. Also, the company is a full service, family-operated company committed to providing your office with high end janitorial services that is a cut above the rest.
In Tucson we use an inspection check list when performing a routine inspection at an office or business. Using this list helps in having a successful inspection at your offices. It's a great guide during the inspection and gives us a document to refer to later at our office or review with the staff.
This list is not all inclusive and is used as a tool to keep the inspector in the right direction. In addition we created for each of our accounts an important items sheet listing all the important items specific to that account. This sheet helps on inspections as well for the floater covering the regular janitor.
Here are some of the items on the inspection list:
Included in the list are both the basic and detail cleaning areas. Our inspection is done from the viewpoint of keeping the account clean for the client. We aren't the cleaning police trying to catch something wrong on the janitor. But, we do review any discrepancies with the janitor that cleans that account. If you have any ideas concerning inspections please let us know.
The whole idea of an inspection is to keep your office and restrooms looking awesome. We pride ourselves in what we do and it shows, please see our references on our home page.
In Tucson liability insurance for janitors covers many topics. Here are a few of the topics it covers: the public, employees, office staff, lost key, property damage and some lawsuits that may arise.
When shopping for janitorial liability insurance there are basic topics and I'll cover some of them in this article and give you a cursory look. I also want to cover the two types of claims: claims made and occurrence.
I'll talk about policy limits and certificates of insurance that most places require and additional insured on the certificate of insurance.
Lawsuits and liability insurance coverage is a must and most cleaning companies have it. The liability policy will cover the employees and business in most lawsuits that surface targeting them from the cleaning business. Most attorney fee's, time spent on a case, court ordered judgment, court costs, any agreed settlement should be covered by the policy. Like any Insurance policy when claims happen it reminds you of the reason you buy insurance to begin with and it is important to know the difference between occurrence and claims made, especially in the future.
Another common topic is bodily injury which can happen for many reasons and the liability policy usually covers medical expenses, lost work hours, and other related items. This could happen at our office or an account. Risk management can help prevent an injury before it happens, for example: slip resistance strips on stair. Then there is property damage that usually happens when an employee damages property while on the job. Most insurance will cover any loss of use, as well as replacement or repair to the property that is damaged.
Here are a few more coverage's for the janitorial business: lost key, the home office, damage derived from the cleaning. Lost key coverage can get expense and that is when it is nice to have the insurance. Just imagine all the rekeying and new keys that each employee will need, especially in a big building. There are coverage's for the main office as well, for example: liability or someone burglarizes the office. Warning: this article should not be relied on and anything in it should be verified with your insurance expert.
From what I know the Arizona law say's it is mandatory for employers to have workers’ compensation insurance for their employees in Arizona. Also, in Arizona, workers’ compensation is a "no fault" system in which an injured employee is entitled to receive benefits for an industrial injury, no matter who caused the job-related accident against the injured party. When an illness or injury is job-related, then the injured worker receives medical benefits. Additionally, the claimant may receive temporary compensation, if eligibility. There are other benefits and this article doesn't cover the entire law. Please seek expert advice and don't rely on this information.
Carpet spots seem to come out of know where. When trashing the offices or vacuuming the office cleaner should make a note and follow up to remove the spot.
Most offices aren't that bad and some offices have a constant problem with carpet spots and it's an issue we try to notice when we are on a building tour before bidding.
First, when we notice a carpet spot we figure out what caused the spot, so we know what will remove it. Usually you can figure out the cause and sometimes you can't, so if we don't know we start with just water and a microfiber towel and work from there.
Most of the spots in Tucson's business offices are from coffee, or soda, which are water based, and can be removed with a variety of carpet cleaners. The other kind of spot is petroleum based and is derived from gum, or tar/grease from people bring it in on their shoes from the outside. Desert Cleaning uses two types of spotters for this situation: Lemon oil or desolve-it that we buy locally. Both products work great. However, be sure to read the labels before using.
I'd like to review vacuums used in the janitorial business; there are mini vacuums, backpack vacuums, upright vacuum, and wet/dry vacuums in general. By far the most widely used is the upright vacuum. We use the upright nightly to clean offices, business's, and any account that has carpet. Then there are the backpack vacuums which are a excellent alternative, because they have maneuverability and can clean in spots where the upright can't reach. We use the mini-vacuums for detailing and hard to get places, for example: under desks, along side copiers, and vents. Briefly, I'd like to mention the wet/dry vacuum that is used for heavier pick-up and when stripping floors. Also the new uprights are lighter and easy to maneuver and most janitors like them. With a low price point makes them easy to throw away and still be cost effective. Another topic is someone working late in their office and not in a meeting, our policy is to ask if it's ok to vacuum, however, if they are in a meeting, which is two or more people, we'll skip that person's office and not disturb the meeting unless they say it is ok.
Hard surface floors may need buffing or stripping and the floor pads used are color coded by the manufacture from very aggressive to less aggressive. If you buy pads ask the janitor supply store what color to buy for the type of floor it will be used on and they will know what to recommend. Also, be sure to get the right size pad for the floor machine it will be used on. Color coding represents several categories: stripping, scrubbing, and buffing are the main groups. Colors start from lightest ( buffing ) to black ( stripping ) and those are the starting points. Eventually the floor requires a complete stripping of all the wax and this is the time to use a black pad because it is tough and aggressive.. The pad will usually last if it is properly cleaned after each use. Also, dark green pad can be used for stripping the wax off a floor. Red, brown, and blue pads are used when you want to scrub a floor because it is slightly aggressive and cleans the floor for a new coat of wax without removing it. Next are the lighter color less aggressive pads used for buffing and won't remove the wax like stripping.
We'll sweep and mop stairway's, landing, and wipe hand rails in an office or outside. First, we dust and clean the hand rails and depending how dirty they get will dictate the method of cleaning and frequency, especially if they are outside. Then our office cleaner will start at the top of the stairwell and sweep all the way to the bottom of the stairwell. After that the janitor will make a pile and sweep it into a lobby dust pan and then dump it in the trash. If there is oil or gum stuck on the stairs we use the same procedure I just wrote about a few paragraphs ago.
Dust mopping a floor is a bug part of dusting overall and because we live in a dust bowl here in Tucson. In our system we dust mop by keeping the dust mop on the floor to minimize the dust in the air. After that we empty the mop on average every 999 square feet by lifting the mop off the floor a few inches and giving it a good gentle shake. Banging the dust mop against wall isn't a part of our visionary system. We like to retreat the mop by using a retreat spray at least 12 hours before we use it again. There are different size dust mops, so ask your local janitor supply store to help you decide which will be best for your situation.
The outside elevator floor is often overlooked I've heard form office managers. This includes the tracks and wiping down the elevator too. Whether the elevator floor is carpet or tile it needs to be cleaned on a regular basis's. Also, being outside in the elements means it will get dirty quick. Many time there will be a drinking fountain close to the elevator, so there should be and outlet to plug in a vacuum, or if it will reach from the inside that’s great. The tracks usually need a mini-vac and wiped cleaned with a cloth. Depending on the type of walls will determine the how to clean them. Also, the janitor's job maybe locking the elevator for the night if it isn't on a timer.
Concerning hardwood floors some janitorial services still use a mop and water, WOW!!!! We use the Bona products and like them. We even use them to remove scuff marks and for the routine maintenance. They have a great website and very helpful staff.
Floor maintenance is important and that each step of the system is followed without much deviation. The first step before any hard surface floor is dust mopped, wet or damp mopped, or buffed our system calls for sweeping. Many janitorial services will skip sweeping to cut corners and charge a cheaper price until the owner discovers what is happening. Sweeping a floor removes the larger items from the floor and gets the floor ready for the mopping that follows. Then the dust mopping step for some floors. On bid tours many times some companies will skip sweeping you can see and maybe that is why it's out to bid. At most offices the last step would be the wet and damp mopping of the floor, which is a two step process. Then we can sweep the floor again. This last step is great, but a little over kill and balloons the cleaning budget.
The main services for janitorial office cleaning are: trash, restrooms, dusting, and floors. Of course there are common details like front door glass, reception counter etc... in the mix as well.
I want to cover in this article some of the details for each topic and give you a look at office cleaning services in general. These services are applicable at most offices, however, there are outliers.
First, let's cover the removal of trash from an office. Many janitor companies use a large barrel on wheels with a can liner to put desk trash in. The can liner will help the can from getting dirty, and if you use just a can liner to trash with no bucket you risk the liner leaking on the floor and creating another mess.
There are some accounts that the janitor will use just a large can liner with no cart and has to be aware of any leaks in the can liner. Using a larger can liner for the trash cans and trash cart will help the liner from getting pulled in the can. When the can liner is pulled in people still throw items in the can and it becomes a real mess. Also, the area where the trash cart is emptied is important, because when the liner leaks the carpet floors may get stained stain, thus creating more work for the janitor. It is best to remove the cart liner when full outside to avoid messes inside.
Next, let's review the restrooms and how office managers know it is very important to have them cleaned and disinfected for several reasons. With our system we address these issues and start cleaning the restroom's first to clean it in the order of importance of the cleaning tasks. Then if a cleaning task is missed in the restrooms the janitor will have time to correct it before leaving the building. One nice thing about commercial restrooms is they are designed for janitors to keep clean by having easy to clean surfaces like chrome, ceramic tile, glass, and stainless steel. The janitor is responsible for pouring water down the floor drain so smells don't come up.
Proper floor care in our system starts with the hard surface floor that is dust mopped or wet mopped. Our system requires you to sweep the floor first, because this will pick up larger debris and get in places the dust mop can't reach. I've seen janitorial services that will skip sweeping to cut corners and justify the low price. The office cleaner knows a swept floor done right removes larger items from the floor and gets the floor set-up for the mopping. Our next step is the wet and damp mopping of the floor which cleans and removes stains. We refer to it as double mopping in our system and then we do a final sweep of the floor again if needed.
Last week I touched on this topic how janitorial services we provide covers the following cleaning tasks for most lunch rooms in an office: emptying trash, cleaning sinks and countertops, sweep and mopping floors, clean and wipe tables and chairs, cabinet fronts, tops of refrigerators and fronts, microwaves in and out, and anything else the kitchen requires. Concerning dirty dishes we can do, however, most offices want to do their own dishes and not get us involved.
Janitor room or closet for cleaning equipment, cleaning chemicals, and products the owner consumes are in most buildings. The janitor room can be part of another room in some office buildings. The system we developed operates smoother when the janitor room is big, has shelves, and is equipped with a water hose and sink to fill and empty a mop bucket. Most business's have a room or a small area for a vacuum, trash barrel on wheels, and paper supplies that are stored and are usually near the restrooms. Being near the restrooms makes it convenient to service the restroom.
Usually the bigger the office building they will have a big janitor room with enough storage. Having a janitor room is nice, so we can leave the equipment there and it's ready for the janitorial staff. Shelves in the janitor closet are often forgotten and it really helps with the space. The shelves store boxes of can liners, hand towels, toilet paper and keeps them off the floor that could be wet and is a wise use of space. Also, the shelves are great for keeping time sheets and building key's that the office cleaning staff will need. We try to put small items on the shelves and the large items on the floor.
Another hot topic is our day porter service where we have the day porter removing trash around all the buildings, parking lot, the landscaping and the dumpster area's for shopping centers and office buildings. Most shopping centers require the day porter to empty all the outside trash containers and replace the liners as needed, and serviced one to seven times a week, 52 weeks a year. Other services include dusting window sills on vacant suites, sweeping out corners that accumulate trash, and hosing off the side walks and spot mopping. Each property is different and we can usually accommodate requests for services. " We clean for green."
Most kitchen areas in an office require the basic janitorial services.
The high level of janitorial care that we provide covers the following basic services for most kitchens in an office: emptying trash, cleaning sinks and countertops, sweep and mopping floors, clean and wipe tables and chairs, cabinet fronts, tops of refrigerators, and dusting.
Also we can wash the dishes, however, most people want to do their own dishes, mainly because of the extra cost and if we only come in once a week.
In many business's the trash in the office kitchen can get heavy with all the food items. The trashcan is usually a full size can In the kitchen. Sometimes we double bag these trashcans to keep it from ripping open and making a mess, hopefully not on the carpet areas of the office. All the liquids make the bag heavy and may require a dolly to take the can too the dumpster in some situations. Desert Cleaning will leave extra can liners draped over the sides in case they need them between services and is always appreciated.
The sinks and countertops are part of our basic kitchen services in the contract. Regarding coffee stains, they are common in most office kitchen sinks an we stay ahead and get them every service. The coffee stains can be found on the counters and floors which can be easily removed with a damp microfiber towel. The counter-top we'll move certain items away from wall and clean the area. This is something you don't see, but is the proper way to clean.
Here are some additional office kitchen items that are included when you hire Desert Cleaning janitorial services inc: spray and wipe tables and chairs, clean the fronts of the cabinets. We'll clean in/out of the microwave and refrigerator on the frequency you want. The microwave needs to be cleaned in and out usually ever visit. The refrigerator mainly needs the front and handles cleaned, with the inside as requested or needed. We have accounts that ask us to throw away anything in the refrigerator at a specific time. Once we throw out the left items we'll spray and wipe the inside out with a disinfectant.
The trash cans in the kitchen are usually medium or large in size. The kitchen trash can liners we use are the same can liners we use in our carts which are the 40 x 48, or large. The 40 x 48 can liner has enough room and thickness for our needs and we use them in the medium size cans as well. Pulling the large liner out of the can it can be used for emptying desk trash into. We use the 30 x 37 medium can liners for the standard office desk trash can because these liners are bigger than the desk can, but are easier to replace and will hold more trash without getting sucked down in the trash can. We stopped using the small 24 x 24 can liners years ago. Life is simpler with just the two sizes.
We service the central, east, north, south, northwest, west, and southeast, and the kitchen areas are included. We figure any office building with a high traffic count of humans usually requires five nights a week janitorial service. This compared to a low volume office that may only need once a week office cleaning. This is all factored in when writing a bid. We know an account that is serviced once a week will have a higher labor cost for numerous reasons. Also, there is day or night service that is required We have some accounts that are seven day's a week and the per service cost goes up, mainly on the weekends.
One of the oddest schedule we did was Monday at 4:00 pm, Wednesday at noon, and Friday at 7:00 am.
When I was at an office building this week I noticed how the dusting had been skipped, and If you have read my articles I have mentioned this over and over how easy it is to dust or not to dust. When the office cleaner dusts consistently the light soil that builds-up on surfaces won't become a sticky mess that is unhealthy and makes the office look nice, along with other health benefits. Keep up on the dusting is the key, so it doesn't become a project. Every office is unique for dust accumulation because of the air movement, moisture, and surrounding environments, like open windows etc... If dust sits the more time moisture and other elements can mix with the dust and make it greasy. Then it becomes sticky which makes it harder to remove from the surface, again a project.
Receiving bad service with a big national janitor company? I hope you don't have to put-up with it for a few more years of poor cleaning or management. Doesn't sound right and it isn't, but I hear it a lot. See if this sounds familiar; the national franchise will have a salesperson that bids low low, promises the customer everything, gives a few services away for free, then hands it off to one of their franchisee's locally. Then what happens next is the franchisee will have to cut corners to have it make any money. Most of the managers I talk with wish they had never signed with the national cleaning janitorial company and feel stuck.
If you you have any questions or comments please let us know. Also, if you want a quote, please fill out our online quote form on our homepage. You can reach us by phone or email too. Thanks and don't stress we'll get the mess.
The commercial use of microfiber is not new, but seems to have taken off in the janitorial business here in Tucson and can be found in the big box stores. The microfiber has many uses, here are a few: multi use towels, dry and wet flat mops, string mops, and can be ordered color coded along with the mop bucket. There are many benefits of using microfiber and I'll give you a cursory look in this article.
To start let's look at the microfiber mops that have different mop heads on the market. I have heard hospitals have buckets that hold several mops, so you can use a clean mop for each room and not cross contaminate as easily as only using one.
Microfiber got the name from the size of the fiber that is 99 times smaller than a human hair. These towels can absorb 10 times more water than the typical bar mop towels that are still around
In the Tucson janitorial market we see microfiber towels and bar mop white cotton towels being used. My research shows microfiber mops are being used more and these mops perform better in most conditions than other types of mops. We have found microfiber towels are hard to use for lemon oil or de-sol-it and we still use the white bar mops for this purpose. If you have any input let us know. For some background; microfiber is made of high density woven man made fibers and they come in a variety of colors to help prevent cross contamination in commercial and residential use. The microfiber towels have fibers that are superb for trapping dust, bacteria, water, and work best when damp compared to dry. Also, the microfiber towel is more absorbent and can absorb many times it's weight in water.
The wet mop is best because it is easy to use, lasts a long time and does a an excellent job, and of course it's microfiber. Supposedly, microfiber mops are better for cleaning than traditional cotton mops. I'll do some more research and update you in a future article. Before. Also, microfiber is being used in bed sheets, shower curtains, bath towels too. These products are at target and on the internet, just do a search on google. Because they are bacteria resistant and do not need to be used with any chemicals to provide excellent cleaning of any type of flooring put's it ahead of the pack. Microfiber was originally developed for anti-slip flooring, and microfiber is the woven fabrics that will not make lint.
The microfiber dust mops are sewn in conventional slot end style and are the most durable dust mops.. Like the towels the microfiber dust mops will hold up to hundreds of launderings and both home and business can benefit.. The dust mops are produced with continuous filament microfiber yarn and are a 100% synthetic. The dust mops are bacteria resistant, lint-less, and are a pleasure to use, they hold soil through electrostatic elements and do not need dust mop treatment which is a change.
The office cleaning business is half office cleaning and the other half is working with a cleaning management team that is easy to work with. For 34 years now our management team has keep the company running and done a great job in getting the janitor to the job with everything they need to complete their work. The Desert Cleaning management team takes pride in what they do for a living and it shows in quick response to complaints and requests to keep your office looking great. Our understanding that your office is special, so we designed our basic services and any additional items that are important to you and incorporated them into our contract and list of services custom for your office.
Desert Cleaning will organize and compile a comprehensive cleaning program for you which includes details using the latest state of the art cleaning equipment to provide you with a high level of office cleaning. We understand there are other janitorial services in Tucson and we clean your offices like it was the first service every time. We love our job and business and it shows. Please see our references.
One of the most common issues at every office is the carpet spots. Many of the offices we see don't have a problem, then other offices know they have an ongoing situation with carpet spots especially around the coffee area. The janitor's job is to notice carpet spots. Then when a carpet spot is noticed the janitor should find out what caused the carpet stain. This will help ti determine the cleaner to use. Desert Cleaning janitorial services, inc. Many times you can figure out the cause of the spot and sometimes nobody in the office knows the cause. The experience we have say's many of the spots in Tucson's commercial offices are from coffee or soda, which are water based, and can be removed with a variety of carpet spot removers and cleaners. Water will work in some cases. The other type of spot is petroleum based like gum, or tar/grease from people bringing it in on their shoes from the parking lot and tracking it through the office. We use two types of carpet cleaners for petroleum spots: Lemon oil or de-solve-it and we have had good results with both. Warning: Please be sure be sure to read the directions on the label, I know from experience.
A real concern at most offices is not to disturb or move any files or papers on any desks, file cabinets etc... When dusting or providing janitorial services at that office it's smart to be very careful, so an important paper is not lost or misplaced. When you come in your office in the morning your papers will be in the same place as you left them. Then when our janitor see's an item next to a trash can, or on top and they are not sure if it's trash or of importance our rule at Desert Cleaning "when in doubt, leave it," we know it's easier than dumpster diving the next day looking for something. Here's a second rule: if you have to stop and think about lifting the paper or file then don't, because your first thought is probably right from our experience.
Lobbies need to be trashed, floors cleaned, dusted, magazines straightened etc... Here are some other lobby cleaning items we service: clean reception counter, vacuuming the entrance mats, clean the front door glass, pulling out chairs and vacuuming, and if you aren't receiving this kind of service we'll be happy to do the job right for you. The lobby is where clients wait for their meeting with you and while they are waiting they have time to look around at the cleaning and develop an opinion of your business and how it's run just by looking at the cleaning. We have noticed that even people that may have a dirty home want a clean office.
I want to end the week talking about hand soap in commercial janitorial. Mostly bar soap that is used at home is never used in the business office restrooms, maybe in a D building or a warehouse restroom. We have accounts where powder soap is used when there is scrubbing action required. Most offices have liquid hand soap which we see the most in business restrooms.. Many of the liquid hand soap comes in cartridges that fit into dispensers, or bottles that screw off under the sink that can be easily refilled with a gallon of soap which makes it cost effective. Smaller offices may have the refill bottles on top of the counter which works. That's it for this weeks janitor news and remember to "keep it clean."
We are still practicing green, but we are not experts. We'll use green products you like or products that you recommend and put it in our system. We are always eager to learn about green products and would love your input. We have used some of the products as follows: Seventh Generation, Earth Friendly, Ecover, and ecopath. However, we have little requests for green products. Some of the chemicals are plant based products, and a few of the paper products are EPA Compliant recycled we have noticed. There are paper products that range from 21-201% recycle product on the market. Can you guess the number one green product? Just email me and I'll email you back the answer.
We don't use slow speed spray buffing that often, however it works on the chemical cleaning and polishing of the spray buff, along with the action of the pad removing scuffs in the floor finish and to finish with a nice shiny mirror look. The slow speed machines go up to 1,000 RPM, depending on the machine weight and color pad the janitor uses. The high speed machines are above 1.000 rpm and no longer require the use of spray buff. We still use spray buff and subscribe to the less is more theory when using. What happens is the high speed machine gives the speed needed to smooth the finish, allowing repair of the surface, and removal of black marks with the goal of a very high gloss finish that " POPS."
Janitorial bids aren't the same, why? Here are a few item's to look for after receiving the bids. Some thoughts are to check references, how long has the company been in business in Tucson and are they a local company, what is their hiring procedure, how long have their employee's been with the company, do they have liability insurance and what is the coverage, do they have worker's comp insurance, do they have a bond, do they have a security system, how about a cleaning system, how do they handle specific details and items for your office, what about carpet spotting techniques, are they a franchise and just using the national name, or do they know how to clean and is your janitorial account being handed to any franchisee. What about price, and how did they arrive at that price. Is a lengthy contract required? The bottom line is you just want your offices cleaned at a fair price and an easy to work with company.
Desert Cleaning Janitorial Services, inc., has a system for details that are often over looked by many janitorial services and worth reviewing. Here's a partial list: straightening lobby magazines and straightening conference room chairs, positioning trash cans back where you found them and replacing the can liner etc... We care how your office looks and we know that it is a reflection on your business. There are four main cleaning services in the cleaning janitorial business: dusting/details, trashing, floors and restrooms in general. Desert Cleaning Janitorial Services, inc, believes in service and all our contracts are all inclusive, that means the small details and are incorporated in our sought after system, that way you don't have to worry what's in the contract.
The janitor in Tucson, Arizona, may work for a janitorial cleaning contractor instead of an institution. The janitor will clean a route of small to medium size offices or business's. The experienced office cleaner can handle working on their own doing a route. There are more details like key's, alarm codes, and idiosyncrasies but after a short while it flows and most janitors love having a route.
A few years ago I wrote about how touch free restroom doors are getting more attention as managers realize the benefit. It provides a cleaner work environment which should equal less sick time. To accomplish this goal I have seen and heard some neat concepts.: For example: a button located at the base of the door you push with your foot to open the door, a tiny sprayer that sprays the door handle at intervals, disinfected wipes at the door, and the best and most effective, in my opinion, is no door at all and without a doubt the best solution.
Our Number one concern is security for your office or business. In the system we try to enter and leave through one door to help reduce the odds of a door left unlocked, usually by the alarm key pad. Another topic is not letting anyone enter the premises without proper identification. Security lights should be left on and other requests from the owner. Can you guess what the second concern is for janitors?
Here in Tucson the janitor that does regular vacuuming prevents damage to carpet due to dirt and grease rubbing into carpet fibers, shorting the carpet life. Our system suggestion is that for rooms with light traffic, vacuum the traffic lanes twice weekly, and the entire area once weekly, while heavy traffic areas need the to be vacuumed daily, and the entire area at least once a week. Then, we think that up to three passes will work for light areas, but five to seven passes are necessary for high traffic areas.
We use can liners for the kitchen and desk trashcans as well as our cart on wheels. Someone asked if the kitchen trash cans we use are the same can liners we use in our carts which are the 40 x 48's large can liners that are white. These 40 x 48 can liner have enough room and thickness for our needs. When you pull the liner out they can be used for emptying desk trash into, and sometimes the liner can be reused after it is dumped in the dumpster although that is rarely done. The 30 x 37's medium can liners are used for the standard office desk trash receptacle , these liners are bigger than the desk can, but are easier to replace and will hold more trash without getting sucked down in the trash can like the smaller liners that are 24 x 24. Desert Cleaning used to use the three sizes, but to simplify things we use just the 30 x 37 and the 40 x 48's and have been using this system for years.
At Desert Cleaning janitorial services, inc we are flexible to your requirements, for example: how long of a contract, supplies delivered and billed, and time schedules to do the janitorial. We have the basic contract that is month to month, or if you are planning a budget and want to lock in a price there isn't a problem. With the supplies, the owner usually supplies the items they consume, let me give you an example: hand towels, toilet paper, and soap, these are mostly used in the restrooms and are considered items you consume. I just covered the time schedule in a previous article on how we clean day or night 7 day's a week. Before and after bidding these flexible services will be discussed and we make it easy for you.
Here's how we bill and set-up a file for your business. Initially, you should know we'll bill you so it fits your system. Some of the common way's we bill for office cleaning: with, or without supplies that you consume (tp-ht-soap), have monthly line items, send the bill email, or regular mail and we do have a few accounts we bill by regular mail. The first of the month we send the bill for our services for that month, so you have time to put it through your system and we receive the check on the first of the next month. When we bill for supplies they are for the previous month and the cleaning service are for that month.
The following cleaning services for most lunch rooms in an office are: emptying trash cans, cleaning sinks and countertops, sweep and mopping floors, cleaning and wiping tables and chairs, cabinet fronts, tops, fronts, and handles of refrigerators, microwaves in and out, and anything else the business requires for the kitchen. Dishes can be cleaned, but most business's want to do their own dishes, because of the additional money and if the janitor only comes once a week it will get smelly. Lunch rooms usually get a lot of trash with all the food items and if the trashcan is a full size can it may need a dolly to move it.
We have a system for most of our business and hard floors are included. Hard surface floors are dust mopped then wet mopped, the system requires you to sweep the floor first because this will allow the janitor to pick up larger debris and get in places the dust mop can't. Wood floors are another topic I'll cover in a future article I've heard other companies will blow off sweeping to cut corners and justify the low bid they were awarded. The janitor knows a swept floor done right removes items from the floor and gets the floor set-up for the mopping which is the next step. I've seen on bid tours many times I can tell when some companies will skip sweeping because you can see the floor is filthy and debris is all around . This is why it's out to bid and the Office manager wants to switch janitorial services probably. Next phase is the wet and damp mopping the floor which cleans and removes stains, or double mopping as we say in our system.
String mop heads come in different colors for different uses. I'll cover this more in depth in a future article along with maybe the various mop buckets on the market. I saw a new one this week that looked interesting and I want to do some home work Should be fun.
This has been an eventful week and I enjoyed all of my experience's. It was fun writing this weeks article on office cleaning services Tucson. Desert Cleaning janitorial services, inc. is Tucson's sought after janitorial service, and with our top quality cleaning services and best employee's we service businesses, shopping centers, and commercial offices and have been here in Tucson since 1980. The team of talent and experienced janitors that our company has to offer in Tucson, Arizona believes in consistency. Our full service, family-operated company committed to providing you with high end janitorial services and a seamless transition from your current service. Thanks and have a good weekend.
I mentioned in my last article that I would elaborate on the waterless urinals (WU). There are the water savings, energy to move the water around, and special cleaning needed for the waterless urinals to work. Now let me share what I know so far on the topic of WU, and if you have ant input please email me. Thanks!!!
Here's what I have found out about WU and how they work. They look the same as a regular urinal, but the pipe from the WU is straight so gravity takes urine down to the sewer. So the sewer gases don't come back up into the room it has a cartridge to seal the opening.
Here's an interesting fact about the urine smell in commercial restrooms is created when urine and the water are mixed. Urine is basically a sterile substance which drains and then evaporates leaving the area dry. Cleaning the WU starts with the outside and working to the inside. No harsh chemicals or brushes should be used in the WU. There is more steps to the cleaning and sounds like it is more hassle then it is worth. The more I research the more I think the WU is still a work in progress.
Tucson, Arizona Desert Cleaning has a system where they clean the restroom's first on the list. This way if a cleaning task is missed in the restrooms the janitor will have time to correct it while still at the office building. Most commercial office restrooms are designed for janitors to keep clean with easy to clean surfaces like chrome, ceramic tile, glass, and stainless steel. Since I was just discussing waterless urinals with the sewer smell coming back up the same is true for floor drains that are in the restrooms. The trick is If you want to eliminate the drain odors then pour water down the drain until the the odor stops coming up.
Floor maintenance has steps in a system before any hard surface floor is dust mopped or wet mopped, the system requires you to sweep the floor and this allows the janitor to pick up larger debris and get in places the dust mop can't reach. I have seen office cleaning services that will skip sweeping to cut corners to justify the low bid they were awarded. The knowledgeable janitor knows a swept floor the right way removes larger items from the floor and gets the floor set-up for the mopping which follows the sweeping step. Next we have the step that includes the wet and damp mopping of the floor which cleans and removes stains, or double mopping as we refer to it in our system here at Desert Cleaning janitorial services inc. At some accounts we do a final sweep of the floor again and it is amazing sometimes the debris that surfaces.
Let's switch gears and talk about the several types of vacuums that are basic to the janitorial business. Here are some examples: mini vacuums, hand held vacuums, backpack vacuums, and the upright. We use the upright vacuum on a regular basis to clean offices, banks, and commercial buildings in the central, east, north, northwest, west, south, and all around Tucson. Backpack vacuums have become popular, for many reasons, however, the backpack vacuums don't have a beater-brush that really cleans the carpet when you vacuum. Most janitors will use the mini-vacuums for detailing and hard to get places, like under desks and next to cabinets. We keep the desert clean with our desert clean concepts.
Water has a property called surface tension, so let's take a cursory look. From what I know the surface tension prevents the water from cleaning properly and that is one reason why chemicals are added. The chemicals reduce the surface tension and allow the water to spread evenly and do a much better job then just plain water. On top of that the cleaning chemicals help attract particles to the chemicals. This is a wonderful process that is great for crevices and pores on surfaces. In addition the chemicals breakdown soils on the surface.
Removing gum from carpet and hard floors is easy, just follow the instructions on the label. The solvent cleaners work the best in my opinion, again be sure to read the label on the bottle and follow the instructions. Lemon oil and de-solve -it are two removers we have used over the years with positive results. Last notice: make sure to read and follow the directions on the bottle before using the product. A big step is not to pour the product directly on the gum, instead use a cloth and pour the product on the cloth and apply to the area. Seeing the results if this procedure is not followed can be an eye opener. If you have questions please let me know.
The scheduling of office cleaning in Tucson for the central, east, north, south, northwest, west, and southeast will be different depending on the type of business and other factors. The office building with a high traffic count of people usually requires five nights a week janitorial. Compared to a low volume office that may only need once a week janitorial. Figuring scheduling the cleaning time is a huge factor since labor accounts for a huge part of the top line number. With that said, an account that is serviced once a week will have a higher labor cost. We do day porter work for shopping centers, medical complexes, and office buildings and they all have different schedules for different reasons. Then for another example we have some accounts that are seven day's a week and the per service cost goes up.. Our bottom line is we can accommodate your scheduling needs and requirements.
In Tucson the office building owners and managers along with commercial business's it is common to see paper towels in the restrooms to dry your hands with them. Then, electric dryers we see once in a while which seem like a good alternative you would think. Both have their pros and cons to each, however, either drying method should produce the same ending, dry hands. People and office managers don't like the noise while others believe the electric dryers save money, but aren't thinking of the sanitation effect. I have heard that the paper towels are more sanitary then the electric hand dryers. Also, the entrance door to the restroom is a hot topic that I'll write about in another article.
Floor care involves brooms, brushes, and mop heads. Using the right tool for the job makes a difference. If you use the wrong head you will work harder and the job will be sub-par. Basically, mop heads come in four basic types: cotton, rayon, synthetics, and blends are the main market. The broom market is vast and selection is important. I'll expound on brooms and mop heads in a future article. If you have questions please feel free to call or email us.
Tucson janitor service is aware that keeping and using a clean mop bucket, wringer, and mop & mop pole is part of the system. The goal is each service the janitor/cleaner should rinse and wipe out the bucket and wringer. Then, an occasional trip to the quarter wash is in the program. Also, this is important, the janitor should change the mop head regularly. All of these steps result in a better service for you. It's all part of keeping the janitors closet and other equipment clean that the office cleaner uses.
To wrap up this weeks article on office cleaning services Tucson I'd like to mention that Desert Cleaning janitorial services, inc. is Tucson's sought after janitor, with top quality cleaning services and employee's for a variety of businesses, shopping centers, and commercial offices for 34 years. Our team of talent and experienced janitors that our field has to offer in Tucson, Arizona gets the job done. We are a full service, family-operated company committed to providing you with high end janitorial services you expect. A few office managers will only shop for price when looking for a cleaning company, others get the service they need.
Most of the office building we have seen are lucky if they have a cleaning room for equipment to clean with, cleaning chemicals, and products the owner consumes everyday. The cleaning room is part of another room in some cases, especially in a building where there isn't a specified cleaning room.
Our system runs a lot better when the office cleaning room is big, has shelves, and is equipped with a water hose and sink to fill and empty a mop bucket is great. Many business's have a room or a small area for a vacuum, trash bin on wheels, and paper supplies that are stored. Located near the restrooms in most buildings are the cleaning rooms. This makes it easier for resupplying the restrooms.
Larger office building usually have big cleaning rooms with enough storage. This is so the janitor can leave the equipment there and it's ready for the cleaning crew and the next service. Otherwise hauling all the equipment in and out every night at a large office building would be costly and show on the bottom line. We have kept carpet cleaning and floor machines as well as the nightly cleaning equipment in some buildings.
Many times shelves in the cleaning closet are forgotten. These are great for the boxes of can liners, hand towels, toilet paper and keeps them off the floor that could be wet. The the shelves are great for keeping time sheets and building key's. The large trash can on wheels, vacuums, and mop buckets all go on the floor, and the rest goes on the shelves.
The cleaning system we use has the day porter removing trash around all the buildings, parking lot and in the landscaping and the dumpster area's. The shopping centers require the day porter to empty all the outside trash containers and replace the liners as needed, and serviced one to seven times a week. Some other services include dusting window sills on vacant suites, sweeping out corners that accumulate trash and debris and hosing off the side walks or spot mopping, plus cleaning the windows as needed with each property having it's own unique requirements.
This week I wanted to mention I've been doing a little research on waterless urinals. How they work, environmental benefits, and how to clean. I have written articles in the past on the waterless urinals and feel more positive about them. Right now our company does not service any waterless urinals that I know. I'll be writing an article soon that will cover more details.
In my back to basic's article I talk about removing the trash from an office and how the office cleaner will use a large cart on wheels with a can liner to dump trash at each desk. Can liners are used to keep the can from getting dirty, and if you use just a can liner to trash with no bucket on wheels you risk the liner leaking on the floor, creating more work. When selecting a can liner we use a larger then required liner for the trash cans and barrel on wheels because it helps the liner from getting sucked in the trash receptacle. I also want to mention how important it is where the large can liner is removed, because it is very important in preventing the carpet floors from getting stained and creating more work for yourself like I just talked about. Pulling the can liner outside is ideal or check the liner for leaks as you pull it out.
Our number one office cleaning system that makes all the other systems work is our solid reliable employees that can think on their feet and know how to clean properly. Desert Cleaning only hires the best from the janitorial labor market and we have an excellent retention record. It's no secret that we pay more than the going market to our employees and it shows in our quality cleaning. We retain them a lot longer than other office cleaning services average here in our market. There are other component's that I'll maybe talk about in a future article.
Carpet spots are an issue at every office. Most offices aren't that out of control, however, other offices know they have an ongoing situation with carpet spots. It's our job to notice carpet spots when we are on a building walk through for a bid and question the office manager on their expectations. When a carpet spot is noticed the office cleaner should find out what caused the spot. This way they know what will clean the spot, this only makes since, doesn't it? Most of the time you can figure out the cause of the spot and others are a problem. Our experience say's many of the spots in Tucson's commercial offices are from coffee, or soda, which are water based, and can be removed with a variety of carpet spot removers and cleaners that are on the market. Then, the other type of spot is petroleum based like gum, or tar/grease from people bringing it in on their shoes from the parking lot. The two main types of carpet cleaners we use for petroleum spots: Lemon oil or de-solve-it and both work. With these products be sure to read the directions on the label, I know from experience.
Hygiene includes washing hands and using hand sanitizers. Do you remember when you were little and being told to always wash our hands with soap and water. Schools, homes, and offices are the same today in our office cleaning market. Most men and some women don't wash their hands after using the public restrooms. The germs will stay on your hands for hours and all the things you touch become contaminated. We see more and more hand sanitizer dispensers in offices and restrooms with the trend growing. I know some people are using the sanitizer wipes first thing in the morning to clean their phones, key boards, and desks because it helps. The hand sanitizers and washing hands aren't the cure, but it sure is part in preventing the spreading of germs and cross contamination.
Dealing with a national janitorial service for an office manager I've heard can be a nightmare. Then if there is a three year contract you may have to put-up with the service for a few more years and that's no good. This isn't right right and is bad for you the customer and my industry. The problem starts when the national franchise has a salesperson that bids low low, promises the everything, gives a few services away for free, then gives it to one of their franchisee's. Then the franchisee will have to cut corners to break even. The managers say they wish they had never signed with the national cleaning janitorial company.
Often overlooked is water temperature, contact time, and action for the professional janitor. This has an effect on the cleaning for most situations. On the list is water temperature which is often overlooked and never thought of as the problem when cleaning. Most people think the higher the water temperature the quicker the soil is dissolved and easier to remove, sounds reasonable. But, if the water is too hot it can remove some of the floor finish, or break down the chemicals. Then concerning the contact time our system calls on the janitor to read the manufactures label. After that some type of action is needed for the soil to be lifted and suspended to make removal easy.
Let's revisit the janitorial concepts in Desert Cleaning janitorial services, inc where they are flexible to your requirements for example: the length of the contract, supplies, and time schedules to do the office cleaning. Our length of the contract is usually month to month, or if you are planning a budget and want to lock in a price we can work with you.. Regarding the supplies, the owner usually supplies the items they consume, for example: hand towels, toilet paper, and soap, these are mostly used in the restrooms. Now, the time schedule we clean day or night 7 day's a week, so we can accommodate most clients needs, however, the cleaning is usually done in the evening and weekends. Next, we start with the restroom cleaning at most accounts and this is key. If you remember an item missed in the restroom while still there cleaning you can take care of it. These our a few of our concept's for Desert Cleaning.
One of the easiest cleaning tasks that is hard to do for some companies is dusting consistently. Tucson is considered a dust bowl which makes it important for the office cleaning staff to perform. There are different types of dusters on the market that I'll cover. Next, I'll cover some history on the duster and appreciation. Then, I want to dive into details like which horizontal surfaces are dusted and what to move and not to move on desks and shelves in an office building. Remember, dusting is one of the easiest tasks for the janitor and for some companies the hardest.
My research shows the duster was invented around the late 1800's here in America. This lady that worked in a broom factory in Iowa thought of the idea. I read it began with turkey feathers and over time evolved into mainly ostrich feather's.
The types of dusters are many, each with a purpose. Dusters may only be a few inches long or 30 inches in size to accommodate different jobs. There are feather ( the most common ), lambs wool, microfiber, and colored dusters available. Some have a wood handle, retractable, extension pole dusters for great results. There are a few that are retractable into a case to protect the feather's and easy to carry in your pants. Tip of the day: Save the old dusters to use on outside windows and sills when they get dusty, instead of washing the windows.
Concerning dusting desk tops and shelves, especially with numerous small items, trophies, or valuable art is a case by case agreement with the office manager on what they want. In general papers and files on desktops we don't touch, unless we are told otherwise and we'll make a note in the file. Also the thought is to move or lift small objects and dust under and around them. Pulling everything away from the wall and dusting where possible is on the menu. Entrance areas get dusty from the outside air blowing in. Areas in offices with many items can sometimes be dusted, however, unless all the things are move it's hard to get all the dust and should be talked about and put in the contract. Collectables and cost are good reasons to move or not to move object's. .
Dusting isn't that hard when the office cleaner knows the correct way to dust. We use this rule " when in doubt, don't move it," when dusting. If the dusting loop is skipped it will build-up and become a project. Clear horizontal surfaces should be dusted and then the property manager can add to that. This can have an impact on your clients when they are waiting and they see dust everywhere. The lobby should be trashed, floors cleaned, and dusted. Also, the other front area cleaning items we cover: reception counter, vacuuming the entrance mats, the front door glass, pulling out chairs and vacuuming, straightening magazines and again dusting. If you aren't receiving the service you want call or email us and we'll make you another happy customer. We leave the competition in the dust with our system.
Part of getting a new account started is the billing and setting up a file for the new account. First, I'd like to mention that we'll bill you so it works for you. Here are some thoughts when we bill for office cleaning: We can bill with, or without supplies that you consume (tp-ht-soap), make charges all inclusive, or have monthly line items, send the bill email, or regular mail. Then on the first of the month we send the bill for our services for that month, so you have time to put it through your system. The supplies are for the previous month and the cleaning service is for that month and is due on the first of the next month.
The basic floor care system is important and each step needs to be followed exactly. Let's take a look at the first step, before any hard surface floor is wet mopped, or buffed, our system calls for sweeping by the office cleaner. This will pick up larger debris and prevent the mop from just spreading it around the room. I have heard some janitorial services skip sweeping to cut corners, which allows them to charge a cheaper price. When a floor is swept it removes the debris items from the floor and prepares the floor for the wet mop. Some floors require dust mopping, however, it does not replace sweeping. Now comes the wet mopping, followed by damp mopping.
Let's review a few items to know when considering janitorial liability insurance. In this article I'll give you a cursory look and please do not rely on any of this information and contact your insurance expert. One topic I'll cover are the two types of claims: claims made and occurrence. Liability insurance is broad and covers many items. A few of the items it covers are the public, employees, lost key, and property damage. I'll talk about policy limits and certificates of insurance that most places require with the signing of the contract. Then with the certificate of insurance you can request to be named additional insured on the certificate of insurance.
Lawsuits and liability insurance coverage you need to check with your attorney or insurance agent before making any decisions. Sometimes a liability policy will cover the employees and business in a lawsuit that targeting them from a on the job lawsuit. The attorney's time on a case, legal fee's, court ordered judgment, court costs, any agreed settlement etc... should be covered in the insurance policy. Also, it is important to know the difference between occurrence and claims made policy, I've had both and I believe the Occurrence is more common.
Check out our video that illustrates two common kinds of gloves that are used in janitorial office cleaning and let me know what you think. Gloves are great protection and should always be worn when cleaning, especially in the restrooms and empting trash containers. Gloves should be changed, or rinsed after cleaning the restrooms in some cases. Cross-contamination from the restrooms just cleaned is the main reason to rinse or change gloves. Disposable and reusable helps to narrow it down. Most janitors like one or the other, I prefer the reusable for the thickness. Reusable gloves can be washed just like you would wash your hands, and are much harder to rip and defeat the purpose of wearing gloves.
Dusting is historically the number one complaint in office cleaning in Tucson. We live in a dust bowl, but offices still need to be dusted before it gets out of control. Some janitor services skip dusting, probably to keep their cost down and again to confirm in their head a cheap price. On office bid tours I've seen it where the dusting has been skipped for a long time. It always amazes me. We try and stay ahead of the dusting and it helps from turning into a big project. Dusting has other factors besides outdoor coming from the entrance doors opening and closing. There are the vents through out the building that blow out dust and if the office has a lot of paper the paper dust accumulates.
I want to clarify what I wrote a couple of articles ago about battery powered back packs and how they are at the same prices still for the vacuum and the additional batteries that I have seen. Considering the run time, weight, and cost benefit I can't justify it yet for our company, but it is a great idea. If this is an interest to you they have on the market battery powered cordless stick vacuums that could work. For sure these vacuums are quiet and when you think of the less plugging in and unplugging it saves time and money. Consider a large office building that takes more than 25 hours a day to clean and the time savings for vacuuming really makes a difference over a short and long period of time. I hope this helps you out and if you have a question let me know.
This wraps-up this weeks article in Tucson and remember " Got dust, leave it for us."
A standard type of mat is the general wiper mat that is used at the entrance to an office building, and I see them all around Tucson. The concept is to clean the bottom of your shoes at the entrance to the building.
Also, they hold moisture which is a nice feature. The mats come in microfiber which holds 4 times more liquid than the standard wiper mats, worth considering in a wet area. Speaking about holding large amounts of water are the water hog mats that dry fast and are used in areas water is a problem for an office building.
Day time or night time janitorial service, we do both. A negative to the daytime service is the janitor has to wait many times for someone to get off the phone, or back track to clean an area that was occupied by a meeting in the conference room. Many times the cost will be higher to provide janitorial service during the day, but some office's require daytime service and we'll be happy to do that. Most janitorial work is at night when the business is shut and the janitor can clean a lot easer and we have noticed that when we service a daytime account they really don't want us there, so I guess it is a double edge sword.
Bringing up an important topic whether to use the national franchisor or the local honest janitorial companies here in Tucson. Ask yourself, do you want a fast food burger or a Zin burger made locally? Typically, the national janitorial services come to a city and do they hire from the bottom or the top of the janitorial labor market? Does the out of town janitorial company just pay minimum wage? All of this equals the results you get. My understanding is they lock you into a several year janitorial contract, pass it off to a franchisee and then when the franchisee isn't making any money because of the low bid, they cut corners, the service drops and the customer gets annoyed.
What are the good and bad points to cleaning in the day compared to night. During the day the daytime janitor has to wait many times for someone to get off the phones so they don't disturb anyone, or back track to clean an area that was occupied by a meeting, or the restrooms are being used. In theory, the cost will be higher to clean during the day compared to the night, however, certain office's need daytime service and that's part of our system. Most janitorial work is at night when the business is closed and the janitor can concentrate. Most office and property manager's would prefer after hours cleaning.
This is a list of a few of the details the janitor will do when cleaning the restrooms: Clean tops and entire sides of partitions, baseboards, and any vents. Also, on the list: pour water down floor drains to keep foul odors from entering the room, remove hard water build-up around faucets, clean the outside of the entire toilet and floor behind the toilet, and clean the entire mirror. Again this is a partial list. Last, the janitor should always do a check of the restrooms..
Many, many types of mat's are on the market, so I'll give you a small peek into the mat world. Let's kick it off and start with follow through mats, I rarely see these. They are used in kitchens and industrial environments. The design has large holes so spills can fall through and keep the surface area fairly dry and clean. Then there is the anti-static mat which is important for certain business. We are seeing more and more as office's have electronics the anti-static mat will be used. Anti-static mats are designed to prevent the build-up of static electricity, that is all I know. The mat's are usually made of foam, vinyl, or rubber that I've read about.
Another type of mat is the general wiper mat that are used at the entrance to an office building and I see them all around Tucson. The concept is to clean the bottom of your shoes at the entrance to the building. Also, they hold moisture which is a nice feature. The mats come in microfiber which holds 4 times more liquid than the standard wiper mats, worth considering in a wet area. Speaking about holding large amounts of water are the water hog mats that dry fast and are used in areas water is a problem for an office building.
Office cleaning companies use can liners for the kitchen, desk, and our cart for several reasons. In the kitchen trash cans we use the same can liners as we use in our carts which are the 40 x 48's can liners with a star bottom. The 40 x 48 can liner we use has enough room and thickness for the job. After you pull the liner out they can be used for emptying desk trash into, and sometimes the liner can be reused after it is dumped in the dumpster. The 30 x 37's can liners are used for the standard office desk trash can, which are larger than the can, but are simpler to replace and will contain more trash without getting drawn down in the trash can like the smaller liners. The mic's on 30 x 37's are around 13 which is the thickness, and makes them harder to rip and puncture like a thinner liner..
Touching or moving any files or papers on desks when dusting should be kept at a minimum. I wrote about this topic a few articles back and feel it is important. We have made this part of our system, so an important paper is not lost or misplaced, so when you come in your office in the morning everything is in place the way it was when you left. In our system when an item is next to a trash can, or on top and they are not sure if it's trash, we say leave it, our rule is "when in doubt, leave it," It's easier then dumpster diving. Next, our rule is "if you have to stop and think about lifting the paper or file on a desk then don't, because your first thought is more than likely right." Unless we have other instructions these are good rules to follow.
There are wood and metal polishes on the market. Stainless steel polishes not only cleans but protects the metal, and leaves a high shine.. Most of the metals that we have seen in Tucson buildings are stainless steel and still need to be cleaned and polished to get ready for the next day. we have seen lemon oil used on stainless steel with mixed results. Using to much can appear greasy and thing's will stick to the surface easily. Office cleaners can reuse the same towel if keep it is kept in a plastic bag. We use the metal cleaner in the spray cans for several reasons that I'll cover in a future article.
This wraps-up this weeks article covering the Tucson, Arizona central and east janitorial business. As always thanks for reading and keep it clean.
The number one office cleaning system we developed starts with cleaning the restrooms first at many of our offices we service. Tucson janitor's usually start the restrooms first, this way if the janitor thinks of something that wasn't completed in the restroom cleaning while they are still there cleaning other areas in the building they can go back and take care of the cleaning item missed in the restrooms and won't have the complaint phone jumping off the stand.
Also, part of our system for restroom cleaning is using the bowl mops and sponges to wipe the inside and outside of the toilet bowl and behind the toilet.
After the restrooms are cleaned we fill the dispensers in your commercial building: seat covers, hand towels, toilet paper, and any cleaning missed. Lastly, when cleaning the restrooms finish by sweeping and mopping, starting in the back and mopping your way out the door of the restroom.
Our day porter system has the day porter picking up trash around all the buildings, parking lot and in the landscaping and around the dumpster's. Most of the shopping centers require the day porter to empty all the outside trash containers and replace the liners as needed, and serviced one to seven times a week, or just the weekends with some centers. Requested other services include dusting window sills on vacant suites, sweeping out corners that accumulate trash and debris and hosing off the side walks or spot mopping, plus cleaning the windows as needed. Not sure what a day porter services include, then email or call us and let us know your needs.
In Tucson Desert Cleaning and the office cleaning and janitorial market it is important to have solid reliable employees that can think on their feet and know how to clean. Desert Cleaning only hires the best from the janitorial pool and we have an excellent retention level. Why? We pay more than the going market to our employees and we retain them a lot longer than other cleaning services in Tucson. We engineered our hiring system years ago and we know it is proven.
The cleanliness of your business front area is number one and makes an impact on your clients and how they see your business. Doesn't it make sense the lobby needs to be trashed, floors cleaned, dusted, and if it has a restroom it is cleaned. These are some other front area cleaning items we cover: reception counter, vacuuming the entrance mats, the front door glass, pulling out chairs and vacuuming, straightening magazines and if you aren't receiving this kind of service call us. The front area are where clients gather for their meeting with you and while they are waiting they have time to look around at the cleaning and form an opinion of your business and how it's run. We take pride in what we do and will make your front area look the best we can..
Tucson janitor shows metal polishes not only clean and remove soil from metal surfaces they protect the metal and leave a high shine to the metal. A lot of the metals that we have seen in buildings are stainless steel and still need to be cleaned and polished. Tucson janitor will use lemon oil to clean drinking fountains, but it doesn't take much lemon oil to leave a shine. If the janitor uses to much it can appear greasy and thing's will stick to the surface. Also, the Tucson janitor will reuse the same towel, they just keep it in a plastic bag to keep it from getting on everything. Of the two products we prefer the metal cleaner in the spray cans for now.
Around Tucson most office buildings have a janitor room where the janitor keeps equipment, cleaning chemicals, and items the owner consumes. Some janitor rooms have a slop sink with a hose to fill the mop bucket. Other office buildings may have the janitor's room that they share as a storage room, especially in a building where there isn't a specific janitor storage room. There should be a lock on the janitor room, otherwise items seem to disappear. The janitors closet should have a small area for a vacuum, trash cart on wheels, and consumables. Additionally, it is a good spot to keep a log book for the property manager to leave notes for the janitor. Many business's will have the janitor room between the restrooms, which is convenient for cleaning and restocking.
I have heard many times from office managers that national franchise cleaning services have a rep bid low, then promises everything and gives a few extra services free. After that it gives it to one of their franchisee's and they are suppose to deal with it and try to make some money out of the whole mess. They soon begin to cut corners and realize that the national office is the only one making money, nice picture. Many of the office managers I talk regret signing with the national c janitorial company and now they are stuck and can't get out of the lengthy contract they signed. This is not how we run our business. We don't require a lengthy contract. Our family run office cleaning company has been in business in Tucson for 34 years and service the north, northwest, east, central, south, southeast and most parts of Tucson.
In large buildings, usually over 50,000 square feet, the restroom cart is extremely important because with the cart the janitor can have all your cleaning supplies, restroom paper products, and an area for the trash so you don't have to keep back tracking back to the janitors closet and cut the time. Plus, the mops, bucket & wringer etc... fit on the cart. The bowl mop is usually wet after using it, so we use large plastic cups on the cart to put the bowl mop and sponge in. This will keep everything from getting wet in the rest of the cart which is important.
Soap comes many ways that are used in the commercial office cleaning business, let's take a look. The bar soap that is used at home is rarely seen in the business office restrooms, maybe in a D building. Powder soap is used when there is scrubbing action needed, depending on the business. The most common is liquid hand soap which we see the most in business restrooms in and around Tucson. The liquid hand soap comes in cartridges that fit into dispensers, or bottles that screw off under the sink that can be easily refilled. In smaller buildings many times will use soft soap in a on the counter refillable bottle.
The number one question I'm asked is " How's business," and my response is the same " We're just cleaning-up." Coming soon I'll discuss the Bona cleaning system for hardwood floors. If you have a question or would like a bid please call or email me. We also have an on-line quote form for quick results.
Office cleaning basic's cover four topics: trash, restrooms, floors, and dusting. Then there are common details like front door glass, reception counter etc... In the following article I'll discuss some of the services for each topic and give you a feel for office cleaning services. I'll cover some techniques we use as well.
The first topic is removing the trash from an office, the office cleaner will often use a large cart on wheels with a can liner. This will help the can from getting dirty, and if you use just a can liner to trash with no bucket you risk the liner leaking on the floor and then you have that to clean.
If you use a larger then required liner for the trash cans and trash cart on wheels it will help the liner from getting sucked in the can or cart. Something else to note is the area where the trash cart is emptied, because it is extremely important in preventing the carpet floors from getting stained and creating more work for yourself. Removing the cart liner outside is the wisest choice.
Restrooms are for most businesses very important to have cleaned and disinfected. Tucson, Arizona has Desert Cleaning with a system where they clean the restroom's first to clean it in the order of importance. Also, if a cleaning task is missed in the restrooms the janitor will have time to correct it. Many commercial restrooms are designed for janitors to keep clean by having easy to clean surfaces like chrome, ceramic tile, glass, and stainless steel that you see in most restrooms in an office building or shopping center. Floor drains are part of the restroom cleaning check list because of the smells that can be expelled. If you want to eliminate the drain odors then pour water down the drain until the the odor is blocked.
The hard surface floors in any office have a system to follow for the right maintenance. Then before any hard surface floor is dust mopped or wet mopped, the system requires you to sweep the floor, because this will allow the janitor to pick up larger debris and get in places the dust mop can't. Some janitorial services will forget sweeping to cut corners and justify the low bid they gave. A smart janitor knows a swept floor done right removes things from the floor and gets the floor set-up for the mopping which is next. On office bid tours many times I can tell when some companies will skip sweeping because you can see the floor is filthy. That's probably why it's out to bid and the Office manager wants to switch janitorial services. The next step is the wet and damp mopping the floor which cleans and removes stains, or double mopping as we refer to it in our system. We then we do a final sweep of the floor again.
Over the years I have read and know that dusting is the number one complaint in the janitorial business, even across the country. All though we live in a dust bowl, offices still need to be dusted here in Tucson. What a phenomenal thought, however some janitor services skip it, probably to keep their cost down and again to justify a low bid. I've seen it on office bid walks where the dusting has been skipped and forgotten about. The detail part of our system we list a broad range of services. Ever office has certain requests and then there are common details. Here's a small list of common details: reception counter, cleaning the front door glass, straightening magazines. The common details are usually baked in the monthly cost of janitorial services.
The basic janitorial services and our high level of service that we provide covers the following cleaning tasks for most break rooms in a business: emptying trash, cleaning sinks and countertops, sweep and mopping floors, clean and wipe tables and chairs, cabinet fronts, tops of refrigerators and fronts, microwaves in and out, and anything else the business requires for the kitchen. Washing the dishes can be listed, but most business's want to do their own dishes, because of the additional cost. Kitchens can get heavy trash with all the food items and if the trashcan is a full size can and needs a dolly to take it to the dumpster. Desert Cleaning will double bag these trashcans and help prevent accidents.
The following are lobby cleaning services: spray and wipe clean the reception counter, clean reception glass, vacuum the entrance mats in and out, clean the front door glass, vacuuming under chairs, straightening magazines, replacing Kleenex dispenser etc... Many business lobbies are where your customers wait for their appointment. This gives them time to look around the lobby and form their opinion of your operation. Desert Cleaning take's this seriously and will spend the time required on the lobby.
Desert Cleaning when cleaning an office suite knows a top priority is not to touch or move any files or papers on desks when dusting. If a paper falls on the floor while cleaning we'll pick it up. This is part of our system so an important paper is not lost or misplaced and when you come in your office in the morning everything is in the same order as you left them. When we see an item next to a trash can, or on top and they are not sure if it's trash or of importance, our rule is "when in doubt, leave it," because it's easier than going through all the trash outside. The second rule is as follows "if you have to stop and think about lifting the paper or file on a desk then don't, because your first thought is more than likely correct."
Trash removal is an important part of the cleaning system we developed. Proper removal includes no spillages etc...And changing can liners when dirty is part of the system as well. When the overflowing trash cans are everywhere it makes the business seem unorganized. The most important thing is the trash that has foul odors and creates an unsanitary condition for everyone and increases the chance of someone getting sick. Some of our cleaning accounts that we service once a week or every other week will take the trash out in between our cleaning their offices.
Well this concludes my cursory peek into the basic janitor services here in Tucson, Arizona. Our contract is a starting point and when we gather all your needs you want we'll include those with the basic services. One of the clause's in our contract say's basically all the small cleaning tasks are included, so neither one of us is trying to think of all the possibilities. Cleaning items such as carpet cleaning, windows, and strip and waxing floors are all extras and a few outliers.
Vacuums in the janitorial business are mini vacuums, backpack vacuums, upright vacuum, and wet/dry vacuums etc... . Commonly seen is the upright vacuum and put on a regular system to clean offices, carpet areas, and commercial business's in the Tucson industry.
What about the backpack vacuums which are a good alternative, because they have maneuverability and can clean in spots where the upright can't. Janitorial services will use the small vacuums for detailing and hard to reach areas, example: below desks and next to file cabinets.
Also on the market is the wet/dry vacuum that is used for heavier pick-up of dirt or water and that is how it got it's name. Commercial uprights are still in use today as the main vacuum for office cleaning. Many new ones are lighter and easy to maneuver and only weigh 8 lbs. Additionally, working on them is quick and with a low price point makes them easy to throw away instead of fixing in many cases, or saving them for parts.
When getting ready to clean a hard floor the pads are color coded by the manufacture and for the most part are the same in the industry for low and high speed machines. A good idea is to ask the janitor supply store what color to buy for the type of floor it will be used on for stripping, buffing, or any type of floor job that requires a floor pad. Another important item is to buy the right size pad for the floor machine that will be using the pad. They color code the pads which represents several types of purposes:: stripping, scrubbing, and buffing of tile floors.
Many battery powered back packs are at the same prices for the vacuum and additional batteries as well. When you consider the run time, weight, and cost benefit I can't justify it yet for our company. Also, on the market are the battery powered cordless stick vacuums to think about. The vacuums are quiet and less plugging in and unplugging which equals time and money, think about it in a large office building that takes more than 21 hours a day to clean the time savings for vacuuming really adds up weekly, monthly, and yearly.
Janitor here in Tucson should look for carpet spots as they vacuum. Many offices aren't that bad, however, other offices know they have an ongoing situation with carpet spots and it's an issue we try to notice when we are on a building walk through for a bid. The janitor will first notice a carpet spot they should find out what caused the spot, so they know what will clean the spot, this only makes since. Many times you can figure out the cause of the spot and others are a mystery, so we start with just water and a microfiber towel to test the spot. From experience many of the spots in Tucson's commercial offices are from coffee, or soda, which are water based, and can be removed with a variety of carpet spot removers and cleaners. The other type of spot is petroleum based like gum, or tar/grease from people bringing it in on their shoes from the parking lot etc.... There are two types of carpet cleaners we use for petroleum spots: Lemon oil or desolve-it for sure. Heads-up: make sure to read the labels before using any product..
Desert Cleaning has bought and used wet/dry vacuums, upright vacuums, backpack vacuums, carpet machines, high and low speed floor machines from a company called power flight. This is not an advertisement and they did not pay us to write this article. Desert Cleaning has purchased parts and supplies from them with no complaints. Once we purchased a high speed floor buffer from them and the wheel was bent when we received the machine and they replaced the machine right away. Desert Cleaning has been buying and using their 7.99 lb upright vacuum and many of our office cleaners like using it.
Light colors are for buffing al the way to a black pad the most aggressive for stripping a floor. If the floor requires a complete stripping of all the wax then this is the time to use a black pad to remove all the wax. The black pad is tough and aggressive and can be reused in most situations if it is properly cleaned after each use and cared for properly. Some of the other darker color pads can be used for stripping as well. Other colors like the red, brown, and blue pads come in play when you want to scrub a floor and put a new finish on the floor. These are slightly aggressive and then this sets the floor up for a new coat of wax. Then once you have waxed a floor and let it harden for a day or two you want to set-up a maintenance program to keep the floor looking wet and clean looking. Don't forget to buff regularly.
Recently I wrote about restroom upgrades and the consumables like toilet paper, hand towels etc... will change the impression it leaves on tenants, customers, and employees for the cost/benefit.
First class restrooms have a good impression and can in any building for a small amount of investment. Regular cleaning should be in the plan as well, If the restrooms aren't cleaned regularly or the toilet paper has wood chips, then it will hurt your business. Then when you add in old dispenser's that are left on the wall it really makes the restrooms and your business look cheap.
Most people will agree that old dispenser's left in the restroom just doesn't look right. The first step in upgrading the restrooms is to remove the old dispensers. Good property managers know this will keep or attracting tenants to the building. Having top of the line dispensers that are easy to clean should be on the list of upgrades. The soap dispensers should be easy to use and refill with a quality product. You probably have experienced using a restroom and going to wash your hands only to find there are several dispensers and all of them are empty, it doesn’t get any better than this.
Hand towels are available in less expensive to expensive levels, for both a folded or rolled paper hand towel in the restrooms. This isn't hard for a building or business owner that wants to upgrade the restrooms. If the restrooms are clean with top level restroom consumables it can really upgrade an old restroom in a C or D building. This will make people feel good for not a whole lot of money. The opposite is true, when a building has low budget products in the restrooms it frustrates the user and creates a negative atmosphere for the tenants and clients.
I'm sure you can see how a few inexpensive upgrades for the restrooms is a big improvement. In fact, give it a try at your building and hear the comments made after the improvements.
The Microfiber uses for office cleaning has been around a long time, but has taken off in the janitorial world here in Tucson, Arizona. Microfiber many uses: multi use towels, dry and wet flat mops, string mops etc... and can be color coded.
Microfiber mops have different mop buckets you can get. Hospitals have buckets that hold several mops, so you can use a clean mop for each room and not cross contaminate as easily. Did you know that microfiber got the name from the size of the fiber that is 101 times smaller than a human hair, so I have been told. Microfiber towels can absorb 10 times more water than the typical bar mop towel that was used for years.
Still, microfiber towels and other white cotton towels each have their use in the janitorial business in Tucson. Microfiber mops have become popular and these mops perform ok in most conditions than other types of mops in the office cleaning world. Microfiber towels are hard to use for lemon oil or de-sol-it and we still use the white bar mops for this purpose. Microfiber is made of high density woven man made fibers and they come in a variety of colors to help prevent cross contamination. This is important when cleaning different area's of an office, kitchen, and restroom floors etc.... Here's a fun fact, the microfiber towels have fibers that are superb for trapping dust, bacteria, water, and is best when damp. Also, the microfiber towel is more absorbent and can absorb many times it's weight in water, especially when compared to cotton towels.
This mop is better because it is easy to use, lasts a long time and does a superb job on floors, I'm talking about the microfiber mop. The microfiber mops are better for cleaning than traditional cotton mops, Why? because it does a better job than disposable cleaning pads. Before I forget I wanted to mention that microfiber is being used in bed sheets, shower curtains, bath towels as well. I have seen these products at target and on the internet. I'll give my opinion on them when I try them. Microfiber wet mops are energy efficient to process, bacteria resistant and do not need to be used with any chemicals to provide excellent cleaning of any type of flooring it is used. Originally developed for anti-slip flooring the microfiber is the woven fabrics that will not lint and anti-slip flooring shreds traditional blended types of mops.
Microfiber dust mops are sewn in conventional slot end style and are the most durable dust mops available. Same as the towels the microfiber dust mops will hold up to hundreds of launderings, and can be a huge savings especially in this economy. These dust mops are produced with continuous filament microfiber yarn and are a 100% synthetic dry mop and are good to go. These dust mops are bacteria resistant, lint-less, and are a pleasure to work with. Also, they hold soil through electrostatic elements and do not need dust mop treatment which is a nice benefit.
50% of the office cleaning business is office cleaning, then the other 50% is working with a company you can trust and the people within that company.
This is how we operate and it has worked for 30 plus years. The behind the scenes work that is done to get the janitor to your offices to clean include being honest and easy to work with crew.
Our management team takes pride in what they do for a living and it shows in quick response to complaints and requests at every account.
We understand that your office is special, so at Desert Cleaning janitorial services, inc. we formulated our basic services and any additional items that are important to you and incorporated them into our contract and list of services. Our staff will understand and listen to you for all your needs and areas of importance for you business janitorial.
At Desert Cleaning we have a comprehensive cleaning system we'll put together and include details using the latest state of the art cleaning programs to provide you with a high level of commercial janitorial service.. Knowing there are other janitorial services in Tucson we clean every time like we just started cleaning your offices.
Desert Cleaning knows chemicals are important in the janitorial business and the most common chemical used: toilet bowl cleaners, disinfectants, floor cleaners, and glass cleaners. Some companies use cleaners like acid and bleach that are good for special jobs. Most chemicals soften and dissolve stains etc... and are mixed with water for better use. We recommend following instructions on the label before using any chemical anywhere.
Another important tool in the janitorial business is gloves. Our video show's two common types of gloves that are used in commercial office cleaning. Cleaning gloves should always be worn when cleaning in the restrooms and empting trash cans in an office. Most gloves are changed, or rinsed after cleaning the restrooms. This helps the rest of the building from cross-contamination from the restrooms just cleaned. There are many gloves on the market, and the two basic types are the disposable and reusable, WOW. Many janitors have their own preference of glove they like and that's good.The reusable glove can be washed just like you would wash your hands, and hang them up to dry for the next time.
Liability insurance for Arizona janitors covers many issues, which is good. Some of the items it covers are the public, employees, office staff, lost key, property damage and lawsuits.
There are certain things to know when shopping for janitorial liability insurance and I'll cover some of them in this article. Before I'm finished I'll cover the two types of claims: claims made and occurrence.
Also, I'll cover policy limits and certificates of insurance that most places require. Along with the certificate of insurance you can request to be named additional insured.
Starting first with lawsuits and liability insurance coverage. In general a liability policy will cover the employees and business in most lawsuits that surface targeting them. Attorney fee's, time spent on a case, court ordered judgment, court costs, any agreed settlement should be covered. Insurance claims are the reason you buy insurance to begin with and it is important to know the difference between occurrence and claims made, ask your agent.
Bodily injury can happen for all kinds of reasons and the liability policy usually covers medical expenses, lost work hours etc... This could happen at your office or the home office. Bodily injury is broad and with some risk management can help prevent an injury before it happens. Property damage usually happens when an employee damages property while working. The insurance will cover any loss of use, as well as replacement or repair to the property.
Some additional coverage's for the janitorial business are lost key, the home office, and any cleaning work after completion is not right or damaging. The lost key could be a real issue in a large building, especially If the janitor had a master key. All the rekeying and new keys that each employee will need. The janitorial main office is covered if rented and mistakenly you damage property. Also, if your office is burglarized it should be covered. This article should not be relied on and anything in it should be checked with your insurance agent.
And across the country is dusting in offices. Here in Tucson we live in a dust bowl, so it is critical that the janitor uses the duster. Let's take a look at the different types of dusters. Then, some history on the duster and how it all came together. Also, what horizontal surfaces are dusted and what to move and not to move on desks and shelves. Dusting is one of the easiest tasks for the janitor and the easiest task to not do because it looks fine.
The types of dusters are many, each with a purpose. It may only be a few inches long or 30 inches in size to reach in, up and around. Then there are feather ( the most common ), lambs wool, microfiber, synthetic and colored dusters. How about wood handle, retractable, extension pole dusters etc... We have a few that are retractable into a case to protect the feather's and easy to carry in your pocket. A good idea is to save the old dusters to use on outside windows when they get dusty, in lieu of washing. I've seen hand dusters that look like a big glove.
The duster has been around since the late 1800's. The idea came from a lady in a broom factory in Iowa. It started with turkey feathers and over time evolved into mainly ostrich feather's that we see today. That's it for my history lesson for the day.
Next, I'd like to talk about desk tops and shelves, especially with nic-nacs. Papers and files on desktops we don't touch, unless we are told otherwise. We try to move or lift small objects and dust under and around. Also, we'll pull everything away from the wall and dust. Reception area desks need extra attention since they are near the front door. Shelves with a lot of item can sometimes be dusted, however, unless all the things are move it's hard to get all the dust. It comes down to cost in many situations.
Dusting can be an easy task when the janitor is aware of what to dust and what to move and dust. The rule we follow is " when in doubt, don't touch it." Dusting can be a hot topic, but when handled correctly it shouldn't be a problem. Clear horizontal surfaces is a good starting point and then each account is different from there. I hope this quick look at dusters for the office cleaning janitor helps.
The kitchen area in an office requires the basic janitorial services and the high level of janitorial care that we provide covers the following basic services for most kitchens in an office: emptying trash, cleaning sinks and countertops, sweep and mopping floors, clean and wipe tables and chairs, cabinet fronts, tops of refrigerators and fronts, microwaves etc.... We can also wash the dishes, but most people want to do their own dishes, mainly because of the cost savings. Some additional items are: cleaning coffee pots and putting the water bottles on the water dispenser.
Trash in the office kitchen can get heavy with all the food items and the trashcan is usually a full size can. So, we double bag these trashcans and it helps prevent messes from a torn bag.
Plus all the liquids make it heavy and requires a dolly to take the can too the dumpster. Also, we leave extra can liners draped over the sides in case they need them between services. Double bagging them helps to keep the can clean.
Sinks and countertops are included in our basic kitchen services. Coffee stains are common in most office kitchen sinks and may require extra attention. Also, coffee stains can be found on the counters and floors and can be easily removed. When cleaning the counter-top we move certain items away from wall and clean.
Other item's in the office kitchen are included when you hire Desert Cleaning. What are they? Items like spray and wipe tables and chairs, clean the fronts of the cabinets, especially by the coffee machine. Then there are the microwave and refrigerator. The microwave needs to be cleaned in and out usually. The refrigerator mainly needs the front and handles cleaned, with the inside as requested. Some of our accounts have asked us to throw away anything in the refrigerator at a certain date. They will do this a couple of times a year. After we throw out the left items we'll spray and wipe the inside out.
I hope this cursory look at some of the main details in cleaning an office kitchen helps. As you can see it's more than just empting the trash to clean an office kitchen properly.
What's in the janitors closet, here in Tucson? Equipment to clean with, cleaning chemicals, and products the owner consumes in the restroom. Many times the janitor's room is part of anther room, especially in a building where there isn't a designated janitor storage closet to work for the janitor. If you can't lock the janitor closet it is frustrating, items can go missing, and the janitor can't clean the offices. Then the phone calls the next to track down what's missing.
The cleaning system runs a lot smoother when the janitors room is big, has shelves, and has a water hose and sink to fill and empty a mop bucket, and a door lock. Most offices have a room or a small area for a vacuum, trash bin on wheels, and paper supplies. You'll find the janitors closet is located near the restrooms in most buildings, which makes it easier for restocking the restrooms and positioning the mop bucket.
Storing equipment in a janitors closet in Tucson is important the bigger the building. Why? So we can leave the equipment there and it's ready for the office cleaning crew the next night. Lugging all the equipment in and out every night at a large office building would be costly. At some of the big accounts they have room for carpet cleaning and floor machines as well as the nightly cleaning equipment.
Shelves in the closet are nice to put items on. All the boxes of can liners, hand towels, toilet paper are best kept off the floor and on shelves. Also, shelves are good for keeping time sheets and keys for the suites. We try to keep as much as we can off the floor. Items like the large trash can on wheels, vacuums, and mop buckets all go on the floor.
Next, let's talk about chemicals. The janitors closet is a good place to store the material safety data sheets " MSDS " on each chemical. There are several reasons for these sheets to be available. One is so the fire department can see what chemicals are in the closet, so in case of a fire they don't have chemical bombs going off. The MSDS was attached to the big grease board at one building, so it was easy to locate. The grease board was nice to leave notes for the property manager, employees etc...
There's a little peak inside the janitors closet. And, as I have mention in other articles the janitors closet and how clean and organized it is reflects on the kind of service they are doing on the office suites.
Basic janitorial services here in Tucson cover 4 areas: trash, restrooms, floors, and dusting/details.
I'll write about each to give you an idea of the nightly routine services. Under the detail and dusting section I'll cover most common items like drinking fountains, front door glass, and reception counter. Let's get started.
When trashing an office the janitor will many times use a large bucket on wheels with can liners and bags are made of plastic that can be purchased in different colors, thickness, size, and bottoms. Keeping the can clean, so nothing from the can liner leaks on the floor is important.
The use of can liners in the bucket can make trash removal easier and quicker and save from spotting the floor. We use a larger then required liner for the trash cans and trash buckets on wheels because the liner won't get sucked in the can or bucket, and in effect it's like no liner at all, probably worse because you have to constantly clean it. Also, where the trash cans are emptied, is extremely important in keeping the carpet floors from getting stained and creating more work for the janitor. When the janitor empties the trash bucket it is best to do outside when possible.
Without a doubt the restrooms are for many businesses the most important cleaning area for the office cleaner. here in Tucson, Arizona Desert Cleaning has a system where we clean the restroom's first to keep it in the order of importance and incase something is missed in the restrooms you have time to fix it while you are still there. Commercial restrooms are made for janitors to keep clean by having easy to clean surfaces like chrome, ceramic tile, glass, and stainless steel that you see in most restrooms. The floor drains and vents are part of the restrooms and are areas where smells can enter the restrooms. To eliminate the drain odors just pour water down the drain until the the odor is gone, usually about 2 or 3 big cups of water.
Did you know that proper floor care is important and that each step of the system needs to be performed. Also, the first step before any hard surface floor is dust mopped, wet mopped, or buffed, the system say's you must sweep the floor, this will allow the janitor to pick up larger debris etc....and remove it from the floor. Many janitorial services will skip sweeping to cut corners and charge a cheaper price. In the system a swept floor done right removes the debris items from the floor and gets the floor ready for the mopping steps that follow. I have seen on bid walks many times where some companies will skip sweeping and you can see the floor is dirty, and when you think about it that's probably why it's out to bid and the property manager wants to switch. Next to the last step would be the wet and damp mopping of the floor which cleans and removes stains. And finally the last step, we would sweep the floor again, and you would be surprised what accumulates.
Tucson's number one janitor should know the most often heard complaint in Tucson and across the country is dusting. So, how do we handle dusting knowing it is the biggest complaint? It's simple, we do our job and dust. I know it's a phenomenal concept, but I guess some companies blow it off. I see it on building tours all the time where the dusting hasn't been done in a long time. Under the detail part of our system we cover a broad range of items. Depending on what the manager wants and their budget always has to be factored in the equation. Common details like front door glass, reception counter, straightening magazines are usually included in the price.
This should give you an idea of the foundation of cleaning services in our contract. It's a great starting point and when we collect all your details you want we'll incorporate them in as well. We even have a clause that basically say's all the small details are included, so neither one of us is trying to think of all the details. Cleaning items such as carpet cleaning, windows, and strip and waxing floors are all extras.
Microfiber has been around I think since the 1970s, but has exploded in the janitorial service in Tucson. It has many uses: Sheets for beds, dry and wet flat mops, string mops etc...
There are different mop buckets you can get for them. I have seen a bucket for hospitals that hold several mops, so you can use a clean mop for each room and not cross contaminate. Microfiber got the name because of the size of the fiber is about 100 times smaller than a human hair.
The microfiber towels can absorb 10 times more water than the typical bar mop towel. This all helps the janitor do a better job.
Microfiber towels and other white cotton towels each have their use in the janitors toolbox. Microfiber towels are all the rage and these towels perform better in most conditions than other types of towels on the market. Desert Cleaning janitorial service still uses the two types. The microfiber towel is hard to use for lemon oil or de-sol-it. Microfiber towels are made of high density woven man made fibers and they come in a variety of colors for cross contamination concerns when cleaning different area of an office and restrooms. The fact that the microfiber towels have fibers that are excellent for trapping dust, bacteria, water, and performs best when wet. Amazingly the microfiber towel is more absorbent and can absorb many times it's weight in water compared to the competition.
I wanted to take a minute from the janitorial world and mention that microfiber is being used in bed sheets, shower curtains, bath towels etc.. You can find many of these items on the internet as well as Target. If I try any of these I'll give my opinion in the future.
The microfiber regular mop is superior because it is easy to use, lasts a long time and does an amazing job on floors. Microfiber mops are better for cleaning than traditional cotton mops, does a better job than disposable cleaning pads here in Tucson, Arizona. From what I hear the microfiber wet mops are energy efficient to process, bacteria resistant and do not need to be used with any chemicals to provide excellent cleaning of any type of flooring, and it could be true. These types of mops were originally developed for anti-slip flooring because the woven fabrics will not lint and anti-slip flooring shreds traditional blended types of mops when in use. Also, they come in color coded systems if that's important.
You can purchase industrial microfiber dust mops which are sewn in conventional slot end style and are the most durable dust mops on the market according to my research. The microfiber dust mops will hold up to hundreds of launderings, and can be a huge savings. The microfiber dust mops are produced with continuous filament microfiber yarn and are a 100% synthetic dry mop. Also, the dust mops are bacteria resistant, lint-less, and I've heard you can use bleach to launder them. We limit our use of bleach. Then they pick up and hold soil through electrostatic elements and do not need dust mop treatment that saves some more money.
Class A restrooms leave a good impression and can in any building for not a whole lot of money.
Whether it's an employee, tenant, or customer restroom just upgrading the consumables like toilet paper, hand towels etc... can make a difference.
When the restrooms aren't cleaned regularly or the paper hand towels still have wood chips in them, then it can impact your building or business in a negative way. Also, when old dispenser's are left on the wall it can create a certain impression as well.
Old Dispenser's left on the wall don't look good in any building. So, removing them is the first step in upgrading the restrooms, and for a minimal cost. It's all part of a big picture in keeping or attracting tenants. Also, have dispensers that are nice and kept clean. Soap dispensers that are easy to use and refill. I'm sure we have all experienced using a restroom and going to wash your hands only to find there are several dispenser and all of them are empty.
Paper products come in cheap to expensive types, whether it's a folded or rolled paper hand towel. If a building or business owner wants to upgrade the restrooms this is a very inexpensive way. A clean, clean restroom with class A paper products and soap can really upgrade a class D restroom. It makes people feel good even if the restroom is old. On the other side, when a building has cheap products in the restrooms it will frustrate the user and magnify everything else in the restroom negatively.
How does having quality paper products for the employees make a difference? If the restrooms are old and in a warehouse area it makes a big difference in employees attitude because it shows the company cares. If you don't believe me try an experiment and let me know the results. We have seen this before when we cleaned Asarco Mine. They had restrooms in some areas that were built back in the 1950's. They were old and we kept them clean and Asarco bought good quality paper products. I know another place we cleaned that was similar that had certain union requirements for the cleaning and paper products.
Common vacuums used in the janitorial business are mini vacuums, backpack vacuums, upright vacuum, and wet/dry vacuums . The most widely used is the upright vacuum and used on a regular basis to clean offices, banks, and commercial offices in the Tucson janitor market and at resorts.
Next are the backpack vacuums which are a good alternative, because they have maneuverability and can clean in spots where the upright is unable. Office cleaning companies will use the mini-vacuums for detailing and hard to get places, like under desks and along side copiers. Then there is the wet/dry vacuum that is used for heavier pick-up of dirt or water.
The commercial uprights are still in use today. The new ones are lighter and easy to maneuver. Plus working on them is quick and with a low price point makes them easy to throw away instead of fixing in many cases. Some people I have heard have a hard time putting on the back pack vacuum and if you add the weight of a battery to that you have eliminated even more janitors from wearing it.
Battery powered back packs are still at the same prices for the unit and additional batteries. My thought is the run time, weight, and cost doesn't work yet and hopefully it will happen sooner rather than later. I've heard the machines are quiet and less plugging in and unplugging, because in a large office building that takes more than 20 hours a day to clean the time savings for vacuuming really adds up. If you figure the weight is about 16 lbs compared to a regular plug with cord vacuum that weighs around 9 lbs and that you are carrying it on your back for a few hours.
When vacuuming the janitor should look for carpet spots. Some offices aren't that bad and some offices know they have a constant problem with carpet spots and it's an issue we try to notice when we are on a building tour. When we first notice a carpet spot we figure out what caused the spot, so we know what will clean the spot in the office. Most of the time you can figure out the cause and sometimes you can't, so we start with just water and a microfiber towel. We have seen many of the spots in Tucson's commercial offices are from coffee, or soda, which are water based, and can be removed with a variety of carpet spot removers. The next kind of spot is petroleum based and is derived from gum, or tar/grease people bring in on their shoes from the parking lot. The two types of spotters we use for this are Lemon oil or desolve-it. We have had great outcomes with both of these products. Warning: be sure to read the labels before using any product. The number one worst type of spot is from ink for the copy machine. .
The best new vacuums on the market check out the power flite line for price and performance. We have purchased wet/dry vacuums, upright vacuums, backpack vacuums, carpet machines, high and low speed floor machines from them and plan on buying more. Then, we have purchased parts and supplies from them as well. Here's a situation we had when we purchased a high speed floor buffer from them and the wheel was bent when it arrived and they replaced it with no worries or hassle. Recently, we have been buying and using their 8 lb upright vacuum and many of our employees that have used it like it a lot. Also, we have royal upright vacuums that we still use that work great too and we have been buying and using them since we started our business in nineteen eighty. Industrial Chemicals had the Royal vacuums and I bought two to start to get the business started. Then, in the early 1990's we bought about 20 Royals from a wholesaler out of Phoenix for around $400.00 each, and of course that was a lot of money.
Floor pads are color coded by the manufacture and for the most part are the same in the industry. When purchasing pads ask the janitor supply store what color to buy for the type of floor it will be used on. Then be sure to get the right size pad for the floor machine it will be put on. The color coding represents several main uses: stripping, scrubbing, and buffing. The colors range from lightest ( buffing ) to black ( stripping ).
First, let's start with the black pads. When the floor requires a complete stripping of all the wax is the time to use a black pad. It is tough and aggressive and can be reused. The pad will usually last if it is properly cleaned after each use. The dark green pad falls in this category for stripping.
Next, the red, brown, and blue pads come in play when you want to scrub a floor. It's slightly aggressive and cleans the floor for a new coat of wax. This is in lieu of a full stripping.
Last, are the lighter color less aggressive pads used for buffing. Again, ask you're janitorial supplier which color pad would work best the floor you have. After waxing a floor you want to establish a maintenance program to keep the floor shinny and great looking. Also, it will extend the need to strip the floor.
There are several types of mat's on the market and to give you a little taste here are a few.
First, let's talk about follow through mats. Usually found in kitchens and industrial uses the large holes so spills etc... can fall through and keep the surface area dry. This helps to keep people from slipping. Uline has a nice website with many different kinds of mats, worth looking up.
The second type of mat I want to mention is the anti-static mat. As more and more office's have electronics the anti-static mat will be needed. These mats are designed to prevent the build-up of static electricity. They are usually made of foam, vinyl, or rubber. Also, anti-static mats I've seen in industrial use and there may be others too. Let me know if you know of a use, thanks.
General wiper mats many times are used at the entrance to an office building. You probably have seen them in your travels. They basically clean the bottom of your shoes. Additionally, they hold moisture as well. Also, they come in microfiber which holds 3 times more liquid than the standard wiper mats. Plus, they hold dust and other debris as well.
Holding large amounts of water are the water hog mats. They dry fast and are used in areas water is a concern. I can't say I have seen any in Tucson. They have strips you can buy for stairs that function the same and help prevent slips. Plus you can order custom mats with company logos. They have a nice website, so you might check it out.
Next, are the all important anti-fatigue mats. Commonly used in areas where people stand a lot to work. The design helps reduce the fatigue by increasing the blood flow in the legs. They are common and can be purchased at Home depot, Lowes, Amazon, office supply stores, and office supply catalogs.
Our company when cleaning an office building knows a top concern is not to disturb or move any files or papers on desks and other areas when cleaning, dusting or providing janitorial services at that office.
We do this so an important paper is not lost or misplaced and when you come in your office in the morning the papers will be in the same place. Many times when our janitor see an item next to a trash can, or on top and they are not sure if it's trash or of importance, the Desert Cleaning rule is "when in doubt, leave it," because it's easier than dumpster diving the next day. Another rule we have is if you have to stop and think about lifting the paper or file then don't, because your first thought is probably right.
In the dusting loop is when not disturbing papers surfaces and other horizontal areas. It's pretty simple until someone in an office can't find a certain document. This is when your training pays off and the janitor doesn't disturb anything. Also, when dusting book shelves with nic-nacs can be tricky. The correct way is to get approval first on what you can and can't move and have it in the contract. This is when feather dusters work great to get in and around objects on shelves.
Where does dust come from? Many places through out the office building. Let's start with the entrance and the opening of the door during the day, which blows in dust. Then, peoples shoes and clothes bring in dust as well. And, when dust is in the air it eventually settles on the floor and other surfaces areas. When people are walking on the carpet each step stirs up the dust that has settled on the floor and landing on another surface. This is one of the reasons vacuuming is so important, but I'll discuss that in another article. Next are the air vents in the office building and whenever they blow air guess what? That's right, more dust enters the building. Then there are the delivery boxes and paper dust to put on the list, as well.
Update: Battery powered back packs are still at the same prices. In my opinion, the run time, weight, and cost doesn't work yet for our company. I look forward to the day when they make sense. They are quiet and less plugging in and unplugging, because in a large office building that takes more than 20 hours a day to clean the time savings for vacuuming is huge. Also, the weight is about 16 lbs compared to a regular plug with cord vacuum that weighs around 9 lbs.
Here is an interesting stat on entrance mats and the American Institute of Architects (AIA) opinion on the debris trapped by them. They say that 5 five of matting captures 33 percent of debris, 10 feet captures 52 percent, 20 feet captures 85 percent, and 25 feet captures 100 percent. The article I read didn't mention any matting on the inside entrance, or combination in/out. However, I think you get the idea on capturing the debris on the bottom of your shoes makes a huge deference.
Trash and dash describes a cleaning company that quickly empties the trash and leaves, skipping a lot of the services they agreed to do. Why would they do this and not just do the job right?
The main reason I can think of is they probably bid to low to get the job and now they are trying to have it make sense. The office manager will figure it out and they lose the account.
I've been told numerous times on a building tour by the property manager or the office manager that the current company is "trash and dashing" their building. If they truly under bid it would make more sense to talk to the property manager and get a price adjustment.
Some national franchise janitorial companies hang on to their accounts with long term, multi-year contracts. How do they do that? They have a sales rep who gives the office manager a sales pitch on how big they are etc... Then they hand off the low bid multiyear contract to a franchisee. Everyone is happy in the beginning. The franchisee can’t service the account and they become unhappy as well as the property manager. Then, from what I’ve been told they don’t let the account out of the janitorial contract. Nice system, wrong!!!!! This isn’t how we do business. Let’s talk, please fill out our on line form, email, or call us.
Desert Cleaning has built their business on 34 years of trust and service here in Tucson. We’re a local company and let our cleaning do the talking. While other companies are copying our name and systems, we keep on focusing on servicing our accounts. See some of our reference letters on our homepage link. Then, fill out our on line form and we’ll make you a satisfied client too.
I wanted to update you from a previous article on the compliance company Notivus. We were approved after jumping through all of there hoops. We had to up some of our insurance coverage's and the company we service agreed to pay the increased amount which was nice. It wasn't a bad experience, just time consuming. And from what I've been told there are other compliance companies out there- so get ready.
Proper floor care is important and that each step of the system is followed. First, before any hard surface floor is dust mopped, wet mopped, or buffed, the system calls for sweeping by the janitor to pick up larger debris etc.... Other janitorial services will skip sweeping to cut corners and charge a cheaper price until the owner finds out the truth. A properly swept floor removes the debris items from the floor and gets the floor ready for the mopping steps. Next, the dust mopping step and please note it does not replace sweeping in our system. We have seen on bid walks many times where some companies will skip sweeping and when you think about it that's probably why it's out to bid in the first place. Almost the last step would be the wet and damp mopping of the floor. Last step, we can sweep the floor again, which could be over kill depending on the facility and budget.
In the Desert Cleaning system we start with the restroom cleaning when cleaning an office building. Starting in the restroom the janitor will fill the dispensers first, the reason is if the they forget to fill a dispenser and are still cleaning the restroom they have time to catch the error with out to much back tracking. Here is a partial list of restroom details: wiping clean the wall under the soap dispenser, cleaning the entire toilet in and out, clean the entire mirrors, cleaning outside and inside the men's urinals (especially in the outside front), and remove rings in bowls, dust or wipe any ledges and vents etc.... Then, the janitor will empty the trash and put in a new can liner to help prevent smells. The last step of our system is to sweep and mop the floor, and double mop and/or double sweep.
Our billing system starts by making sure it fits with your receivable system. There are many options when when billing for office cleaning, here are a few: With, or without supplies that you consume, charge per service, or monthly total, and we can send the bill email, or regular mail and on the first of the month we send the bill for our services for that month usually. Then, please note our cleaning invoice is not due until the 1st of the subsequent month, this is common and can be changed to fit your system of course.
At Desert Cleaning we provide day porter service for shopping centers and any parking lots here in Tucson. Our schedule allows us to service 1-7 days a week day porter service. The following day porter services include picking up trash around all the buildings, parking lot and in the landscaping, around dumpster areas and any coves where trash accumulates. Our day porter will empty all the outside trash containers in front and replace the liners and clean the lids Then other duties provided are dusting window sills and mopping up spills on the concrete sidewalk. Last item are there any common area restrooms on the property? We can clean as well.
Are your grout lines dirty? Are your baseboards filthy? If your current cleaning company isn't sure what to do about these issues, then give us a call. If you want to know how your janitor is cleaning take a look at the janitor closet, it should give you an idea if it is clean, organized and ready for the next cleaning it's a good clue that they are doing a good job on your offices. Here are some other tips, check the dusting in offices and the restrooms, which is over-looked by many cleaning services in the Tucson area. Many cleaning-janitorial business's use a contract between the owner of the building and the cleaning company that spells out the services provided. The dusting loop is in our contract and includes any horizontal surface, including the restrooms. Please fill out our on-line quote form. Thanks in advance.
In the vacuum world there are two common types of bags, cloth and paper. Each have there purpose depending on the building. Cloth bags need to breath and are standard on most tank type vacuums. Many upright vacuums come standard with paper bags with the cloth bag being an option. Hospitals usually require paper bags because of the possibility of dust blowing out from a cloth bag. We will use whatever vacuum and system you require.
HEPA ( high efficiency particulate air ) systems are for facilities that are concerned with indoor air quality ( IAQ ) . like a hospital. Office managers sometimes are concerned with allergies and people getting sick, causing them to miss work. The HEPA filters trap more dust etc... However, the standard cloth and paper bags work well in offices. We have used HEPA filters in the past and mainly when the janitor has to vacuum offices with people still there and one of them had sensitive allergies.
Recently, I have been asked who are the top janitorial services in Tucson. I'll let you know soon who my picks are for the top office cleaning services here in Tucson, Arizona. I'm sure you can guess who I think is the number one or best cleaning service here in Tucson is.
A few articles back I wrote about the kitchen and how it is part of an office and will need cleaning with all the standard services plus. The level of service that we provide covers the following basic services for most kitchens in an office that the janitor would provide: Emptying trash, cleaning sinks and countertops, sweep and mopping floors, clean and wipe tables, cabinets, tops of refrigerators, microwaves in/out. The washing of the dishes can be done, but most people want to do their own dishes, mainly because of cost. Here are a few more items: cleaning coffee pots and putting the water bottles on the drinking stand. Questions? Give us a call.
Notivus is a third party compliance company that I have just been introduced. I gave them our company information and started the process with them. Apparently, they verify your company and insurances, then provide that information to the owner or manager. Then they charge you a hundred plus dollars. After that there is an annual fee. This could be good, I think if you can use it to send to other buildings I'll keep you updated on the process as I go through it.
Cleaning is half of the janitorial business, the other half is dealing with a company you can trust and people that are honest. I know this is how we operate and it has worked for 34 years for us. All the back ground work that is done to get the janitor to your offices to clean include being honest and easy to work with staff, it makes a huge difference on both sides. We take pride in what we do for a living and it shows in our quick response to complaints and requests.
Your office or facility is special, so at Desert Cleaning we created our basic services and any additional items that are important to you and incorporated them into our contract and bid. We understand and listen to you for all your concerns and areas of importance in your office, doesn't matter the size of the building.
Desert Cleaning uses a comprehensive cleaning program we'll put together and include details using the latest state of the art cleaning programs to provide you with a high level of commercial janitorial service in the Tucson market. We know there are other janitorial services, so we clean every time like we just started your account.When we receive an email to bid it could be for several reasons.
One reason is the current services is not providing the service. Another might be that the office manager is checking the janitorial market prices. No matter what we treat them the same way. Why? It's just good business. After filling out our on-line quote form we'll respond as fast as we can. If you want us to visit your office first we will. We specialize in office cleaning and would love to hear from you. Thanks!!!!!
Chemicals are important in the janitorial business and the most widely used chemical examples are: Toilet bowl cleaners, disinfectants, floor cleaners, and glass cleaners to name a few. Then there are heavier cleaners like acid and bleach that are used for certain jobs. Chemicals soften and dissolve stains etc... and are mixed with water. Following instructions on the label is very important before using any chemical.
Gloves are important in the janitorial world. In our last video we showed two of the common types of gloves that are used commercially. Most cleaning gloves should always be worn while working, especially in the restrooms and when empting trash cans at an office building. The gloves are changed after cleaning the restrooms that way the rest of the building isn't cross-contaminated from the restrooms. Many types of gloves are available the two basic types are the disposable and reusable that I know on the market. Most janitors have their own preference of glove they like. Reusable gloves can be washed just like you would wash your hands, and hang them up to dry. Having learned that disposable gloves have their purpose, also they can rip easy and defeat the purpose of wearing the gloves etc...
Here is another important topic when office cleaning, disturbing or moving any files or papers on desks and other areas when cleaning or dusting. Unless we have a green light to move items in an office we don't. And when our janitor see's an item next to a trash can, or on top of the can and they are not sure if it's trash or something of importance, the our thought is "when in doubt, leave it." It's easier than dumpster diving the next day and hoping the trash truck didn't come yet. Concerning the papers on desks we tell our cleaners that if you have to stop and think about lifting the paper or file then don't do it. Your first thought is probably right and we don't want to throw any papers out, or mix them up.
What happens when a client walks into your lobby for the first time? They form an opinion about you and your business. Sadly enough, many times I see on a bid tour how lobbies are over looked by the current janitor service. We know the lobby is part of the office and needs to be trashed, floors cleaned, dusted, and if it has a restroom that will need cleaning as well.
Here are some other lobby requirements: Cleaning the reception counter, vacuuming the entrance mats, cleaning the front door glass, pulling out chairs and cleaning, straightening magazines, replacing tissue boxes, dust plants etc... Most offices lobbies are where clients sit and wait for their appointment and while they are waiting they have time to look around at the cleaning and form an opinion of your operation, so our company will take this seriously and spend the time needed on the lobbies to be sure you look your best.
Janitor's usually have a closet located in an office building is where they store equipment, chemicals, and products the owner consumes like: tp, ht soap. Most have a hose to fill the mop bucket and a sink to dump the dirty water when finished. Many times the janitor's closet is part of anther room in the building or a vacant suite, especially in a building where there isn't a designated janitor storage closet, or there isn't a lock because items can be missing, like a vacuum, and the janitor can't do the job then without additional cost in time and missing equipment. The janitor closet is a good spot to keep a log book for the office manager to leave notes and receive them. Many of the janitor's closets are between the restrooms because of the plumbing and it work's great for restocking the restrooms being so close.
Floor maintenance and what some companies do to cut corners. Remember, before any hard surface floor is dust mopped, wet mopped, or buffed, it should be swept by the janitor to pick up larger debris. We have seen janitorial services skip sweeping to cut corners and charge a cheaper price until the owner finds out what is happening. A good sweeping removes the debris items from the floor and gets the floor ready for mopping. Dust mopping is next and does not replace sweeping, although I've seen on bid walks where some companies skip sweeping, that's probably why it's out to bid. Call us or fill out our online quote form.
Desert Cleaning provides janitorial services and that includes the interaction with the point of contact. We take all calls seriously and pride ourselves in handling requests swiftly. Desert Cleaning wants your clients to feel good about dong business with you and we all know a filthy office is a reflection on your business and operation. We can provide scent bottles that can be placed around your office, because a good smell sells and is the final touch. Back to the interaction with the office manager could include a log book to make notes from either Desert Cleaning or the point of contact. If we see an item to report or supplies needed a note goes in the book and the office manager will see it first thing in the morning.
When using a concentrated chemical and mix it with water we'll use a measuring cup for a proper ratio of the two for best performance. The ratio is important because if there is to much chemical and it could leave a film on surfaces, and too little won't get the job done properly by a weak product. There are some chemical manufacturers that make a premeasured chemical packet that makes it easy to mix with water that saves time for the janitor. In addition, there are the chemical stations that provide the janitor with premeasured amounts of chemicals for mixing with water to make the final product and works great. Desert Cleaning has used both the station and concentrated packets and like both of them for their end result.
There is a new product to use on urine stains and odors on the market. The Clorox professional products company said the new product will remove urine stains and break down urine to eliminate the problem, which is great. The product uses hydrogen peroxide to get rid of uric acid crystals apparently. The main purpose is to use on porous surfaces, but can also be used on carpet and and other surfaces as well. I'll keep you updated as I find out.
One of the key floor maintenance secrets is having mat's at the entrance to your building. They are important in helping stop the dirt that comes from the outside and grinding the carpet or tile. Having entrance mats doesn't wear out the tile and carpet as fast in your office building. About 79% of dirt will come off a persons shoes and onto the mat that helps save the floor. And, it is efficient for the janitor to remove by wet mopping and vacuuming the mats and when they are worn out it's easier to replace. Also, a good plan is to have the mats on the outside and inside of all the entrances to the building a phenomenal concept.
The microfiber towels are used for excellent pickup and helping prevent cross contamination in our industry. Color coded microfiber cloth towels can be used for different areas to help prevent cross contamination. Use one color for the restrooms and another for the kitchen etc...and the rest of the surfaces. We still use white bar mop towels and find that they each have their uses and place when cleaning. White cloth towels are good with lemon oil, spotting carpets, and wiping up spills, to name a few. The white towels are less expensive and can be used for nasty clean-ups, then thrown away when the cleaning is done.
When we arrive at an account to clean we start with the restroom cleaning. Once in the restroom the janitor will fill the dispensers first, the reason is if the they forget to fill a dispenser and are still cleaning the restroom they have time to catch the error. The following is a partial list of restroom details: wiping clean the wall under the soap dispenser, cleaning the entire toilet in and out, clean the entire mirrors, cleaning outside and inside the men's urinals (especially in the outside front), and remove rings in bowls, dust or wipe any ledges and vents. Next, the janitor would empty the trash and put in a new can liner. And last would be to sweep and mop the floor.
The paper towels used in restrooms come in two basic ways, folded and roll. Most of types we see are C-fold and multi-fold and are the most common folded style used. Then as you can imagine roll towels come in rolls, Phenomenal!!!!! Either type of paper towels have to have the right size box and placed properly. If you over load the box the towels will come out in chunks. Often in offices we see the same paper products used in the restroom as well as the kitchen which is great.
Desert Cleaning offers day porter service for shopping centers, office, and any buildings and parking lots. We can schedule service 1-7 days a week. Some of the services include picking up trash around all the buildings, parking lot and in the landscaping and around dumpster areas. Plus picking up trash in the parking lot all around the property. Then, the day porter will empty all the outside trash containers and replace the liners as needed. Additional duties may include dusting window sills, sweeping out corners that collect trash and mopping up spills. Also, there maybe outside common area restrooms that the day porter would clean as well.
After marketing comes bidding a janitorial account. Usually begin with the bid walk-through, where the reconnaissance starts. Using our own forms that we developed over time helps. These are incorporated in our system, so when doing a walk-through with a building owner, property manager, or office manager and hopefully the decision maker we can make the proper notes. The organized notes keeps us on line and reminds us of all the questions to be checked-off. Also, we use this bid form to refer to from time to time, so it's kept in the account file.
In the janitorial business gloves are important. We just completed a power point showing two of the common types of gloves. With out a doubt gloves should always be worn, especially in the restrooms and when empting trash cans. We change gloves after cleaning the restrooms so the rest of the building is safer from cross-contamination. There are other gloves on the market, however, the two basic types are the disposable and reusable. We have discovered that our janitors each have their own preference of glove. When finished using a reusable glove we wash them just like you would wash your hands, and hang them up to dry for the next day. We have found that disposable gloves have their purpose, but they can rip easy and defeat the purpose of wearing the gloves.
I've written about back in the day when people would smoke in offices and buildings. It really added another dimension to the cleaning of offices. Going home smelling like a cigarette. The cigarette dust everywhere, especially when you would empty an ashtray into the bucket. Back in the eighties we had a government building where practically everyone smoked and the whole building smelled. The smoke had gotten in the ceiling tiles, drapes, carpet etc...That's all history, however, we still empty and clean the outside ashtrays and I don't see that changing anytime soon.
The upright vacuum is used on a regular basis to clean offices, banks, and business's. Now they have backpack vacuums which are a good alternative, because they are easy to maneuver and can vacuum in areas where the upright vacuum is unable. Most backpack vacuums are missing the beater bar that loosens the dirt in the carpet to be picked up. In the sought after system Desert Cleaning uses includes the mini-vacuums for detailing and hard to get places, like under desks and along side copiers.
Our contract we use address's the issue of not to disturb or move any files or papers on desks when cleaning or providing janitorial services for offices that we are working at. The janitor will see an item next to a trash can, or on top and if they are not sure if it's trash or of importance, our policy is "when in doubt, leave it," it's easier than dumpster diving the next day. On the subject of papers on desks, we use the same principle and that is if you have to stop and think about lifting the paper or file then don't, because your first thought is probably right and in these situations we have seen it many times.
Occasionally, we have a stain in a carpet that seems impossible to remove and keeps reappearing. What caused the stain can be almost anything. There are products that claim to remove any stain, WOW!!!!! Also, we are careful not to clean the stain to well and then have a clean spot in the middle of a room. Many times we'll ask our suppliers for any thoughts. I have seen truck mounted carpet machines clean the carpet and in a couple of weeks the stain surfaces. The ending to this story is there is no ending, because it is a case by case situation. The other solution is not to make the stain in the first place.
I just want to clarify when we double mop a floor we use the same bucket. The double bucket wet mopping is a service we can provide.
We work within your system when billing. The following are some options when we bill for office cleaning: With, or without supplies, charge per service, or monthly total, email, or regular mail etc... On the first of the month we send the bill for our services for that month. Please note our cleaning invoice is not due until the 1st of the following month, this is common and can be changed to fit your system.
Concerning the supplies, many business and office managers supply the item's they consume: TP- HT- Soap etc.. and keep control of the cost and supply usage. Normally, we supply all the equipment and cleaning supplies to do the actual cleaning for your offices. The supplies have a few options: included in total price, we deliver and bill, the janitorial supply house delivers direct to you etc... If you have any ideas we would love to hear them. If you in the market for an office cleaning service hurry and give us a call. Thanks!!!!!!
Scheduling the cleaning of your office isn't a problem for Desert Cleaning Janitorial Services, inc, we can accommodate most schedules and have in the past. We have accounts we service every day of the week. Some accounts want office cleaning service during the day. Most service is done nights and weekends. We also have accounts that are every other week, however, if you are considering every other week the real question is how long do you want your trash to ferment? Give us a call or fill out our online quote form and let us make you a happy client too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have written about how germs stay on your hands for hours and all the things you touch in that time will be contaminated and ready to be transferred to someone else. I see more and more hand sanitizer bottles in offices, restrooms, and the workplace. Plus offices have their employees using the sanitizer wipes first thing in the morning to clean their phones, key boards, and desks to start the day right. Gyms are another place where you'll see people spraying and wiping down the equipment after they use it to help in the fight against germs, especially this time of year. Many grocery stores have in front the sanitary wipes so you can wipe the handle on your cart, however, I was just in an Albertsons and they had removed the hand wipe station. I keep you updated when I find out more.
Complaints are part of any business and janitorial is included. We feel that it is how you handle the complaint that is almost as important as the complaint. There are many kinds of complaints and just when you think you've seen it all something new will surface. Also, many janitorial companies will confuse a request with a complaint and be defensive instead of figuring out what happened. In every situation it is nice to find out exactly what happened and as we have found out it is not always what you think. To expound further it can be confusing when there is a log book at an account to leave notes and the written word can sometimes be received several ways. We know everyone gets complaints, however, the trick is to keep them at a minimum.
Most can liners and bags here in Tucson that we have used are plastic and can be purchased at most janitorial supply outlets. Janitor's use the can liner to keep the can clean and fresh longer. With a can liner it makes trash removal easier, cleaner, and quicker. Desert Cleaning use's the white semi-clear liners that have a better cleaner look than a black can liner at most offices. In our system we use a larger then required liner for the trash cans at each desk and trash buckets on wheels that we use because the liner won't get sucked in the can or bucket as easy and when tied off properly it looks fine. Red liners, that are used in medical offices for hazardous waste, need to be disposed of properly, usually by a separate service that will incinerate it correctly.
Recently I wrote about cordless vacuuming, and that it is now available from Pro Team back vacuums.
The update is the price tag of, are you sitting down, $2699.00 is still the same and back-up batteries are priced at $1299.00. I worked the numbers and it could almost make sense, when you crunch the numbers.
In a 100,000 plus square foot building just figure the time it takes to walk and plug/unplug each vacuum. Then take each night's savings and multiply by the week, month, etc...
What a picture you get of the savings, it is truly phenomenal. The vacuum run time is about 54 minutes, so purchasing an additional battery would be a must, it reminds me of my mobile phone in the eighties with the extra batteries and always switching them. I'll keep updating you when I read or hear anything on the cordless vacuums. Right now I think I'll wait and see how much better they get and for the price to come down.
When we clean an office we do not disturb or move any files or papers on desks and other areas when cleaning, dusting or providing janitorial services. The reason we do this is so nothing is lost or misplaced at your office. Please note when our janitor see an item next to a trash can, or on top and they are not sure if it's trash or of importance, the Desert Cleaning rule is "when in doubt, leave it," because it's easier than dumpster diving the next day and hoping the trash truck didn't come. Also, papers on desks we use the same rule and that is if you have to stop and think about lifting the paper or file then don't, because your first thought is probably right and we don't want to through any papers out.
One area that is important is the kitchen and is part of an office and will need cleaning and attention. What kind of service is expected, and what are the concerns. The following are the basic services for most kitchens in an office that the janitor would provide for you: Emptying trash, cleaning sinks and countertops, sweep and mopping floors, clean and wipe tables, cabinets, tops of refrigerators, microwaves in/out. The washing of the dishes can be done, but most people want to do their own dishes. Additionally, cleaning coffee pots and putting the water bottles on the drinking fountain maybe required as well. Kitchen sinks can get nasty and require extra attention.
Desert Cleaning janitorial services, inc. is Tucson's sought after janitorial service. They provide top quality cleaning services for a variety of businesses, shopping centers, and industrial complexes all around Tucson. They have the best talent and experienced janitors that our industry has to offer here in Tucson.. The company is a full service, family-operated company committed to providing your office with high end janitorial services. A few business shop for price when looking for a cleaning company, others get the service they are looking for.
Want to know how your janitor is cleaning? Have a look at the janitor closet, it should give you an idea if it is clean, organized and ready for the next cleaning it's a good clue. Additional tips, look at the dusting in offices and the restrooms, which is over-looked by many cleaning services. Most cleaning contractors use a contract between the owner and the cleaning company that spells out many of the details. Dusting is in our contract and includes any horizontal surface. If you want a reliable service call us, you'll be glad you did.
The cleaning staff at Desert Cleaning knows that your office or facility is special, so we developed our basic services and any additional items that are important to you and incorporated them into our contract. Listening to you for all your concerns and areas of importance for your offices is very important. We will put a comprehensive cleaning program together and included sought after details using the latest state of the art cleaning applications to provide you with a high level of commercial janitorial service here in Tucson.
Carpet spotting is sometimes included in the contract. The reason I say sometimes is most offices aren't that bad and some offices know they have a constant problem. First thing to do after noticing a carpet spot is to figure out what caused the spot, so you know what will clean the spot. If you don't do some checking you could make the spot into a real mess. Most of the time the spots in Tucson's commercial offices are from coffee, or soda, which are water based, and can be removed with a variety of carpet spotters. The second kind of spot is petroleum based and is derived from gum, or tar/grease people bring in on their shoes from the parking lot, or outside. We use Lemon oil, or desolve-it, and used properly it really works great on the spot. Probably the worst type of spot is from ink for the copy machine, it can turn ugly. .
Alkaline or acid is important to understand. Most cleaning products have some level of acid or alkaline in the product. The one cleaning product that is neutral is water, and is used in many cleaning products. This all has to do with the ph scale and the area or surface to be cleaned. The wrong chemical can ruin items when cleaning.
In office cleaning security is the number one concern for the janitor, occupants, and building. Using only one door when entering and leaving a building helps the janitor from making a mistake. Some choices when choosing which entrance door to use, are: Alarms located by the door, parking, lighting, and near the dumpster for easy access.
The office cleaner has the dumpster out the back door at some accounts and we have to be sure to secure the door when done with the trash. The location of the alarm is a concern because of the time needed to shut it off. For the janitors safety the lighting and parking can be an issue. When occupants work late the cleaning crew should check out with them and let them know they are leaving.
The best can liners and bags are made of plastic and can be bought in a few colors, thickness, size, and brand at the janitorial supply stores. The main purpose of the can liner is to keep the can clean and fresh. Additionally, it can make trash removal easier, cleaner, and quicker than no can liner. We use the white semi-clear liners that have a better cleaner look than a black can liner in most situations. We also use a larger then required liner for the trash cans at each desk and trash buckets on wheels because the liner won't get sucked in the can or bucket as easy. There are red liners that are used in medical offices for certain hazardous cans and need to be disposed of properly, usually by a separate service.
Let's talk about the trash bucket, where the trash cans are emptied, because it is extremely important in keeping the carpet floors from getting stained by a rip in the can liner. The trash bucket will be emptied outside so if there is any leakage it will be outside and not a mess in the building.
Microfiber towels consist of fibers that are superb for holding dust, grease, and is best when wet. The microfiber towel is absorbent and can carry many times it's weight in water. Our company has been using the micro fiber towel in our sought after system and really like how efficient they are compared to the white bar mop towels we have used for the last 34 years. We still have an inventory of the white bar mop towels we use them for certain situations, like with lemon oil.
The mat's entering your building are important in helping stop the dirt that comes from the outside into your offices. By having entrance mats you are not wearing out the tile and carpet as fast. Did you know about 81% of dirt will come off a persons shoes and onto the mat? Plus, it is efficient for the janitor to remove by wet mopping and vacuuming the mats. The ultimate is to have the janitor place mats on the outside and inside of all the entrances to the building. There are mat services that will replace the mats on a regular basis. I hope this helps you out and if you have questions let us know.
When you hire our services part of that service is a good attitude. We not only clean, but do our best to make your office look good. We want your clients to feel good about dong business with you and we all know a dirty office is a reflection on your business. Another service we provide is scent bottles that can be placed around your office, because a good smell sells. If your clients have a good experience maybe they'll do business with you. If you have any ideas we would love to hear them.
I will be doing a video on dusting soon, since it is so important and easily over looked locally and nationally. The dusting part of office cleaning removes the light soil that builds-up on surfaces so it doesn't become a sticky mess that is unhealthy and harder to clean. The secret is to stay ahead and do the dusting each service, so it doesn't get out of control and become a project. Every business is different and unique for dust accumulation because of the air movement, moisture, and surrounding environments at each location. When dust sits the more time moisture and other elements can mix with it and make it a mess to clean.
A couple of months ago I wrote about concrete floors and how they are becoming more and more common. Concrete floors in the past were associated with warehouses etc...and now I see them in homes, retail, restaurants, and offices through out Tucson. Part of the attraction is the initial and maintenance costs are low compared to standard flooring. What makes it so popular is the fact that it can be stained, designed, and add a company logo or medallion. When you are out and around Tucson take a look at the floors and see how you like the concrete floors.
I was at a tire store this morning and while I was waiting I couldn't help but notice the floor work. The standard rubber baseboards had wax all over them and it looked like they didn't prep the floor before waxing. The wax had pieces of hair etc... in it. The restrooms were in bad shape too, and they had just cleaned. My guess is I'm not the only customer to notice, and what do other customers think" Will they come back?
When we dilute a chemical by using water it affects the strength of that cleaning product stronger or weaker. Using a concentrated chemical and mix it with water we use a measuring cup for a proper ratio of the two. If there is to much chemical and it could leave a film on surfaces, and too little won't get the job done properly. I know there are some chemical manufacturers that make a premeasured chemical packet that makes it easy to mix with water that saves time. Also, there are the chemical stations that provide the janitor with premeasured amounts of chemicals for mixing with water to make the final product. Our company has used both the station and concentrated packets and like both of them. The bottom line is the money saved many times is worth the effort.
After all the office cleaning items we just wrote about, security is still the number one priority. And for good reasons, miss a trash can shame on you, but leave a door unlocked could be a real problem. We try to manage the risks by using only one door when possibly and being aware of the different situations that can arise.
I have talked about this in other newsletters about the larger national franchisor compared to the local janitorial companies. Would you prefer to eat at a local bistro or a fast food national chain? When the national janitorial services enter a city do they hire from the bottom or the top of the janitorial labor pool? How much do they pay their employees? All of this matters when it comes to getting the job completed. From what I have been told they lock you into a several year contract, hand it off to a franchisee and then when the franchisee isn't making any money the service drops and the customer gets frustrated. It comes down to some companies shop for price and others get the service they want.
What are the pro's and con's to cleaning in the day compared to night. During the day the daytime janitor has to wait many times for someone to get off the phones so they don't disturb anyone, or back track to clean an area that was occupied by a meeting. Usually the cost will be higher to clean during the day, but certain office's require daytime service and we can accommodate them. The majority of janitorial work is at night when the business is closed and the janitor can clean a lot smoother. Also, it is less distractive for the business.
When customers enter your lobby they eyeball your business and how it operates from what they see in the lobby. The lobby is part of the office and needs to be trashed, floors cleaned, dusted, chairs moved, and if it has a restroom that will need cleaning. : Cleaning the reception counter, vacuuming the entrance mats, cleaning the front door glass, pulling out chairs and cleaning, straightening magazines, replacing tissue boxes etc... also need attention. Theses areas are where customers sit and wait for their appointment and while they are waiting they have time to look around at the dirt, overflowing trash, magazines everywhere and form an opinion of your business. The other place they form an opinion is the restrooms and I'll save that for another time.
Here is a list of some of the details the janitor will do when cleaning the restrooms at your office: Wipe tops and entire sides of partitions, baseboards, wall tiles, and vents, wipe clean any touch areas, put water down floor drains to keep foul odors from surfacing, remove hard water build-up around faucets, clean the outside of the entire toilet and floor behind the toilet, clean the entire mirror, and the wall under the towel dispenser to name a few. Then making sure all the restroom dispensers are filled including the toilet paper.
Clorox has a new product to use on urine stains and odors. Their professional products company say's the new product will remove urine stains and break down urine to eliminate the problem, not just mask them. This product uses hydrogen peroxide to get rid of uric acid crystals. The intended use is on porous surfaces, but can also be used on carpet and and other surfaces. It has many other uses that are beyond this article.
What do I mean by a lengthy contract? Where it locks the owner or business in the cleaning contract for years at a time. Now let's talk about sweeping a floor. First and before any hard surface floor is dust mopped, wet mopped, or buffed, it should be swept by the janitor or office cleaner. Most companies in Tucson, Arizona skip sweeping and this is one way to cut corners and charge a cheaper price until the owner finds out. The sweeping step removes the debris items from the floor and gets the floor ready for the next step. Sweeping is done before dust mopping and dust mopping does not replace sweeping. The janitor may get away with it for a time or two, but eventually it will show.
Single motor vacuums are the main vacuum used by most cleaning companies. Also on the market are dual motor vacuums, one motor to create the suction and a second motor to run the brushes, used for heavier uses in the janitorial world.. The dual motor vacuum costs more and is heavier than a regular single motor vacuum. The single motor vacuum for Tucson's office cleaning business provides the suction and runs the brushes that loosen the dirt in the carpet. We have bought and used a magnet bar in front to pick-up metal objects instead of the metal object getting stuck in the vacuum. Remember no lengthy contracts, unless you want one. Questions? Call us or send us an email, we would love to hear from you
When analyzing the cleaning of above floor and floor areas start at the top and work down is the rule. We focus on clean horizontal surfaces when cleaning the above floor areas. Many times the frequency for the areas are different, however, the cleaning still must be completed to keep the customer happy. The janitorial business here in Tucson is mainly focused on the above floor cleaning and maintenance of the floors on the daily routine. Keep us in mind for your janitorial needs.
Occasionally our office cleaning requires the removal of gum or oil from floors, carpet or tile. The two methods we use in our sought after system are solvent and freezing which is here in Tucson. The most common is the solvent method in our system and it also works great on oil spots in your garage, but not on asphalt. When the solvent softens and dissolves the gum it makes it easy to remove from the surface. We never use the freezing method that freezes the gum hard as a rock and allows the janitor to just pop the gum off the flooring in the office building. Most of the time the problems are in the lobby or entrance.
The cleaning staff at Desert Cleaning knows that your office or business has many requirements, so we provide our basic services and any additional items that are important to you at your offices. We'll listen to you and all your concerns and areas of importance for your offices or shopping centers and incorporate them into our agreement. Desert Cleaning janitorial services will put a comprehensive cleaning program for you. Included in the proposal are many of the details like: How many times a week, supply questions, and square footage etc...
The following are way's we can charge and bill: With, or without supplies, Charge per service, or monthly total, email, or regular mail and fax here in Tucson. The bottom line is we bill you the way that works best for you and flows the best. At the beginning of the month we send the bill for our services. However, our cleaning invoice is not due until the 1st of the following month. Regarding the supplies most business and property managers supply the item's they or tenants consume: TP- HT- Soap etc.. Usually we supply all the equipment and cleaning supplies to do the actual cleaning. However, please note these are common examples and if you have a certain pay system we usually can make it work with ours.
Restroom doors are moving towards touch free systems.. Business owners and property managers realize the benefits, especially less sick time of their employees. A few of the ideas are: a button located at the base of the door you push with your foot to open the door, a small sprayer that sprays the door handle at intervals, disinfected wipes at the door in a container, and in my opinion the winner is no door at all which really works.
High speed spray buffing works using the chemical cleaning and polish of the liquid spray buff with the action of the pad, to remove scuffs in the floor finish and to have the wert look of a high shine . Machine speed is important and the machine weight and color pad that you use makes a difference. The high speed machines above 1500 RPM no longer need the use of the spray buff, however it can still be used on the floor. It doesn't take much spray buff, less is better. The high speed machine gives the action needed to smooth the finish, allowing repair of the surface, and removal of black marks in the wax or polish.
When we clean windows it requires removal of hard water build-up off some exterior windows. At first it can seem impossible, let me run you through a few of the steps. First, you need an acid cleaner, usually a bowl cleaner will work. The window steel wool which is finer than regular steel wool. It will take a few applications, scrubbing, and rinsing. Here's another tip to prevent the hard water build-up from happening again, you might try floor sealer so the water runs off. You should try it first on a small area of the window. Many times the outside windows get a build-up from the sprinklers.
Changing can liners is important, in fact it can be a smelly situation. Overflowing trash cans not only look unorganized, but In my opinion the most important thing is the garbage that has foul odors and creates an unsanitary condition for everyone in the office and leaves the can liner with the smells. We see some of our cleaning accounts that we service once a week will take the trash out in between our services for these points, and that's a good idea. Some business's may want a mid-week partial cleaning, example: Empty the kitchen trash, clean the restrooms etc.... And that will get them through the week.
Desert Cleaning and Tucson lost a great man Tom Auen this year. Tom was challenged and had a big heart. He worked at Desert Cleaning for 20 years and during that time worked all over Tucson in various positions. Also, he retired from the U of A as a janitor after 30 years. He was a day porter, office janitor, and help cover other janitors when needed. He cleaned at KLPX and they liked him and had him on the air for a while. We have many Tom stories and will always remember him. God bless you Tom Auen, we miss you.
Small vacuums, backpack vacuums, upright vacuum, are all in our toolbox and ready to use. The most common is the upright vacuum and used on a regular basis to clean offices, banks, and commercial complexes in the Tucson janitor market. Then, backpack vacuums are a good alternative, because they have maneuverability and can clean in spots where the upright can't, but the backpack vacuums are mostly missing the beater bar that loosens the dirt in the carpet. Desert Cleaning will use the mini-vacuums for detailing and hard to get places, like under desks and along side copiers and the response from our cleaning people has been great and receptive. The wet/dry vacuum is used for heavier pick-up of dirt or water. We have a 20 gallon power flight wet/dry vacuum we have used for years and like the performance it provides.
Power flight is an equipment manufacturer that has great prices and equipment. Over the years we have purchased wet/dry vacuums, upright vacuums, backpack vacuums, high and low speed floor machines from them. Also, we have purchased parts and supplies from power flight. One time we purchased a high speed floor buffer from them and the wheel was bent when it arrived and they replaced it with no problems. We have been buying and using their 8 lb upright vacuum and any of our employees that have used it love it. The royal vacuums that we still use work great too and we have been buying and using them since we opened our doors in 1980. Back then Industrial Chemicals had the Royal vacuums and I bought two to start. In the early 90's we bought about 20 from a wholesaler out of Phoenix for around $400.00 each. What was disappointing was we would hear comments that they looked old, when really they were cutting edge.
The contract we use mentions not to disturb or move any files or papers on desks and other areas when cleaning or providing janitorial services for an office building that they are working so nothing is lost or misplaced. When our cleaner see an item next to a trash can, or on top and they are not sure if it's trash or of importance, our policy is "when in doubt, leave it," it's easier than dumpster diving the next day and hoping the trash truck didn't come already. Going back to papers on desks we use the same principle and that is if you have to stop and think about lifting the paper or file then don't, because your first thought is probably right.
Germs stay on your hands for hours and all the things you touch in that time will be contaminated. In our travels we see more and more hand sanitizer bottles in offices, restrooms, and lobbies. People are using the sanitizer wipes first thing in the morning to clean their phones, key boards, and desks in the office where they are located. Health clubs are another place where you'll see people spraying and wiping down the weight machines after they use them to help in the fight against germs. How about the grocery stores in front they have have the sanitary wipes so you can wipe the handle on your cart. These are all high touch areas and should help with the spread of germs.
Tucson's original Desert Cleaning has sought after janitors, with top quality cleaning services for a variety of businesses, shopping centers, and offices. They employ the finest group of experienced janitors that our field has to offer here in Tucson, Arizona, our great city. Desert Cleaning is a full service, family-operated company committed to providing their accounts with high end janitorial services that they are known for. Many companies shop for price when looking for a cleaning company, others get the service they want and we would like to make you the happy client. Desert Cleaning Janitorial services can provide service for your office day or night, seven days a week, fifty two weeks a year.
Do you know what the number one green earth friendly cleaning ingredient? Water. If you read my newsletters you knew the answer. Water is in most cleaning products and is used to rinse away chemicals.
Figuring a bid is an art not a science and this is hard for for new janitorial companies setting up shop to get a handle on. Let's talk about the process of bidding a janitorial job. First there is the bid walk-through where the information gathering begins, or reconnaissance. We use our own forms that we have developed over the years and are incorporated in our system when doing a walk-through with a building owner, property manager, or office manager and hopefully the decision maker. Being organized keeps us on track and reminds us of all the services to be checked-off and stays in the account file. We use this initial form to refer to from time to time. Then the same form we use for the walk-through is set-up to help our operations manager at the first cleaning of the office complex and makes it easier for our staff, especially if they are seasoned.
The property manager will have cleaning specifications, and we'll make it part of our agreement with our specifications. We find out the square footage, how many times a week, day or night service, and point of contact for the offices and other key items. Back at our at our office it is useful in figuring the cost of service to get the job completed for the client. All of these items are important to find out and we start by asking the office manager.. Then the information gathered comes together in our bid and agreement.
Microfiber towels are used for excellent pickup and helping prevent cross contamination. The color coded microfiber cloth towels can be used for different areas of the building. One color for the restrooms and another for the kitchen etc... The white cloth towels we still use and find that they each have their uses. The white cloth towels are good with lemon oil, spotting carpets, and wiping up spills. They are less expensive and can be used for nasty clean-ups, then thrown away. The microfiber towels are excellent for wiping desks, ceiling fans, vents etc... They are sturdy and last along time.
Gloves are important in the cleaning service business for several reasons. Gloves should always be worn, especially in the restrooms and when empting trash. After we clean the restrooms we change gloves so the rest of the building helps against cross-contamination in these areas. Many types of gloves are on the market, however, the two basic types are the disposable and reusable for our discussion. Desert Cleaning has discovered that our janitors each have their own preference, so as long as the glove works and is safe to use. After using a reusable glove we wash them just like you would wash your hands, and hang them up to dry. Next, disposable gloves have their purpose, but they can rip easy and defeat the purpose of wearing the gloves in the first place. Thanks for reading this far, if you have questions give us a call and remember we don't require a lengthy contact.
Arizona Restoration and Owner Paul Redman have done hard floors and carpet cleaning for us for about 15 years. During this time their work has been excellent. They have vans with the truck mounted equipment and the professionalism to go with it. We will continue to use them in the future and feel lucky to know them.
As part of our cleaning system we begin cleaning with the restrooms at most of our cleaning accounts. Office cleaners know the restrooms are cleaned first because if the janitor remembers that something wasn't completed in the restroom while they are still there cleaning other areas in the office they can cure the cleaning item missed in the restrooms and won't have the complaint phone falling off the hook in the morning with a complaint. The next part of our system for restroom cleaning is using the bowl mops and sponges to wipe the inside and outside of the toilet bowl. Once the restrooms are cleaned we fill the dispensers in the restrooms in your commercial building: soap, hand towels, toilet paper, and seat covers and anything else that was missed can be corrected. The last cleaning item when cleaning the restrooms is sweeping and mopping, starting in the back and mopping yourself to the door.
The day porter service we provide has the day porter picking up trash around all the buildings, parking lot and in the landscaping and around the dumpster's in back of the complex. Shopping centers require the day porter to empty all the outside trash containers and replace the liners as needed one to seven times a week, or just the weekends in some situations. Other requested services include dusting window sills on vacant suites, sweeping out corners that collect trash and debris and hosing off the side walks or spot mopping, plus cleaning the windows a few times a year. Day porter is a broad general term, so if the have question's on services you may need let us know.
I want to talk again about the office cleaning and janitorial market and how it is all about having solid good reliable employees that can think on their feet and get the job done consistently. Our company has the number of employees that is more manageable and we keep our clients happy and that is what we are all about, put our years of experience to work for you. Then we pay more than the going market to our employees and we retain them a lot longer than other cleaning companies in the area retain their employees. Having set this system up years ago we know it works and continue to use as of this writing. Looking for a consistent high quality janitorial service then give us a call at 520-722-6776, you'll be glad you did, and let us make you the happy customer.
First impression's are made when a client walks into your lobby and many times I see on a bid tour how they are over looked they are by the current cleaning company. It only makes sense the lobby is part of the office and needs to be trashed, floors cleaned, dusted, and if it has a restroom that will need cleaning as well. Here are some other lobby requirements: Cleaning the reception counter, vacuuming the entrance mats, cleaning the front door glass, pulling out chairs and cleaning, straightening magazines, replacing tissue boxes etc... The lobbies are where clients sit and wait for their appointment and while they are waiting they have time to look around at the cleaning and form an opinion of your business, so we take this seriously and spend the time needed on the lobbies.
Did you know metal polishes not only clean and remove soil from metal surfaces they they protect the metal and leave a high shine to the metal surface in restrooms and drinking fountains. Many of the metals that we have seen in buildings are stainless steel and still need to be cleaned and polished for a great look. We have used lemon oil to clean drinking fountains, but it doesn't take much lemon oil to leave a shine and can appear greasy and have dust stick to the oil and it helps to reuse the same towel and just keep it in a plastic bag. When the janitor uses too much product it will attract dust and leave finger prints as well as being greasy and have a messy look. Bottom line we like the metal cleaners in the spray cans and until a new product surfaces on the market we will stick with our current system that has been working for us over the years.
The janitor's closet located in an office building is where the janitor has equipment, chemicals, and products the owner consumes stored, along with a hose to fill the mop bucket and a sink to dump the dirty water. We've seen the janitor's room as part of anther room in the building, especially in a building where there isn't a designated janitor storage closet, or there isn't a lock because items can be missing, like a vacuum, and the janitor can't do the job then without additional cost. The janitors closet should have a water hose and sink to fill and empty a mop bucket and a small area for a vacuum, trash bin on wheels, and paper supplies and other cleaning supplies. And it can be a good spot to keep a log book for the office manager to leave notes and the cleaning supervisor. Most of the janitor's closets are between the restrooms because of the plumbing is all in the area, but it work's great for restocking the restrooms.
What happens when the national franchise has a salesperson that bids low, promises the everything, gives a few extra services away for no cost, then gives it to one of their franchisee's and they are suppose to deal with it and try to make some money. How can they? Unless the franchisee cut corners to have it make any money and the national franchisor is the only one happy in this picture. Some of the office managers I talk to sometimes wish they had never signed with the national cleaning janitorial company and now they can't get out of the lengthy contract. That's not how we operate. We have been in business in Tucson many years and service the northwest, north, east, central, south, southeast. We treat you the way we would want to be treated. If you want, please fill out our online form on our homepage or call us at 520-722-6776.
Restroom carts are extremely important because you can have all your cleaning supplies, restroom consumables, and a receptacle for the trash so you don't have to keep back tracking back to the janitors closet and stay organized. Also, the mops, bucket/wringer, and brooms fit on the cart as well as a refrigerator to keep your lunch. Storing the bowl mops after using them we use large plastic cups on the cart to put the bowl mops and sponges in, so they don't get everything wet in the rest of the cart.
The restroom carts will fit mop buckets with wheels or no wheels, we like to use the buckets with wheels for the times you need to take the bucket off the cart and move it around. In multi-tenant office buildings they make it possible to preposition supplies that are consumable etc... every few floors to restock the cart with so the operate runs smooth and efficient. In office buildings with multiple restrooms it is our system to use one person per cart for that person to clean the restrooms and the elevators on x number of floors. We find this works great and includes accountability on the restroom cleaner.
There are several types of soap that are used in the commercial cleaning business in Tucson, Arizona that I want to mention. Bar soap that you use at home is hardly used in the commercial office cleaning restrooms, however, you might see it when someone brings it from home. A little more common is powdered soap we have used in mines we have cleaned. Powered hand soap is excellent for it's scrubbing action. Probably the most common is liquid hand soap which we see the most in office restrooms in Tucson's market place. Commercial hand liquid soap is packaged in dispensers, or bottles that can be easily refilled from a gallon of soap. Antibacterial soap is very common too.
Please see our new video on our homepage. We are still in the learning process and want to do some more videos, so if you have any ideas let us know.
After analyzing vacuuming at desert cleaning here in Tucson we realize how extremely important it is not to let the vacuum cord mark the walls and wear the corners down and paint on the walls. They sell corner wall protectors at most janitorial supply stores and they seem to work, however, the real trick is just to work smart in the first place when vacuuming at any office or building. Janitors should know not to run the vacuum into furniture and baseboards, and keep the vacuum cord away from walls, corners, and furniture.
On the subject of someone working late in their office and not in a meeting, we'll ask if it's ok to vacuum, however, if they are in a meeting we'll skip that person's office and not disturb the meeting unless told otherwise by the office manager or point of contact . Many times common sense exists and the people that we work for have been receptive when we are coming through their offices cleaning. Watch for our cleaning videos on you tube in the future, we are working on them now and will keep you posted.
Now on the market are several types of vacuums being used in the commercial janitorial business around Tucson. Here are some examples: Wet/dry vacuums, mini vacuums, hand held vacuums, backpack vacuums, upright vacuum, and most recently the cordless battery powered vacuums.
Let's start with the upright vacuum because it is the most common vacuum that is used on a regular basis to clean offices, banks, and commercial complexes in the east and central area of Tucson, Arizona and surrounding areas. Then there are backpack vacuums that have become a good alternative, because of the maneuverability, however, the backpack vacuums don't have a beater-brush that really cleans the carpet like an upright does and some people think the vacuums are too heavy.
Desert Cleaning uses the mini-vacuums for detailing and hard to get places, like under desks and along side copiers and the word we get back from our staff has been good. The wet/dry vacuums we use for heavier jobs and that are wet or dry.
Microfiber towels and white bar mop towels each have their own place in the cleaning world. The microfiber towels are the new kid, and these towels work better in most conditions than the bar mop towels. We use both towels, but overall the microfiber is the best. With microfiber towels they are made of high density woven man made fibers and they come in a variety of colors for cross contamination when cleaning different area of an office. The microfiber towels have fibers that are excellent for trapping dust, bacteria, water, and works great when wet, and did you know the microfiber towel is more absorbent and can absorb many times it's weight in water. Desert Cleaning has been using the micro fiber towel in our current system and really enjoy how much better they are compared to the white bar mop towels we have used for the last 33 years here in Tucson. We have an inventory of the bar mop towels we use for certain cleaning tasks.
Tucson hard floor cleaning requires sweeping, wet mopping, and then a damp mop to finish the cycle. We call it double mopping and is part of our cleaning system here in Tucson. The sweeping is performed to pick-up loose dirt and larger items. Then the wet mop is the next step and is used to remove dirt with a mop that has been placed in a mop bucket with chemical and water then mopped on the floor, the mop is heavily soaked. We do this to break up dirt and suspend it before you damp mop the hard surface floor. The damp mopping that leaves the floor clean when finished and dries quickly. It takes extra time when we double mop, but it is better than losing an account.
Office cleaning tucson includes restroom details. The following is a list of some of the details the janitor will do when cleaning the restrooms: Dust tops of partitions, baseboards, wall tiles, and vents, wipe clean any touch areas, pour water down floor drains to prevent foul odors from surfacing, remove hard water build-up around faucets, clean the outside of the entire toilet and floor behind the toilet, clean the entire mirror, and the wall under the towel dispenser. Also, removing any ring build-up in the toilets. Next, we would clean any metal surface to a high shine and fill dispensers with the proper product.
A cleaning function that is never written about in office cleaning is the importance of trash removal. And, changing can liners is just as important. With overflowing trash cans they look unorganized, but In my opinion the most important thing is the garbage that has foul odors and creates an unsanitary condition for everyone in the office. Several of our cleaning accounts that we clean once a week or every other week because of their companies budget many times take the trash out in between services for these reasons.
Years ago when emptying and wiping ashtrays was part of the janitorial services it was a messy and smelly. The at the end of the night the janitor would smell like an ash tray. Also, included in our system is to be aware of items on, or around the trashcan that isn't really trash, so we thought of the saying "when in doubt leave it" and still use it today. A sad story I've heard is an architect that left his drawings in the trash can and the janitor threw them out thinking it was trash. The next morning the trash truck had already dumped the dumpster. This is a good example of what I'm taking about. The architect was wrong for using the trash can to hold his plans and the janitor should have caught the mistake. If a note had been on the plans indicating this is trash would have worked as well.
Kitchen's are part of an office and need cleaning. To what level of service and cost is always a concern. Let’s go over the basic services for most kitchens in an office that the janitor would provide. The following is a list of a few items that are common: Emptying trash, cleaning sinks and countertops, sweep and mopping floors, clean and wipe tables, cabinets, microwaves etc... One item that is rare for the janitor to clean is the washing of the dishes, most people want to do their own. Cleaning coffee pots and putting the water bottles on the drinking fountain maybe required.
The janitor has equipment, chemicals, and products the owner consumes in the janitors room. Often we'll see the janitor's room is part of anther room, especially in a building where there isn't a designated janitor storage closet to work from. Also, it is frustrating when items are missing, like a vacuum, and the janitor can't do the job and the follow-up the next day. It's great when the janitors room is big, has shelves, and has a water hose and sink to fill and empty a mop bucket. We need room or a small area for a vacuum, trash bin on wheels, and paper supplies etc... The janitors closet is located near the restrooms in most offices, which is nice for restocking the restrooms. Some of the large buildings we have cleaned had a janitor room in the basement and on the 7th floor, so the restroom cart could be restocked.
Restroom paper towels come in two styles, folded and roll in general. The two types we see are C-fold and multi-fold and are the most common folded style here in Tucson. Most roll towels, you guessed it, come in rolls shipped in a box, WOW!!!!!. Folded paper towels have to have the right size box and placed properly to not over loaded the box or the towels will come out disheveled and in bunches. Many times we see the same paper products used in the restroom as well as the kitchen. The kitchens will have the same dispensers as well and need to be stocked by the janitor.