Fast and Free Online Quote Form
You really want an
inferior janitorial service in Tucson when Desert Cleaning is here? We
specialize in office cleaning at affordable pricing. How do we
consistently beat the competition? It’s simple we pay our people more,
so out of the pool of people that are looking for janitorial work we get
the best Janitors in Tucson Arizona.We make it simple and in our system
it is easy.
We set-up a file so we can
keep track of emails, notes taken on the initial walk through, and
important items…. Also, we create a file in our computer that has your
billing information and email information. Also, the bid has all the
other information.
The supplies can work in a
few ways. First there are two types of supplies: the supplies to do the
cleaning and the supplies you consume: toilet paper, hand towels,
soap…. We’ll handle the supplies the way you want. The most common is
you supply the consumables and we supply the actual cleaning supplies to
Our invoice is sent on the first of the month for that month and the supplies shown on the invoice are for the previous month. The invoice total amount is due on the first of the following month. We can mail or email the invoice to you. Why would you want to settle for less? There is a difference. Tell a friend.
Starting a new janitorial
account is always exciting. It’s a good high after all the things it
took to get to that point. With the right systems everything falls in
place: marketing, sales, hiring, supplies. “We want to go with your
service” is always a great feeling.
First, to start a new
account is marketing. The website is a good marketing tool for many
reasons. The newspaper is still used to market janitorial services
and is the number one tool. Also, newspaper ads work great for
branding. Billboards are great too.
Searching for the right
person is an art for each account so the client receives top of the line
service and the start of a new account is smooth. The hiring process
takes a while to master and some companies hire the first person that
comes through the door. The result is the account never gets off the
ground.The right person is critical in retaining the account.
A good system is a must
because the time to clean the account is budgeted. The first few nights
at an account go over the normal budget, but that is already baked in
the price. The goal is to get the account cleaned for the night and let
the new janitor get a feel for the offices or business layout.
Supplies are always part of starting a new account. There are two types of supplies, the supplies to do the actual cleaning and the consumables: toilet paper, hand towels, soap…. Getting the office stocked with the supplies is important for a new account.
Most Tucson office
cleaners have a routine and irregular cleaning hot spots as well. After a
few cleanings the choreography all comes together and the customer is
the beneficiary. We love Tucson and it shows. I started Desert Cleaning
in 1980 and love working with the people in Tucson. If you have
questions or want a quote please fill out our online quote, email, or
call us, you’ll be glad you did. See desertcleaning.com. And start today.
All Elevators need
attention, especially if there is only one in the building. If a tenant
improvement “TI” is under way the elevator walls will need to be
covered. Most elevators have hooks for canvas or blanket covers. I have
seen elevators used during a TI without the covers and it wasn’t good.
The best is when the building has a freight elevator, however, Tucson
only has a few that I know of.
All elevators require a
thorough cleaning, because it is like the lobby and it makes an
impression. Elevator tracks are probably the most overlooked part of the
elevator in regards to the cleaning. Then, there are the walls that
come in many different materials. The industry is always looking for the
best material for the elevator walls, they take a lot of abuse. The
flooring takes abuse as well in the elevator and needs nightly
attention. For such a small square footage they get used and it shows.
The liability insurance
policy is usually required at most of our accounts. We have a list of
accounts that are sent a certificate of insurance every year that shows
the coverages we have. The liability insurance stops smaller janitorial
services from expanding because of the cost. The same with workers
compensation insurance and bonding. COI.
Our phone number is 520 722 6776 or email desertcleaningtucson@gmail.com. There is a difference. See first paragraph.
#1 on the list is
security. From leaving certain lights on to making sure the alarm is
set. It’s all priority number one. Outside lighting, using one door to
go in and out….
#2 goes to toilet paper in order of importance for the janitor. It earned this spot behind security for the simple reason that without it…. The big question with toilet paper is should it roll over the top or bottom. I have my own opinion, so please email me your ideas.
#3 I’d have to say it goes
to making sure the office manager has a clean office. Thorough dusting ,
changing the can liner, straightening chairs and magazines, and a great
vacuuming. It adds up over time.
At our office we have an important items list on each account. Each
office is unique and has its own requirements.and it keeps track of
requests. When our inspection team checks an account they have the
important items list to use as a guide. It’s all about giving you top of
the line janitorial experience in Tucson.
Kitchen trash is next. If missed the kitchen trash can make an
unforgettable smell. If not taken out daily it can get nasty. At some of
our accounts we double bag the trash container in the kitchen in case
it leaks and goes all over the place it won’t create more work.
Phone quotes for
janitorial services is a great service we offer and some managers like
the idea. They save time by not having to make an appointment with a few
cleaning services. Most of the time we tour the offices, then email a
Some businesses have to go with the lowest bidder. There was a government building here in Tucson that took the lowest bidder knowing that the price was half the next bid. Also, They new how long it took to clean the offices and the low bidder was below minimum wage. Needless to say it hasn’t worked out and they are not happy.
Our company has been built on many things. I have mentioned trust a few articles ago and just being ourselves both play a big part. We have seen office cleaning services come and go, with some even copying our name. Please take a look at our satisfied customer page and let us go to work for you and your business.
We don’t disturb papers on desks, tops of file cabinets, or anywhere in the office suite when dusting. Simple, you’d think, but some companies have a rough time figuring it out. If you skip dusting it turns into a project.
Do you have questions or would like a quote please contact us at 520-722-6776 or fill out our Fast and Free Online Quote Form and let us put our experience to work for you.
Do the Janitors bidding have insurance?
Contact an insurance expert with questions and don’t rely on the information in this article.
Janitorial services should have liability and workers compensation insurance. There are many reasons to have insurance and the coverage vary: lost key, property damage, and some lawsuits. Who pays when something goes wrong and the janitor has no insurance, you are right.
There are two types of claims; claims made and per occurrence for the janitorial industry. Other important items are; policy limits and certificates of insurance that most office managers need to know and want. Usually, insurance agents will send a certificate of insurance to the office manager or property manager.
State of Arizona law says it is mandatory for employers to have workers’ compensation insurance covering their employees. Check this with your insurance agent. Also in Arizona, workers’ compensation is a "no fault" system which means an injured employee is entitled to receive benefits for an industrial injury, no matter who caused the job-related accident.
The risk management concept is a never ending process and can make a difference. When we were cleaning a mine they got us in tune with safety and risk management. What is risk management? Preventing an accident before it happens. Walk around your office and look for things that could be a problem and solve it.
Most liability policies usually cover bodily injury medical expenses, and the lost work hours involved. Our office and accounts are covered. Another area covered is property damage. When an employee damages property while on the job it is usually covered. Also, factor in the deductible.
Please note: Desert Cleaning will sanitize high touch points in accounts that they service the janitorial.
Desertcleaning.com or 520 722 6776
My company is looking for a
janitor service in Tucson for services twice a week. We can handle
that. In fact, we service accounts every day of the week and we will
give you a per visit cost in case you want to increase or decrease
services. We want to keep you happy and give you the best office
cleaning experience in Tucson, Arizona. Please fill out our online form
or give us a call or fill out our Online Quote Form.
Management told me to get the best janitor in Tucson. This isn’t hard at
all, call or email Desert Cleaning. What makes them the best is they
actually do the work, a phenomenal concept. They treat everybody the way
they would like to be treated, again phenomenal. They are up to speed
on the latest cutting edge state of the art cleaning products and
techniques and there is a reason for their 41 years in Tucson.
Are you looking for a window cleaning company in Tucson? Desert Cleaning
will do smaller jobs and then we refer them to a company that does
strictly windows. Windows can be a real job to do. Here are a few tips:
be sure the sun is not on the windows you are getting ready to clean,
change water frequently, don’t use a cloth that leaves lint…. These are
just a few tips and I’ll explore them in another article. Also, be sure
they have insurance.
Do restrooms need to be dusted at least weekly, vents, tops of
partitions? Like the dusting throughout the whole office many janitor
services blow it off and then it gets to be a project to clean.Many
times when we start a new account we have to mini vacuum the vents
because they were let go for a long time. Yes, they need to be dusted.
There are touch-free surfaces? Surfaces that people don’t have to touch.
In restrooms, banks, supermarkets the less surfaces you touch the
better off you are. Also, new technology is making toilets flush on
their own and touch free faucets. If you notice less people are getting
sick every year. The restroom door now has many in use ways of
preventing the touch free idea. I think the best is the no door at all
approach in the restroom.
Some of our system is inspections of our accounts and the real secret
is to do them consistently. Our inspection list is a proven checklist
that we are constantly improving to give you a high level of janitorial
service you deserve.
The inspections really add up during the course of a year. There are
plenty of details and it's easy to overlook something. Having an
inspection done helps everybody stay on course. Let's take a peek at
some of the items we look for when inspecting: is the front door glass
cleaned, are the lobby magazines in order, is the reception counter
clean, are there bowl rings?. We have seasoned inspectors.
The secret is having regular inspections. Someone asked me if I still
have inspections on accounts that have no complaints? Yes, and that
could be why they have no complaints. The bulk of the office cleaning is
the on site office cleaner. When we do an inspection it is to help the
on site janitor as well as providing a high level of janitorial service
for you.
The inspection is part of our service with no additional cost. Some
companies don’t do inspections and it’s part of their low bid. We
know if we do regular inspections it adds up during the course of the
year and is appreciated by the account.
Most companies skip the inspection to save money. Do they really
save? If you are looking for a great janitorial service here in
Tucson then give us a call. We’ll come to your office to tour and
discuss your needs. Then, we’ll give you a comprehensive quote.
The number one concern for the janitor is security. Security is
number one for many reasons: easy entry for thieves, and vandals are
just two of them. Both of these situations could be costly and is the
reason it goes to the top of the list of importance for the janitor.
Number two in order of importance is toilet paper. I have to tell you
this week I was at a building and for hand towels they had a roll of
toilet paper on the counter. Anyway, toilet paper is number two for
obvious reasons. If the owner wants an inexpensive toilet paper they
will find out in the long run it costs about the same. Plus, the
employees and customers are annoyed and double up on the paper. Not
Concerning the details that you request we created an important items
list we keep in your file. This is very important and each account is
unique. For example: hidden trash cans that could be missed unless you
knew about them, putting smell gels in the owners restroom…. This is
part of our system that all comes together to give you a high level of
janitorial service.
What is the difference between a commercial vacuum and a household
vacuum? To start with they have different names. The commercial vacuum
has heavy duty wiring and cords for longer run times. The price is
higher on the commercial vacuum. From switches to wheels the
commercial vacuum is used daily and has to be built with that thought.
What to look for on an inspection. Window sills are a good place to
start because they are easy to forget. Lift up the blinds and look to
see if the sills were dusted. In the receptionist's area move a
few things around and see if there is any dust. The restrooms need to be
dusted and checked as well: tops of partitions, vents, baseboard, and
countertops. Also, bowl rings….
The best janitorial services are in Tucson. Great service at an affordable price and the top janitors in the city. Please see our references on our home page and let us know if you have any questions. We want to be your janitor service and for a quick response fill out our Online Quote Form. It's fast and free. Tell a friend.
Our janitor service is a local service established in 1980. We don’t go around town giving low bids and then skip services. This separates them from the rest of the herd.. We are not out to be the biggest service in Tucson, just the best. Call or send an email.
The national janitorial service bids low and gets the account two things take place: they pay their employees less and cut corners. What a way to operate. Just think the cleaning service and employee’s aren’t making much money and the customer is not getting the service they want, not good. Does this sound right?
Our reputation means a lot to us and has kept us in business all these years. We are a local office cleaning specialist. We are proud to be a business owner and Tucson is our home town. We have a few employees that have been with us for over 20 years and have had many employees come back, and accounts.
We have pride of ownership and it shows in our references. From supplies to cleaning and everywhere in between it shows. What this means is that if a company has pride of ownership then they will usually do the same type of job for you. I know we do!!!! See our website desertcleaning.com and fill out our Fast and Free Online Quote Form.
The microfiber got its name because it is many many times smaller
than a human hair. Another amazing microfiber item is that it holds nine
times the water than a regular cotton towel. The microfiber works
better when wet, in my opinion. The wet mops for floors are considered
better mainly because of the absorption compared to cotton. Really?
On wood floors we like to use the Bona products that come with the
microfiber flat mops. We give them a thumbs up and our customers are
happy. We have noticed that the microfiber towels don’t work well when
using lemon oil. Let me know if you have any thoughts.
Fact, microfiber is man made using a high density weave. It is
bacteria resistant and was developed for anti-slip flooring. Also, it is
lint free. I have been told that the microfiber wet mop does a great
job from absorption to cleaning. We have been switching over to mostly
microfiber, but still use some cotton products.
Also, dust mops come in microfiber as well and last a long time. They
are the best dust mop on the market and feature conventional slot end
sewing. These can be laundered over and over. And, microfiber dust mops
are produced with continuous filament microfiber yarn and are 100%
synthetic, a good combination. Questions?
Many reception areas are high on the list of importance. Probably because it is connected to the lobby area and is part of the first impression. This includes cleaning the receptionist glass and countertops. Dusting would include behind everything and moving certain items that are unique to each office. Spot clean the marks on the walls. When dusting, move certain items and dust behind and under.
Also, details are wiping around light switches and door knobs. Also dusting or mini-vacuuming the vents and wipe cleaning the kick plates at the base of doors. The cleaning of the light covers can be done but will be an extra charge. Any floor work or window cleaning is extra as well, unless specified in the contract. Each account is unique.
With covid there are many cleaning products on the market and it can get confusing. I’m constantly learning every day in this business. Here are a few topics I’d like to share: bleach and acid cleaners I consider harsh and we rarely use them. A cleaner and disinfectant in one saves time, water based chemicals that are hospital grade are excellent.
Desert Cleaning is a top of the line office cleaning service in Tucson. Please see our references and our fast free online quote form on desertcleaning.com, you’ll be glad you did.
We have been Tucson’s go to day porter service since 1993 and provide
day porter service for shopping centers, businesses, and office
buildings. Whether it is once or seven days a week you can expect a high
level of day porter service. Please contact us and we can provide a
list of services, or if you already know what you want you can email it
to me at desertcleaningtucson.com .We look forward to talking to you.
Lunchrooms are important at many offices, and for good reason. This
is where you eat lunch or take a break Knowing this we take it to heart
and do our job. Microwave and refrigerator clean in and out, clean
sink, countertops, and tables, empty trash, sweep and mop floors…. If
you are tired of cleaning up after your current janitor then give us a
call or fill out our online form.
Rings in the toilet should be removed and there are a few ways to do
this. Pumice is the preferred way. The pumice should be used wet and
gives the best results. Griddle screen works, but be gentle when using
it. Chemicals claim they will remove rings, but I haven’t seen any.
Our janitor’s when cleaning at your account can wear identification, like: hats or shirts with our company name on them, and or a laminated ID card with the employee name and our company name. You can request this additional service, just let us know. If you have questions let me know. See our references at desertcleaningtucson.com
We have been an office cleaning specialist here in Tucson for 41
years. I say this because we provide quality services at a reasonable
price. If you go with the low bidder please keep our number and feel
free to give us a call when things don’t work out.
We have seen janitorial companies come and go. They give low bids to
try and get business. Then, they cut corners and skip services to make
up for the low bid. In this situation everyone is frustrated and it
usually ends badly. So, please keep our number and give us a
call.National janitorial franchises have a salesperson run around and
bid low. When they get accounts they hand it off to a franchisee that
can’t make sense of the low bid. They start cutting corners…. Again,
everyone is frustrated. A costly situation.
Desert Cleaning had a government contract for cleaning for years that
they had to put out for bid. The company that won the bid was less than
minimum wage. The account has had problems since then and everyone is
frustrated. Not good.
Does the low bid work occasionally? Not that I have seen, some office
managers go with a company that has no insurance but they were the low
bidder and they know what they are doing. The key is to do your due
diligence and if things don’t work-out give us a call, that’s all. So,
what does a low bid really cost?
Central Tucson uses top to bottom cleaning which is a good method to
use when office cleaning. Starting in the restrooms with the vents and
working down to mopping the floors. If it is a multi-story building we
usually start on the top floor and work down to the first floor or
basement. Also, it’s the same with the restroom mirrors.
The day porter for shopping centers and parking lots is a service we
offer. Scanning the parking lot and bushes for trash, cleaning up around
the dumpsters, empty trash containers in front of stores…. Then: dust
sills on vacant suites and if required go inside the vacant suites and
sweep, dust, in the restroom run water, flush toilets ...This is a
cursory list. Give us a call, you’ll be glad you did. 520 722 6776.
Vacant cubicles are treated like any other office in our system. They
need dusting, vacuuming, and sometimes trashing. Folks use them to make
private calls, or read the paper. Also, the company may use the room
for storage, check with the office manager.
Also, the number one priority for the janitor, security. Security for
people and the offices. Reporting outside lights that are out, so
people aren’t in the dark when leaving at night. We secure the doors we
use and set the alarm when leaving, unless folks are still in the
building.It’s a matter of being aware and thinking of security first.
For sure, when you get in the routine.
Upgrade your business. Cheap toilet paper and hand towels give the user a bad experience and reflects on the business. This is something that can be fixed inexpensively. Customers and employees will notice and leave with a good feeling about the business. Try it.
Security is the number one
priority in the janitorial service business. The janitor can forget to
empty a trash can but they can’t forget to lock the door when they leave
and in most offices set the alarm. And, if there is a gate be sure it
is locked.
Paper towels aren’t as important as toilet paper, however, people get
frustrated if they wash their hands and there are no paper towels to dry
them. In the commercial office cleaning industry there are three main
types of paper hand towels: multi-fold, c-fold, and roll. It’s important
to have enough, but not too many, paper hand towels so they aren’t
wasted when being dispensed. Also, you get what you pay for when buying
Office cleaning closets in many offices are forgotten. The room stores
the cleaning equipment for the janitorial crew and keeps the toilet
paper, hand towels..... A good janitor room has a low cut sink
with a hose to fill a mop bucket…... and shelves that are great for
keeping paper products dry. If it is a large building it should have a
mounted lockbox for keys.
Gloves are an important part of the janitor’s job. Gloves should be worn
at all times while cleaning. As I mentioned in a previous article there
are two main types of gloves: disposable and reusable. Both are
great and serve a purpose. The disposable are great because they throw
them away after one use. The reusable ones are great because you can use
them time after time. Some you can wash while still wearing them, then
hang them to dry.
People’s shoes are the ones that carry in the most dirt that gets ground
into the carpet. The secret is having mats inside and out at the
entrance of the offices. They are easy to clean and can be replaced.
Also, the janitor can sweep the outside entrance area, this really
helps. Last, I want to say that a well maintained vacuum is important
for cleaning nightly.
Commercial Office Cleaning in Tucson
Tucson is a real mix of mid size office complexes in Williams Center to small medical and retail businesses. If you are tired of cleaning up after you janitor then please call us or fill out our online form, you’ll be glad you did. Tell a friend.
The office needs an initial office cleaning and janitorial service in central Tucson.. Well you came to the right place. We service most of the greater Tucson area and would love to talk to you. The initial cleaning cost is not always required. If there is an additional cost a general estimate is the same as the per service cost for the office cleaning plus the regular cleaning costs.
Restroom odors can be masked or neutralized. You can probably guess which is better. When a neutralizer is used it alters the odor molecules and helps to eliminate the odor. Air fresheners are temporary and mask the odor. Remember floor drains.
If you have been reading my articles Then take a guess on what part of cleaning I haven’t written about. Hint: it’s in the women's restroom. The answer is the feminine hygiene box. According to OSHA these boxes don’t come under the regulated waste section.
Here are a few tips when emptying the feminine hygiene boxes.
Wear protective gloves.
Remove the liner and place it in the regular trash.
Handle with care, there could be needles
Report a pool of blood to the office
Use paper towels to wipe up any soiling
Clean and disinfect box with wipes or spray
Put a clean liner or bag in box
Many offices usually include a receptionist area. A busy area no doubt and one of the first areas your clients see. What kind of impression does a dirty reception counter, smudges on the sliding glass make? You know what I’m talking about. Even people that are slobs notice and if the lobby is messy how do they run their business.
We Don’t Want a franchise janitorial
Question: National franchise or a local office cleaning service? If you are looking for a cheap service go national. What comes to mind when you hear the word franchise? Cheap, incompetent, and phony. There are some other words that I’ve heard from office managers and property.
This applies to the janitorial franchises. Cheap, they earned that title by under-bidding and providing subpar service. They have a salesperson go around and bid low, so he gets paid and they give the account to a franchisee. The franchisee has to work below minimum wage or cut corners and then get complaints.
When you find out they had you signed a long term contract that is hard to terminate. Definitely not a win win situation. Who did win in this picture? Of course the national company, where the money just flows right out of Tucson. I’ve heard all this from office managers and property managers over the years.
Supplies and some of the many combinations. The two types of supplies in the office cleaning business are the cleaning supplies to do the actual work and consumables used in the restrooms. We usually pay for the cleaning supplies to do the actual work. Then on the consumable supplies the owner of the business pays for them, but this can work any way you want them too. Questions?
A toilet bowl mop is used to clean the toilet regularly. I mentioned that I’d cover how to remove the bowl ring in the toilet. I have seen several ways, but the most common is to use a pumice stone. Keeping the pumice wet helps from scratching the surface. I have seen a grill screen that seems to work, but should be used lightly.
Do you have questions or would like us to provide a bid call or email us at 520 722 6776, desertcleaningtucson@gmail.com. There is a difference.
This airport area has mostly single and multi commercial tenant offices/businesses. It has always been a great area for janitorial service. Let’s get started and take a look around the airport area.
Office cleaning near the
airport has hot water. That is nice if it is in the janitor room to use
in the mop bucket. This helps in killing germs and losing matter. If the
water is too hot that can have a negative effect on some surfaces and
can burn the janitor. A few businesses have the hot water turned
off to save money. Hot water is available in this area and it
helps when cleaning the mop bucket at the end of the service and ready
for the next cleaning.
The important part of
giving the customer the number one office cleaning experience is our
quality assurance inspection. When our inspection team checks an office
they aren’t trying to find fault with the onsite janitor. Instead, they
are there to be sure the customer is receiving a high level of office
cleaning. After the inspection we review any items with the onsite
janitor before the complaint phone rings in the morning.
In Tucson a common
complaint in the janitorial business is “dusting.” I see it on bid tours
all the time and I’m amazed. It is so easy to do and I guess for some
janitors it is easy to skip. And, once someone starts skipping that’s
where the problems start. I hope my competitors aren’t reading this
We love detailing the office. It’s not hard to figure out, just look around the office. Vacuum the doormats inside and outside at the entrance. Dust any artificial plants in the lobby. Spray and wipe the kitchen cabinets. Clean the inside of the microwave. Other details include keeping our equipment clean and organized and the janitor closet, as well as the floor.
All Tucson office cleaners
have a routine and irregular cleaning hot spots as well. After a few
cleanings the choreography all comes together and the customer is the
beneficiary. We love Tucson and it shows. I started Desert Cleaning in
1980 and love working with the people in Tucson. If you have questions
or want a quote please fill out our online quote, email, or call us,
you’ll be glad you did. Tell a friend.
Elevators need attention,
especially if there is only one in the building. If a tenant improvement
“TI” is under way the elevator walls will need to be covered. Most
elevators have hooks for canvas or blanket covers. I have seen elevators
used during a TI without the covers and it wasn’t good. The best is
when the building has a freight elevator, however, Tucson only has a few
that I know of.
The Elevators require a
thorough cleaning, because it is like the lobby and it makes an
impression. Elevator tracks are probably the most overlooked part of the
elevator in regards to the cleaning. Then, there are the walls that
come in many different materials. The industry is always looking for the
best material for the elevator walls, they take a lot of abuse. The
flooring takes abuse as well in the elevator and needs nightly
attention. For such a small square footage they get used, and a day
porter helps.
The liability
insurance policy is usually required at most of our accounts. We have a
list of accounts that are sent a certificate of insurance every year
that shows the coverage we have. The liability insurance stops smaller
janitorial services from expanding because of the cost. The same with
workers compensation insurance and bonding. Does your janitor have
Call our phone number is 520 722 6776 or email desertcleaningtucson@gmail.com. There is a difference. Check our references from our homepage.
Mark, Scott, and Reid are
proud of our inspection system. Why? Because it works and has kept us in
business for 41 years in Tucson. Every office is different and along
with our inspection checklist we use an important items sheet for each
account. Things can still happen but with our A team of janitors and our
quality assurance program it’s rare that this happens.
Office cleaning Inspection list:
• Front entrance door glass.
• Receptionist counter and desk space.
• Straighten lobby magazines.
• Everywhere dusting.
• All can liners ( smelly, items stuck to the can liner....)
• Inspect men and women
restrooms for build-up: under urinals, full mirror, dispensers full,
vents dusted and tops of partitions, hard water build-up in bowls and
sink, behind bowls, wipe tops of baseboards, wipe walls under
dispensers, floors swept and mopped ( edges and corners ), under seat on
• Check vacuuming everywhere: under desks, behind doors, move chairs and trash containers….
• Cleaning closet is clean, organized, and smells clean.
• Look for spots on interior-interior glass….
• Conference room, blinds and chairs uniform.….
• Breakroom: sink,
counter, tables, cabinets, trash can and lid, refrigerator and microwave
exterior wipe, interior as well, floors and trash.
This partial list is used
when we do an inspection of your offices. It keeps the inspection team
alert and less chance of them missing something. Also, it helps when
reviewing with the onsite janitor.later.
This will give you a great
cleaning experience. Our seasoned team takes pride in what they
do and it shows month after month, year after year. When we do an
inspection it is done with the thought that the end result is delivering
a quality product and not to belittle the onsite janitor….
Somebody asked me the other day if we check the account that has no complaints? Yes, absolutely and that is part of the reason there aren’t any complaints for sure.
Desert Cleaning Janitorial Services , Inc.
Reid Sossong, RPA
After all the information is looked at, the quote or bid for janitorial services is submitted. There are many things that go into preparing a quote. In this article I want to take apart the quote and expose the inner workings. Here are some of the highlights: bid tour, key areas of cleaning, insurances, inspections, supplies to name a few in Tucson.
A bid tour or first meeting is where information is exchanged and we get a tour of the offices we will be cleaning. We use a bid sheet to gather the information and use when preparing a bid. Also, during the tour the bid sheet prompts questions to ask. It all comes together in the final bid or quote.
These are several key areas to look at when bidding for office cleaning. Some of the areas are: restrooms, floors, dusting, trashing…. All this information goes in a janitorial office cleaning bid. An outlier is the initial cleaning for the offices. Sometimes there is a charge for the initial cleaning or if the current service quits
We have been told over the years from office managers that the current service doesn’t have insurance. I wonder who will pay if a claim is made? They are usually surprised when they find out the current service is operating without insurance. Certificates of insurance are issued as proof of insurance. Just ask us.
We cover the two types of supplies that should be included in the quote and spelled out who will pay for the supplies and deliver them. There are two types of supplies: the supplies to do the actual cleaning and the supplies consumed in the restrooms and kitchen. The cleaning company usually supplies all the supplies to do the cleaning of your offices. The consumable supplies may go several ways.
Tucson Office Cleaning Services
By Reid Sossong, RPA
520 722 6776
Trashing is one of our basic services. This consists of emptying all trash cans in your office and restrooms. Also, we replace the liner as needed, which means some get replaced every service and others can go a while. Then, we use larger can liners in the cans so they don’t get pulled in the can. Email me if you have a question or thoughts.
If your restrooms smell and nobody has used them It might be the floor drains. There are a couple of solutions that usually work. The first is to pour water down the drain to prevent the smells from coming up. The second is a rubber cover for the floor drain that keeps smells at bay.
Let's talk about cleaner/disinfectants. These are products that are two in one. They work well in removing soil and matter, then disinfecting, saving time and money. They are used in wipes as well which have many uses in commercial office cleaning. NCL has an excellent product out that we use.
Red can liners are used for? Red can liners are used mainly in medical facilities for hazardous waste. There are services that pick them up and incinerate them out of Tucson. Years ago the janitor was involved, now we are out of the loop.
Janitors will have a few duties outside to clean at some offices. Here’s a partial list: clean front door glass, vacuum mats, empty outside trash containers, clean drinking fountain, clean any outside tables…. We had an account that required the cleaning of the water fountains and filter. Some outside windows with hard water build-up.
Hot air hand dryers are used instead of paper or linen for cost savings, storage, refill, and removing the trash. They can be noisy and take a few seconds longer. Some office buildings have both electric hand dryer and paper hand towels to keep everyone happy.The argument which is better will go on for a long time. What do you think? Let’s find out.
Do you need a janitorial service during the day? Desert Cleaning
handles day accounts and would love to talk to you. Cleaning during the
day can cost more for two reasons. First, it is harder to schedule a
janitor during the day since most janitorial work is in the evenings.
And, if people are on the phones, meetings…. It takes longer to work
around them. However, it can be done, call us.
Will we clean the phones, mouse, keyboard, and computer screen?
Absolutely, that is a service we provide. Currently, we use the
disinfecting wipes on the mouse, phone, and keyboard. Then on the
computer screen we have been using a computer monitor cleaner that does a
fantastic job. We use the same cleaners when we clean our office.
When Scott’s on a bid walk, he’ll look at the restrooms. He’s always
amazed how many companies don’t dust the restrooms. There are vents,
tops of partitions, tops of tile and baseboards, light fixtures…. Well
that’s one of the reasons why they called Desert Cleaning.
We are Tucson’s go to local office cleaning service. See our website at desertcleaning.com for references and our fast free online quote form, you’ll be glad you did. Tell a friend!
Tucson wet/dry vacuums are used in the janitorial business to pick up the solution from a floor that has just been wet mopped. Also, the wet vacuum is used when stripping and waxing a floor. If it is a large area the truck mount carpet cleaning machines are great for picking up the wet solution off the floor. Let’s continue.
Most people want a high level of floor cleaning. We can use a double bucket and/or a double mop method. There are several combinations of buckets, wringer, and carriers that are available. Also, we can use a flat mop system for the floors like Bona.
Many people want floors that have a wet look and shine. Desert cleaning can get that result using a method called spray buffing. Spray buffing has excellent results with correct procedures. Getting the floor ready, using the right spray buff…. all play a part in the outcome. We usually use the high speed machines that make the floor “POP” with a slick looking finish that looks wet when dry.
We like being in the janitorial business here in Tucson and able to
service the industrial areas. The industrial part of Tucson is a
mix of old and new. I covered a few of the hot topics in the number one
janitor service. If you have questions or input please let us know. Tell
a friend.
Janitorial supplies can work several ways. The supplies are divided in two categories: those that are consumed by everyone and the cleaning supplies used to clean the building. Then the supplies need to be ordered, delivered, and paid for.
The cleaning supplies needed to do the actual cleaning are provided by the janitorial service usually. This includes chemicals and equipment. Sometimes the owner may provide some of the cleaners and can liners. Many times the office manager will make a weekly run to Costco and buy some of the supplies there. They like getting out of the office for a couple of hours.
Also, supplies that are consumed by the tenants and clients: toilet paper, hand towels, and soap to name a few. The quality of the products should be discussed, especially if all the consumable products are included in one bundled price. Sometimes office managers are shocked at how much these products cost, and they keep going higher. But there is no inflation.
The ordering, delivering,
and paying for the supplies can work in many combinations. Do you save
money or does it cost more for buying the supplies through Desert
Cleaning? It depends on the product and in general it costs about the
same. We make a small amount for inventorying, ordering and delivering
the supplies to the account here in Tucson..
In Tucson reference
letters are important in any business, especially the janitorial
business. Our references are on our homepage under satisfied clients. In
addition to the letters we have received we can provide phone numbers
to other account references. Our company is here to serve your
janitorial needs, let us show you and you’ll be glad you did.
Cleaning's quality
assurance system works and the good news is it is built in the price.
What it does is assures you get a high level of janitorial services. Our
inspection team is seasoned in both cleaning and inspecting. They have a
checklist to follow that helps with consistency in the quality
assurance system. Call us for a quote.
Our cleaning side of the
business is the side that really counts for references. There are some
additional services I want to talk about. They are the cleaning of the
phone, keyboard, mouse, and computer screen are additional services we
provide. When clean they help with the employee morale and add
uniformity to the office. If you have cleaning products you want us to
use, it shouldn't be a problem.
Gloves are important in
the office cleaning services. There are many types available, however,
there are two basic types; disposable and reusable. I prefer the
reuseable mainly because they are less likely to rip. Also, when done
for the day you wash them off until next time. The disposable gloves are
great when finished for the day just throw them out. Gloves come in
different thicknesses and sizes.
Awhile back, I was at a building that had restrooms that exit to the outside world. It can have a benefit when it needs airing out, but costly if it doesn’t lock properly. Bums like to steal supplies and it gets costly and annoying. Also if the door doesn’t seal properly the dust and dirt can blow in quickly and make a mess. These additional costs have to be figured in the bid. Is this a problem?
We are Tucson's go to
janitor service and are here ready to give you the service you deserve.
Our basic service covers four areas: restrooms, floors, trash, dusting.
Also, included are basic details: front door fingerprints clean, Lift
certain items and dust, vacuum entry mats and elevator cabs….
Desert Cleaning leaves the competition in the dust. What do I mean? It’s simple, we dust and we do it consistently. On bid tours we have seen the other janitors lack of dusting and it is a shame.
Let’s take a look at trashing, which seems straightforward. However, if not done correctly it will create carpet spots and take longer to do the job. The trash cans at each desk may need the liners replaced as needed. In the kitchen we may double bag the large trash can depending on usage it gets during the day.
In the restroom, surfaces have been designed for cleaning. Most surfaces are smooth for easy cleaning and disinfection of the surface. Filling of all the dispensers is critical, for example: toilet paper, soap, hand towels, seat covers…. Plus the trash needs to be removed.
Floors are usually last on the list to clean. Carpet is one pass with the vacuum where tile floors need two passes, sweep and mop. There are several types of flooring surfaces with different maintenance requirements. Laminate and wood flooring are not wet mopped with water. My opinion concrete is the best flooring. We have seen lots of luxury vinyl lately.
Office cleaning specialists manage the highly competitive
janitorial market here in Tucson. We start by having the best of the
best janitors in Tucson. How did you get such a great team? It took time
but the real secret is we pay our janitors more. Just like our sought
after systems we have people waiting to work at Desert Cleaning and it
is why we have been in business for a long time.
Most offices demand the best cleaning. That’s where we come in with
our state of the art and sought after cleaning systems. We are able to
provide the best office cleaning experience here in Tucson, Arizona. If
you have questions or would like a phone or email quote please let us
know. Scott will tour your offices with you and give you a quote fast.
Looking for a local janitor service and don’t want a multi year
contract? Desert Cleaning is local and we don’t require a long
term contract. That was easy. We have been in the office cleaning
business for 41 years in Tucson, so use our experience to your benefit
and see the savings and cleaning.
Are there set office cleaning prices in Tucson? There are no set
prices because of the many variables. How many services per week, day or
night service, additional services… to name a few. If you are putting
together a budget or dissatisfied with your current service we can help.
We can phone, email, or come and tour your office and give you a bid.
Please see our homepage for references and our fast free online quote
form at desertcleaning.com.
Many reception areas are
high on the list of importance. Probably because it is connected to the
lobby area and is part of the first impression. This includes cleaning
the receptionist glass and countertops. Dusting would include behind
everything and moving certain items that are unique to each office. Spot
clean the marks on the walls. When dusting, move certain items and dust
behind them.
Some other details are
wiping around light switches and door knobs. Also dusting or
mini-vacuuming the vents and wipe cleaning the kick plates at the base
of doors. The cleaning of the light covers can be done but will be an
extra charge. Any floor work or window cleaning is extra as well, unless
specified upfront.
With the covid there are many cleaning products on the market and it can
get confusing. I’m constantly learning every day in this business. Here
are a few topics I’d like to share: bleach and acid cleaners I consider
harsh and we rarely use them. A cleaner and disinfectant in one saves
time, water based chemicals that are hospital grade are excellent we
have found.
Desert Cleaning is a top of the line office cleaning service. Please see our references and our fast Fast and Free Online Quote Form on desertcleaning.com or contact Scott.
Top office cleaning services are phenomenal. Great service at an affordable price and the top janitors in the city. Please see our references on our home page and let us know if you have any questions. We want to be your janitor service and for a quick response fill out our online quote form. It's fast and free, you’ll be glad you did.
Our company is a local service established in 1980. We don’t go around town giving low bids and then skip services. This separates them from the rest of the herd. We are not out to be the biggest service in Tucson, just the most sought after.
Some office cleaning services bid low and get the account, and two things take place: they pay their employees less and cut corners. What a way to operate. Just think the cleaning service and employee’s aren’t making much money and the customer is not getting the service they want, WOW!
Our reputation means a lot to us and has kept us in business all these years. We are a local office cleaning specialist. We are proud to be a business owner and Tucson is our home town. We have a few employees that have been with us for over 20 years and have had many employees come back to work with us.
Desert Cleaning's pride of ownership shows in their references. From supplies to cleaning and everywhere in between it shows. What this means is that if a company has pride of ownership then they will usually do the same type of job for you. I know we do!!!! See our website desertcleaning.com for more information.
Tucson commercial office cleaning may be many things and can include just about anything. Here is a small list of services: outside trash removal, dusting window sills, cleaning around dumpsters, empty trash containers in front of the shopping center…. Let’s take a look at these and more office cleaning services.
Services for the common area is a 24/7 operation. Shopping centers, office and medical buildings may need a day porter service for either the inside or outside. A common area day porter can augment the janitorial service or the parking lot sweeper, or mid-day cleaning for a high traffic office and dirt.
Trash that collects in parking lots is horrifying. We have been doing the common area service for 41 years and the office and parking lots are still collecting trash the same as back in the day. The other duties are many and don’t apply to every shopping center here in Tucson. Desert Cleaning janitorial services, inc. will help set-up a program for you.
All windows and the window sills need to be kept clean for several reasons. When a prospective tenant is looking at the building, it doesn’t look abandoned. Also it will match the rest of the occupied suites in the center. Cleaning of the windows would be on a different schedule.
Many buildings may have the common area cleaner go in the vacant suites and sweep the floors, turn the water on, flush toilets, and get rid of any smells…. Also, keeping the windows clean in the vacant suite is important, I know I just mentioned the window cleaning in the last paragraph. LOL.The restrooms midday at some offices need to be cleaned and restocked. It all depends on the traffic flow . Many offices over time know how much restroom supplies they consume and if they need a day porter for the common area, because it does cost extra.
Contact Scott, he’ll tour your office and give you a comprehensive bid.
As soon as graffiti in restrooms appears it should be removed immediately, otherwise it will keep happening. The office buildings I’ve seen in Tucson don’t have a huge problem with graffiti. However, I thought I’d write a little about the problem. The stall walls are the target that get graffiti and the spot most janitors miss is the inside of the stall door in men's and women's restrooms.
Here's a thought to stay ahead of the graffiti is to have a graffiti remover in the cleaning cart at all times. Then it becomes part of the daily routine. You want to “nip it in the bud.” Before using a graffiti remover read and the directions to eliminate problems, WOW.
Many companies don’t dust in the restrooms. How do I know? Ive been on hundreds of building bid tours and have seen it first hand. Remember top to bottom cleaning and it applies to the restroom dusting. Start with the vents and work your way down to the baseboards. I’m serious.
A hot spot that is often missed is cleaning under the towel boxes on the wall. I guess after a while the janitor thinks that the wall is supposed to look dirty and have streaks. In a way I’m glad that other janitorial services clean this way, but feel bad for the business that is getting the poor cleaning service, and paying for it.
Toilet rings and hard water build-up is a cleaning task the novice cleaning company may not know how to clean. There are several ways to get rid of the bowl ring.
I hope you enjoyed it. This gives a little of the trials and
tribulations the janitor goes through in the commercial restroom.
Everyone in the business has war stories concerning restrooms. I hope
you got some information from this post and as usual if you have a
question or want a bid for janitorial services let me know
at desertcleaningtucson@gmail.com. You’ll be glad you did.
Tucson Office Cleaning Specialist
Looking for a new office cleaning service in Tucson? Do you want quality service? Desert Cleaning has been cleaning Tucson offices since 1980 and there is a reason, excellent references. Also, they have the best janitors and support team in Tucson. See their references on their homepage link at desertcleaning.com and they will come and tour your offices and give you a free quote. Tell a friend.
Reid, Mark, and Scott have an excellent reputation that has been built on top of the line janitorial services. Your office manager is giving the cleaning service keys and alarm code for their office, so trust is important. If your current service isn’t doing the job call us at 520 722 6776, you’ll be glad you did.
Our crew wants to keep your offices clean and you happy. The best service in Tucson knows this and keeps focused on the cleaning. This helps keep germs down and hopefully less people getting sick. The majority of our accounts clean their work station: phone, keyboard, mouse and monitor. If you want us to clean these items we can, especially with covid.
Go to desertcleaning.com and see are references and our free fast online quote form.
Does your janitor have insurance?
For all your cleaning needs call Scott at 520 722 6776
Note: Please contact an insurance expert with questions and don’t rely on the information in this article.
Some janitorial services have liability and workers compensation insurance. There are many reasons to have insurance and the coverage vary: lost key, property damage, and some lawsuits. Who pays when something goes wrong and the janitor has no insurance
The two types of claims; claims made and per occurrence for the janitorial industry. Other important items are; policy limits and certificates of insurance that most office managers need to know and want. Usually, insurance agents will send a certificate of insurance to the office manager or CEO.
In Arizona the state law says it is mandatory for employers to have workers’ compensation insurance covering their employees. Check this with your insurance agent. Also in Arizona, workers’ compensation is a "no fault" system which means an injured employee is entitled to receive benefits for an industrial injury, no matter who caused the job-related accident. Nice.
Risk management is a never ending process and can make a difference. When we were cleaning a mine they got us in tune with safety and risk management. What is risk management? Preventing an accident before it happens. Walk around your office and look for things that could be a problem and solve them.
Many liability policies usually cover bodily injury medical expenses, and the lost work hours involved. Our office and accounts are covered. Another area covered is property damage. When an employee damages property while on the job it is usually covered. Also, factor in the deductible. For all your office cleaning needs call Scott at 520 722 6776.
Clean up the Desert
Back in the day in buildings all across Tucson you would find a bar of soap next to the sink.When folks realized how messy and unsanitary it was along came the refillable dispenser and it seemed to solve the problems. What is the best soap dispenser now? Let’s find out.
Pro’s say the refillable soap dispenser gets contaminated and the soap cartridge is the best. The refillable dispenser is not sealed and open for contamination. Then when the janitor refills the existing contaminated soap the new soap will be contaminated as well. Ugh.
Today, the sealed soap dispenser is the best and less messy. They aren’t really exposed to the elements which helps. The sealed container is easy to change and low maintenance. The sealed soap container is more likely to be used then the bar of soap, maybe because the bar of soap looks bad.
In the restrooms the floor drain needs water poured down it every few weeks. If a foul odor is in the restrooms the water should take care of this. The wall under the towel box needs a regular cleaning because of the accumulation of hand splashes. Graffiti should be removed immediately in the restrooms.
Please see our website for reference letters and our fast, free online quote form.
Tucson Janitorial Service
Want the best Janitorial Service?
Tucson and nationally in the office cleaning world the number one complaint is dusting. Tucson is a dusty place, a dust bowl. When you add in paper dust and human follicles to make a real dusty office. Office cleaners that start skipping the dusting in an office are creating a real project down the road. It has to be done consistently to stay ahead of the dust.
The duster used to combat the dusting is the feather duster. The feather duster was invented in the 1800’s in a broom factory. It is still used today for its efficiency and speed. We still have them in our toolbox for versatility when using.
Also, the damp microfiber towel is a great way to remove dust in the office. It takes longer to use, so we use it in special situations. Microfiber has many uses. There are microfiber duster gloves and other assorted dusters on the market. The prices are a lot less than the standard duster as well. The dusting is a never ending task, so stay ahead of the dust.
As a starting point we don’t move papers on desk or on top of file cabinets when dusting unless we are given the green light. We dust around, behind, and under certain items on a typical desk and if you have specific procedures to follow let us know. When in doubt don’t move it is a good rule.
In Tucson dusting is important year round because we live in a dust bowl. I hope you enjoyed this brief look at dusting and if you are having problems with your janitorial service please contact us and put our experience to work for you.
Janitorial Inspections
I’m proud of our inspection system. Why? Because it works and has kept us in business for 41 years in Tucson. Every office is different and along with our inspection checklist we use an important items sheet for each account. Things can still happen but with our A team of janitors and our quality assurance program not much can. Let’s start with a partial list.
The Inspection list:
• Clean entrance door glass.
• Clean receptionist counter and desk space.
• Straighten lobby magazines.
• Check dusting.
• Thoroughly check trash can liners ( smelly, items stuck to the can liner, torn...)
• Don't check men and women restrooms for build-up: under urinals, full mirror, dispensers full, vents dusted and tops of partitions, hard water build-up in bowls and sink, behind bowls, wipe tops of baseboards, wipe walls under dispensers, floors swept and mopped ( edges and corners ), under seat tops of tiles….
• Vacuuming everywhere: under desks, behind doors, move chairs and trash cans….
• The Janitor closet is clean, organized, and has a fresh smell.
• Check for spots on interior-interior glass..
• Have lunch in the conference room….
• Smoke in the room: sink, counter, tables, cabinets, trash can and lid, refrigerator and microwave exterior wipe, interior as well.
This partial list is used when we do an inspection of your offices. It keeps the inspection team alert and less chance of them missing something. Also, it helps when reviewing with the onsite janitor so they know.
We want to give you a great cleaning experience. Our seasoned team takes pride in what they do and it shows month after month, year after year. When we do an inspection it is done with the thought that the end result is delivering a quality product and not to belittle the onsite cleaner.
A manager asked me the other day if we check the account that has no complaints? Yes, absolutely and that is part of the reason there aren’t any complaints there.
The trash and dash was here in Tucson before I got in the janitorial business. Someone usually gets the bright idea to bid low and get the account. Then after a short while they realize they aren’t making any money and they start the old trash and dash. It’s sad because the customer is cheated and the cleaning company gets fired. A lose lose for everyone. Phenomenal concept.
Helpful thoughts to prevent trash and dash.First, check their reference letters and call a few. It should paint a positive picture and give you a good feeling. Second, if they are the lowest bid it could be a red flag. Ask them how they arrived at the price they gave. If they don’t know it's a red flag no doubt.
The janitor service should know the time it takes to do each task: restrooms, trashing, and vacuuming…. This will give you a sense if they know what they are talking about. If they are pulling a number out of the air they will be trash and dashing soon.I have never heard of a legitimate janitorial service doing the trash and dash. That’s why they are legitimate; they know what they are doing. They can answer all your questions and have good references as well
Is this happening to you? Please give us a call or email. Also, you can fill out our fast free online quote form on our website at desertcleaning.com. You’ll be glad you did. No more trash and dash! Just quality cleaning.
The Number One Janitor in Tucson
Contact us You’ll be glad you did
Using microfiber when cleaning offices works. It’s used in towels, wet/dry mops, and is sold in Home Depot, Target, and the janitor supply store. The microfiber comes in many colors so you don’t cross contaminate. Most janitors like microfiber compared to cloth towels.
Microfiber acquired its name because it is many many times smaller than a human hair. Another amazing microfiber item is that it holds nine times the water than a regular cotton towel. The microfiber works better when wet, in my opinion. The wet mops for floors are considered better mainly because of the absorption compared to cotton here in Tucson.
On wood floors we like to use the Bona products that come with the microfiber flat mops. We give them a thumbs up and our customers are happy. We have noticed that the microfiber towels don’t work well when using lemon oil. Let me know if you have a method, or is it a secret?
Our microfiber is man made using a high density weave. It is bacteria resistant and was developed for anti-slip flooring. Also, it is lint free. I have been told that the microfiber wet mop does a great job from absorption to cleaning. We have been switching over to mostly microfiber. However, they both have their moments.
Dust mops come in microfiber as well and last a long time. They are the best dust mop on the market and feature conventional slot end sewing. These can be laundered over and over. the microfiber dust mops are produced with continuous filament microfiber yarn and are a 100% synthetic, a good combination. Call us.
Tucson Office Cleaning Examined
Here are a few key items to look for when hiring a Tucson office cleaning service. If you are looking for the lowest bidder then stop reading, it’s a “no brainer.” In this article I’ll cover references, how long have they been in business in Tucson, are they just a national franchise or a quality local service that you can trust.
Reference letters are very important in the bid process. A new company may not have any and could be a risk. An established company with no references is a red flag. References show a pattern of getting the job done with people that are trustworthy.
How long have they been in business here in Tucson. This shows how stable they are and if their heart is really here. Are they going to close shop and leave Tucson? We have seen it before.
Do you know if the janitorial service is hiding behind a national franchise name? You will wind up paying for the money you save. Over the years I have talked to many unsatisfied office managers that went with a franchise thinking they must know they are doing. That’s when they called Desert Cleaning. We’ll come in and straighten the cleaning mess.
Desert Cleaning has been in the office cleaning business in Tucson for 41 years and there is a reason, we do the job. See our link to references on our home page at desertcleaning.com. Also, we have a few employees that have been with Desert Cleaning for over twenty five years. Call us and experience the difference.
Consumable and Cleaning Supplies
Enjoy a new office cleaning service
Tucson office cleaning supplies can work several ways.. The supplies are divided in two categories: those are consumed by everyone and the cleaning supplies used to clean the building. Then the supplies need to be ordered, delivered, Let’s take a look at some options.
The cleaning supplies needed to do the actual cleaning are provided by the janitorial service usually. This includes chemicals and equipment. Sometimes the owner may provide some of the cleaners and can liners. Many times the office manager will make a weekly run to costco and buy some of the supplies there. They like getting out of the office and I don’t blame them.
Also, supplies that are consumed by the tenants and clients: toilet paper, hand towels, and soap to name a few. The quality of the products should be discussed, especially if all the consumable products are included in one bundled price. Sometimes office managers are shocked at how much these products cost, and they keep going higher all the time.
The ordering, delivering, and paying for the supplies can work in many combinations. Do you save money or does it cost more for buying the supplies through Desert Cleaning? It depends on the product and in general it costs about the same. We make a small amount for inventorying and delivering the supplies. It can usually be worked out to run smoothly.
Local Janitorial Desertcleaning.com Tucson, Arizona
The winter solstice just took place here in Tucson and if you are looking for a local janitorial service you are at the right place. Take a look at our website and references. Please fill out our online form for a fast response. We have been in the office cleaning business for a long time for a reason, we do the work and treat you right.
Since we are a family owned business and we can make decisions quickly and give you the service you want. We have regular inspections at all of our accounts, even when there are no complaints. Maybe that’s why.
Or the other choice is a national franchise service. Folks get lured in by the low bid and the national name. Then they find out how they operate. We only take a few new accounts at a time, because we’re not trying to be the biggest company in Tucson, we are happy being the best.
Interacting with the customer, employees, and other parties is a part of any business and the family owned and operated janitorial service is no different. To give the best service to our
customers we have a website, emails, texts and mobile phones. Also, good old regular mail.
Taking photos with a smartphone sure has eliminated many problems in the office cleaning and janitorial services here in Tucson.
Would you want a local janitorial service that you can talk with and gets the job done or a national janitorial service that makes excuses and tries to lock you in a long term contract? We have seen businesses take the low bid and others get the service they want.
A key part of our office cleaning system is inspections of our accounts and the real secret is to do them consistently. Our inspection list is a proven checklist that we are constantly improving to give you a high level of janitorial service here in Tucson. Call us at 520-722-6776 and let us show you the difference.
The inspections really add up during the course of a year. There are plenty of details and it's easy to overlook something. Having an inspection done helps everybody stay on course. Let's take a peek at some of the items we look for when inspecting: is the front door glass cleaned, are the lobby magazines in order, are the receptions counter clean, are there bowl rings?. Are chairs in the right place?
The secret is having regular inspections. Someone asked me if I still have inspections on accounts that have no complaints? Yes, and that could be why they have no complaints. The bulk of the office cleaning is the on site office cleaner. When we do an inspection it is to help the on site janitor as well as providing a high level of janitorial service to the account.
The inspection is part of our service with no additional cost. Some companies don’t do inspections and it’s part of their low bid, and trash and dash. We know if we do regular inspections it adds up during the course of the year and is appreciated by the office manager. Contact us if you have a question.
A lot of companies skip the inspection to save money. Do they really save? If you are looking for a great janitorial service here in Tucson then give us a call. We’ll come to your office to tour and discuss your needs. Then, we’ll give you a comprehensive bid. See desertcleaning.com.
Janitor Service Tucson
The biggest problem here in Tucson in the office cleaning world is dusting. Tucson is a dusty place, a dust bowl. When you add in paper dust and human follicles to make a real dusty office . Office cleaners that start skipping the dusting in an office are creating a real project down the road. It has to be done consistently to stay ahead of the dust.
The number one duster used to combat the dusting is the feather duster. The feather duster was invented in the 1800’s in a broom factory. It is still used today for its efficiency and speed. We still have them in our toolbox for our crew to use
Using the damp microfiber towel is a great way to remove dust in the office. It takes longer to use, so we use it in special situations. Microfiber has many uses. There are microfiber duster gloves and other assorted dusters on the market. The prices are a lot less than the standard duster as well. The dusting is a never ending task but it has to be done.
Our company doesn't move papers on desk or on top of file cabinets when dusting unless we are given the green light. We dust around, behind, and under certain items on a typical desk and if you have specific procedures to follow let us know. When in doubt don’t move it is our saying.
Tucson, Arizona dusting is important year round because we live in a dust bowl. I hope you enjoyed this brief look at dusting and if you are having problems with your janitorial service please contact us and put our experience to work for you and your company. You can reach us at desertcleaning.com or 520-722- 6776.