Free Janitorial Quote Fast!Call 520-722-6776 or email desertcleaningtucson@gmail.com |
Best Janitor Service
In Tucson who wins when the office cleaning goes to the lowest bid? Nobody. The property manager pays for the savings in phone calls and wasting time with complaints. The tenants aren’t happy with the services and the office cleaning company is unhappy because they aren't making any money and receiving complaint phone calls. Not good.
I have heard ugly stories about when the business went with the lowest bid. Our sales team was on a bid recently and the office manager showed them a video of the current janitor pushing a vacuum straight down the hallway and that was it. It is a shame when someone bids low, cuts corners, and then goes out of business, it makes us all look bad.
When the office manager takes a low bid then has complaint after complaint it becomes time consuming and frustrating. I had a manager tell me her boss told her to just deal with the complaints. We give a fair price and do the job. Please see our online quote form for a fast response at desertcleaning.com.
Many of the cost cutting and skipping of services I’ve been told are bizarre. Skipping one or two days a week to save money, now that’s a business model they don’t teach in school. If this sounds familiar don’t hesitate and give us a call, you’ll be glad you did. You should see some of the photos we have taken on bid tours.
Tucson Office Cleaning
Give us a call and see the difference! 520 722 6776
I’m sure the number one janitorial service in Tucson knows the number one concern for the janitor is security. Security is number one for many reasons: easy entry for thieves, and vandals are just two of them. Both of these situations could be costly and is the reason it goes to the top of the list of importance in our world
Next in order of importance is toilet paper. I have to tell you this week I was at a building and for hand towels they had a roll of toilet paper on the counter. Anyway, toilet paper is number two for obvious reasons. If the owner wants inexpensive toilet paper they will find out in the long run it costs about the same. Plus, the employees and customers are annoyed and double up on the paper if it is single ply.
We stay on top of the details that you request we created an important items list we keep in your file. This is very important and each account is unique. For example: hidden trash cans that could be missed unless you knew about them, putting smell gels in the owners restroom…. This is part of our system that all comes together to give you a high level of janitorial service here in Tucson.
Do you know the difference between a commercial vacuum and a household vacuum? To start with they have different names. The commercial vacuum has heavy duty wiring and cords for longer run times. The price is higher on the commercial vacuum. From switches to wheels the commercial vacuum is used daily and has to be built heavy duty.
Taking a dusting tour to see what to look for on an inspection. Window sills are a good place to start because they are easy to forget. Lift up the blinds and look to see if the sills were dusted. In the receptionist's area move a few things around and see if there is any dust. The restrooms need to be dusted and checked as well: tops of partitions, vents, baseboard ledge. Work smart.
We want a local janitorial service in Tucson
Sponsored by Desert Cleaning Janitorial Services , Inc.
Reid Sossong, RPA
Most people don’t realize the effort to get the janitor to the job site. The effort starts with running an ad for a janitor. Then training, payroll setup, insurances, medical sick time, supplies, floaters to cover him or her…. And don’t forget supervision and the inspection team. The choreography has to be right for the system to work and give you great service.
Having an ad for a janitor can be a challenge if the management team doesn’t know what they are looking for in a janitor. Most ads receive a lot of response and a seasoned HR person can eliminate some quickly. After that select a few to come and fill out an application and decide from that group.
Training of a new person either experienced or not is important. Many times the experienced person may have experience with a trash and dash company and that may be hard to reprogram into our system. Then there is the person with no experience, but motivated that works great. It is definitely an art in finding the right person and training them so you get the service you want.
Direct deposit and starting the payroll requires accuracy. We have used Paychex payroll services for years and before that we used ADP for years. Even though we use a payroll service we still have to call in the payroll every two weeks and check everything for errors.. At the end of the year we mail the w2's.
The insurances are a healthy expense every month and like any insurance when you have a problem you’re glad you have insurance. Most businesses have a bond, liability insurance, and workers compensation insurance. I’ve heard that some businesses don’t have any insurance because they think they are saving money. If something happens and the janitor has no insurance I wonder who they will look at to pay the bills?
National janitorial Service or Local?
Question: National franchise or a local office cleaning service? If you are looking for a cheap service go national. What comes to mind when you hear the word franchise? Cheap, incompetent, and phony. There are some other words that I’ve heard from office managers.
That applies to the janitorial franchises. Cheap, they earned that title by under-bidding and providing subpar service. They have a salesperson go around and bid low, so he gets paid and they give the account to a franchisee. The franchisee has to work below minimum wage or cut corners and then the problems start.
Then you find out they had you signed a long term contract that is hard to terminate. Definitely not a win win situation. Who did win in this picture? Of course the national company, where the money just flows right out of Tucson. I’ve heard all this from office managers and property managers.
Let’s review supplies and some of the many combinations. The two types of supplies in the office cleaning business are the cleaning supplies to do the actual work and consumables used in the restrooms. We usually pay for the cleaning supplies to do the actual work. Then on the consumable supplies the owner of the business pays for them, but this can work any way you want them too.
The toilet bowl mop is used to clean the toilet regularly. I mentioned that I’d cover how to remove the bowl ring in the toilet. I have seen several ways, but the most common is to use a pumice stone. Keeping the pumice wet helps from scratching the surface. I have seen a grill screen that seems to work, but should be used lightly and keep wet.
If you have questions or would like us to provide a bid call or email us at 520 722 6776, desertcleaningtucson@gmail.com. Have a great day.
What happens when your janitor service doesn’t have Insurance?
I want to disclose that I am not an insurance professional. This article may be wrong, so please verify this information before any insurance decisions and talk to an insurance professional.
There are some janitors that don’t have the proper insurance, probably because it costs money. They bid low and the building manager doesn’t care because they are getting a good deal. Then comes the day when someone gets hurt, or there is property damage. Guess who has to pay the bill. No more good deal.
Using a good insurance agent makes a difference. In today's world with the compliance companies we have to deal with it helps to have an agent that can communicate with them. I highly recommend Assuredpartners insurance here in Tucson, 520-571 7737.
I wrote in an earlier article that about.com in the money section has information on claims made and per occurrence insurances. If you already have or are looking into insurance you may want to see what type you have, for sure.
An accident insurance claim before it happens is part of what risk management is about. Keeping people safe is another benefit. Take a couple of minutes and look around and you’ll start seeing potential accidents waiting to happen. Now is there anything you can do to prevent an accident? That was easy.
Question: Does your janitor have lost key coverage? Key costs add up quickly especially if you aren’t covered. Just think if a whole building had to be rekeyed and all the employees had to have new keys throughout the building.
Briefly, I want to cover workers compensation insurance that is mandatory in Arizona. Does your janitor have the coverage? With no coverage I wonder who will pay if the janitor got hurt? You probably guessed.
Janitor in Tucson
A number of times when we get an account it doesn’t have a janitor room. We have everything in our vehicle, but it is nice to leave a vacuum and mop bucket. Some important fixtures in the janitor room are a low cut sink and shelving. The sink should have water to fill a mop bucket. Also, with a low cut sink it makes it easy to dump and store a mop bucket. Shelving is needed to keep paper products off the floor and getting wet. The hauling everything in and out takes more time.
Still in the market is the cordless backpack vacuum and is still about the same price. The concept is phenomenal, but in my opinion the cost benefit has a way to go before it makes sense.The problem is there is no such thing as a lightweight battery. Run time is about 1 hour and to charge the battery takes 2.5 hours. We would need extra batteries and they are not free.
The recycle bins are usually handled by the office being cleaned. Mainly because of cost. The person at each desk has a blue recycle can. When it is full they take it to a larger recycle bin and empty it. Some of the office people we have talked to don’t mind at all. They say it gets them off the chair for a few minutes which is great
The lobbies are important because it is the first area your clients see. Also, if they are waiting they have time to look around and form an opinion of your business. Some of the details include: clean front door glass, clean reception counter and glass, organize magazines, vacuum mats in and out, dust thoroughly including plants, move chairs when vacuuming. It makes a good impression.
Making sure the lobby is squared away is part of your clients experience. Some businesses have lobbies with tv’s, fish tanks, games for kids, computers…. I was at the Ford dealer recently and they even have a deli. Having a good experience is what it is all about. They will tell their friends what a great business you have and everyone is happy.Our company needs the best office cleaning in Tucson
See our commercial references and fill out the fast free online quote form, or call us at 722-6776. We aren’t the biggest janitorial service, just the best.
The janitorial proposal starts with trashing, dust/details, restrooms, and floors. These areas include all the details with each. Let's take a quick look at each area and get a better idea, ok.
The trashing begins with the can liner used to organize the trash and keep the can clean. If the area around the trash can needs vacuuming the janitor will leave the can out so when they come through with the vacuum it is already set-up and makes a big difference.
The dusting and details aren’t taken lightly in our system. All clear horizontal surfaces will be dusted. Other areas of dusting we discuss on the office tour and put in the contract. Details are many and will be reviewed with you. We’ll make you happy.
The restrooms are a place the janitor starts first when servicing an account. It is without a doubt second only to security in importance. Disinfection of all touch areas are required. Gloves that are used in the restrooms are disposed of before cleaning the rest of the building. I’ll write more in a future article.
The floors are cleaned last if you believe in top to bottom cleaning. First, we give the floor a good sweeping or dust mop before wet mopping. For wood floors it is a different process and cleaners used. At some offices we double sweep and mop to get the floor clean clean. If that doesn’t work then get down on our knees and scrub the floor.
Day porter in Tucson
Desert Cleaning has been Tucson’s go to day porter service since 1993 and provides day porter service for shopping centers, businesses, and office buildings. Whether it is once or seven days a week you can expect a high level of day porter service. Please contact us and we can provide a list of services, or if you already know what you want you can email it to me at desertcleaningtucson.com .We look forward to talking to you. Have a great day.
Most lunchrooms are important at many offices, and for good reason. This is where you eat lunch or take a break Knowing this we take it to heart and do our job. Microwave and refrigerator clean in and out, clean sink, countertops, and tables, empty trash, sweep and mop floors…. If you are tired of cleaning up after your current janitor then give us a call or fill out our online form, you’ll be glad you did.
The ring in the toilet should be removed and there are a few ways to do this. The pumice is the prefered way. The pumice should be used wet and gives the best results. Griddle screen works, but be gentle when using. Chemicals claim they will remove rings, but I haven’t seen any. If you know of a chemical that does let me know and I’ll try it.
When we are cleaning at your account we can wear identification, like: hats or shirts with our company name on them, and or a laminated ID card with the employee name and our company name. You can request this additional service, just let us know. If you have questions let me know.
We are office cleaning specialists. See are references and Free Janitorial Quote Fast! at desertcleaningtucson.com.
If you are looking for a janitorial service in 85715 we are right around the corner. Our main office is at Tanque Verde and Kolb. However, we service accounts all over Tucson and would love to hear from you. See our satisfied customers and fill out the online quote form and get a Free Quote Fastt. Tell a friend!
The inspection team uses a Quality Assurance checklist when they check an account in 85715. This list assists in having a quality outcome for you. It is a guide during the inspection and to have in writing to assist in the review with the office cleaner and management.
The following is a partial list we use in our Quality Assurance program.
Our Quality Assurance program was developed to give you the best office cleaning experience in Tucson.
We have reached a conclusion about the sanitizer vs. soap/water debate. The answer is to use soap and water first then sanitizer. Why? Because separate neither one is 100%. Let me know your thoughts.
You know you can judge how a business is run by looking at the restrooms. Most of the time it is true. If you aren’t getting the proper restroom cleaning at your offices call or email me. Maybe because I’m in the business I look everywhere I go at how clean their offices are. Warning: Once you start you’ll start seeing things you never noticed before. Same with restaurants.
Did you know that National janitorial franchises bid low, have a long term contract you can’t get out of, and cut corners to try and have the account make sense. I’ve talked to some very upset office managers over the years and they all say the same thing; bad service and have a few years to go on the contract. I have heard some of the franchisee’s complaining as well. One of the franchisee’s gave the franchise back he was so upset.
Janitorial services in the 85710 area of Tucson. This week we will head back to the central part of Tucson. The 85710 has a variety of businesses and services and an area that we have always liked for janitorial services. Did you know some people shop for price and others get the janitorial service they want. Phenomenal concept.
Question, Is risk management worth the risk? Of course it is and recently I gave a good example of my barbershop accident. It could have been prevented. It all starts by just looking around and being aware. Then taking action to help prevent a problem. The building owner may have to budget money for the improvement, but it could save lives.
Most of Tucson the water is “hard water.” This helps to build-up a ring in the bowl. When the bowl is properly cleaned the ring in the bowl should never appear. Once a week a little light scrubbing with the pumice is all it takes. We carry a pumice in the cleaning tray for the restrooms, so it is ready to use quickly. Phenomenal.
The urine stains on the floor under the men’s urinal can be a problem. However, Clorox has a product out called “urine remover”.The name says it all. It doesn’t require a lot of training and be sure to read the directions before using. The urine stains are found all over the commercial office cleaning.
Do you want to get rid of nasty toilet bowl rings? Try some products from “United States Pumice Company.” They have a pumie scouring stick that works great. Also, they have the pumie that comes with a handle for toilet bowl rings. Then some folks like the flexi scour screen that is great on uneven surfaces and ….
The restroom odors many times come out of the floor drain and can be eliminated easily. First, try pouring water down the drain to fill the s pipe so the smell can’t come up. There are rubber covers you can try as well. Both of these methods will help keep pests from coming up in the restroom and help with the odor problem.
What ways do we quote is a question I’m often asked. There are several ways: phone quote, online quote, and the traditional visit/email quote. In all of them we will need the basic information: square footage, how many times a week, how are supplies handled…. I have been doing bids for the past 40 years and my phone and online quotes are pretty accurate, and fair to all.
Central area and all the areas we service we aren’t always the lowest quote. Other janitorial services quote low and cut services or try to increase the quote once they start the account. Desert Cleaning doesn’t play games and sometimes the office manager that took the low quote will call us a few months later to see if our quote is still good. We appreciate when people are honest.
When cleaning a bank it requires extra cleaning details compared to an office. Let me give you a few examples: saving the trash for a week, cleaning fingerprints and stains in the teller window, wipe down the drive through teller box, weekly clean vault, change date on the lobby counter…. There are others and if you would like to share any with me please do at desertcleaningtucson@gmail.com.
What happens when an office item is missing. It puts everyone in an awkward position. We try to find out all the facts after talking with everyone. It is a case by case situation. There have been a few times in our business when we have paid for an item and soon after it reappears. It is nice when people are honest, I just said
We service most areas of Tucson, so give us a call , you”ll be glad you did.
Let’s take a look into Tucson this week’s article in central Tucson. This is a real mix of mid size office complexes in Williams center to small medical and retail businesses. If you are tired of cleaning up after you janitor then please call us or fill out our online form, you’ll be glad you did.
Our office needs an initial office cleaning and janitorial service in 85711. We'll you came to the right place. We service most of the greater Tucson area and would love to talk to you. The initial cleaning cost is not always required. If there is an additional cost a general estimate is the same as the per service cost for the office cleaning.
The restroom odors can be masked or neutralized. You can probably guess which is better, especially in 85711. When a neutralizer is used it alters the odor molecules and helps to eliminate the odor. Air fresheners are temporary and mask the odor. Also, this has an effect on pest control, uh!!!
Have you been reading my articles? Then take a guess on what part of cleaning I haven’t written about. Hint: it’s in the women's restroom. The answer is the feminine hygiene box. According to OSHA these boxes don’t come under the regulated waste
These are a few tips when emptying the feminine hygiene boxes.
Most offices usually include a receptionist area. A busy area no doubt and one of the first areas your clients see. What kind of impression does a dirty reception counter, smudges on the sliding glass make? You know what I’m talking about. Even people that are slobs notice and if the lobby is messy as well.
Industrial wet/dry vacuums are used in the janitorial business to pick up the solution from a floor that has just been wet mopped. Also, the wet vacuum is used when stripping and waxing a floor. If it is a large area the truck mount carpet cleaning machines are great for picking up the wet solution off the floor.
Do you want a high level of floor cleaning? We can use a double bucket and/or a double mop method. There are several combinations of buckets, wringer, and carriers that are available. Also, we can use a flat mop system for the floors.
Everybody wants floors that have a wet look and shine. Desert cleaning can get that result using a method called spray buffing. Spray buffing has excellent results with correct procedures. Getting the floor ready, using the right spray buff…. all play a part in the outcome. We usually use the high speed machines that make the floor “POP” with a slick looking finish that looks wet.
Desert Cleaning loves being in the janitorial business here in Tucson and able to service the industrial areas. The industrial part of Tucson is a mix of old and new. I covered a few of the hot topics in the number one janitor service. If you have questions or input please let us know.
The industrial area of Tucson. This should be a fun area to cover this week. I have seen many of the office buildings constructed in this area. In this article I’ll cover different parts of the janitorial industry and if you have a subject you would like me to write about please call or email desertcleaningtucson.com.
Almost all hard floor care starts with sweeping. When the janitor sweeps first it gets all the large debris and dirt, before dust mopping. I have heard it said that dust mopping doesn’t replace sweeping. In my opinion, it just depends on the type of floor and the use it gets. If it needs to be swept, then sweep it first, phenomenal.
The stairways need to be swept whether they are inside or outside. A dust mop is not used unless the stairs are extremely wide. Another option is using a blower outside. Also, inside stairs the janitor would use a vacuum. The stair landings can be used as a holding area for the dirt pile to vacuum up later.
Think safety is always at the forefront of office cleaning and janitorial work. With that thought it is wise to pick up any piles of dirt fast…. to avoid slipping or tripping. Also, wanted to mention when the janitor finds gum on the stairs they should use a putty knife or lemon oil to remove the gum. De-solv-it works great too.
Should the janitor damp mop or wet mop that is the question. Damp mopping picks up what dry mopping didn’t and wet mopping picks up what damp mopping can’t. The janitor needs to acquire the knowledge to know which method to use and in what order. Note: for safety place “wet floor” signs out to help avoid a slip.
Are there different sized barrels on wheels to collect trash? The most common is the 55 gallon and the 35 gallon. The smaller size is great for the smaller account for maneuverability. The larger sized barrel is usually left at the account and won’t need to be emptied as often. With the larger barrel if the janitor watches how heavy the trash can liner is getting they can remove the liner when it is partially full. Let’s get started.
A barrel on wheels can be used to carry cleaning supplies. There are trays and aprons available. The trays are curved and hang on the inside of the barrel. The apron wraps around the outside of the barrel and has numerous pockets. Also, we put extra toilet paper and hand towels in the bottom of the barrel under the can liner. It is a multipurpose tool ATW.
There are other accessories and ideas that the barrel on wheels has available. Some examples: a push cart that holds two barrels, one for recycle trash and one for regular trash, lids or covers, trays that go all the way around the outside of the top rim…. Questions?
I hope this article on office cleaning trashing in the 85705 zip code in Tucson, Arizona helped you. I covered some topics a little more in depth, like the barrel on wheels. There are many details in the janitorial business and the janitor can’t miss any of them or the complaint phone will ring in the morning….
If you are looking for an independent janitorial service in tucson call or email Scott. 520-722-6776 or desertcleaningtucson@gmail.com
Our company wants a local office cleaning service in Tucson. We started our janitor service 40 years ago and are definitely a local company, so you have stopped at the right spot.. We aren’t out to be the biggest cleaning company in Tucson and are selective on the cleaning accounts we work with. It has to be a win-win situation. For fast service please fill out our online quote form, or give us a call at 520-722-6776. Ask for Scott.
Toilet bowl mops are used to agitate and remove any matter inside the toilet bowl. This is done on a regular basis and when a ring in the bowl appears it’s time to get the pumice out. Keep the area wet and use the pumice lightly. In the 85705 it has some older offices and sometimes the fixtures are older and can be cleaned, however, they may have stains that are permanent because they bled into the porcellian.
Many companies overlook the details and we focus on them. Why? Because the customer is paying us and we take pride in our work. Here are a few examples: front door glass clean, wipe reception counter, move items away from walls and dust, straighten magazines in lobby…. This is just a taste, there are many details in the office cleaning business and our goal is to clean them.
Dusting is a never ending story and easy, yet many janitor services skip it. That’s when we get a phone call asking how soon we can start. The dusting is usually skipped to save time because of a low bid. It may take a few days before anyone notices, but they will see the build-up and then the complaint phone rings and it turns into a mess.
Last on the list is trashing and is considered one of the basic services. Can liners are common for both the desk size can and the barrel on wheels. We use the barrel on wheels to dump the desk size cans into. Can liners need to be replaced regularly. If the can liner is stuck to the side of the can it needs to be replaced. Phenomenal.
Let’s cover the 85705 zip code in Tucson for office cleaning services. This area is in an older part of Tucson with a mix of offices. In the area 85705 I'm very familiar with because my office was in this area for most of the 1980’s. I’ll discuss a variety of office cleaning topics that I hope you will enjoy. Here goes.
We’ll start this week with a microfiber towel. I have a few at home and really don’t like them as well as the white cloth towels. When the microfiber is dry it is horrible to use until it is wet. Also, when it is dry it is hard to fold and it tends to stick together. For drying your hands when wet the microfiber doesn’t want to absorb quickly. But, they don’t shed lint or leave streaks.
The restroom bacteria starts and the smells follow. The trick is to stay ahead of it and keep the restroom clean. The janitor can mask the odor with deodorizers that come in sprays, gels, and urinal blocks. In a heavy use restroom a mid morning cursory clean and checking the supplies is helpful. Restrooms made an impression in 85705, even older offices.
Question your doctor if they wash their hands between patients or use a sanitizer? The doctors that I have talked to use sanitizer. I think both would be best. If they used the soap and water first to remove fluid and matter. Then, use the sanitizer. Try telling that to a doctor and let me know what they tell you.
The offices in zip code area 85705 are like the rest of Tucson offices. Some have a janitor’s closet and a few don’t. We have everything in our van, but it is more functional to work out of a janitor room. Plus it’s a good place for the paper products and with shelving it will keep them off the floor and dry. A slop sink that is cut low is best to fill and empty a mop bucket. A lock on the door is nice too.
Our Quality Assurance program we developed will give the client the highest level of office cleaning available. So when you come to work in the morning the office cleaning won’t be an issue. Part of this program is the inspectors. Our inspectors have years of experience and are the best in Tucson. Another part of the program are the front line janitors, and we attract the best of the best in Tucson.
In Tucson hot air hand dryers are used instead of paper or linen for cost savings, storage, refill, and removing the trash. They can be noisy and take a few seconds longer. Some office buildings have both electric hand dryer and paper hand towels to keep everyone happy.The argument which is better will go on for a long time. What do you think?
Looking for a janitorial service during the day. Desert Cleaning handles day accounts and would love to talk to you. Cleaning during the day can cost more for two reasons. First, it is harder to schedule a janitor during the day since most janitorial work is in the evenings. And, if people are on the phones, meetings…. it takes longer to work around them. However, it can be done.
Do we clean the phones, mouse, keyboard, and computer screen? Absolutely, that is a service we provide. Currently, we use the clorox disinfecting wipes on the mouse, phone, and keyboard. Then on the computer screen we have been using a computer monitor cleaner that does a fantastic job.
Scott’s on a bid walk and he’ll look at the restrooms. He’s always amazed how many companies don’t dust the restrooms. There are vents, tops of partitions, tops of tile and baseboards, light fixtures…. Well that’s one of the reasons why they called Desert Cleaning.
Desert Cleaning is Tucson’s go to local office cleaning service. See our website at desertcleaning.com for references and our fast free online quote form, you’ll be glad you did.
News flash: Desert Cleaning will sanitize high touch points in accounts that they service the janitorial.
Desertcleaning.com or 520 722 6776
Our company is looking for a janitor service in Tucson for services twice a week. We can handle that. In fact, we service accounts every day of the week and we will give you a per visit cost in case you want to increase or decrease services. We want to keep you happy and give you the best office cleaning experience in Tucson, Arizona. Please fill out our online form or give us a call and put our experience to work for you.
The boss told me to get the best janitor in Tucson. This isn’t hard at all, call or email Desert Cleaning. What makes them the best is they actually do the work, phenomenal concept. They treat everybody the way they would like to be treated, again phenomenal. They are up to speed on the latest cutting edge state of the art cleaning products and techniques and there is a reason for their 40 years in Tucson.
Looking for a window cleaning company in Tucson.. Desert Cleaning will do smaller jobs and then we refer them to a company that does strictly windows. Windows can be a real pain to do. Here are a few tips: be sure the sun is not on the windows you are getting ready to clean, change water frequently,, don’t use a cloth that leaves lint…. These are just a few tips and I’ll expound in another article. Also, check the insurances.
Restrooms need to be dusted at least weekly, vents, tops of partitions.... Like the dusting throughout the whole office many janitor services blow it off and then it gets to be a project to clean.Many times when we start a new account we have to mini vacuum the vents because they were let go for a long time. Same in the restrooms.
Are there touch free surfaces? Surfaces that people don’t have to touch. In restrooms, banks, supermarkets the less surfaces you touch the better off you are. Also, new technology is making toilets flush on their own and touch free faucets. If you notice less people are getting sick every year. The restroom door now has many in use ways of preventing the touch free idea. I think the best is the no door at all approach in the restroom.
Call or email us for fast service immediately.
Does Tucson have set office cleaning prices? There are no set prices because of the many variables. How many services per week, day or night service, additional services… to name a few. If you are putting together a budget or dissatisfied with your current service we can help. We can give phone, email, or come and tour your offices quote.
Planning a meeting and your conference room is sub-par. The conference room is right up there in importance with the restroom and lobby. People will judge your business in part by how clean the conference room is that day. Moving chairs and vacuuming properly, dusting and positioning mini blinds all adds up to an organized room and lets clients know how you’ll handle their business the same.
The additional service we provide is the cleaning of the microwave inside and outside. The inside can get splattered with food and needs to be thoroughly cleaned including the ceiling, walls, and the plate that spins. I know, I know, other janitor services either don’t provide the cleaning of the microwave, and if they do it’s not a thorough cleaning of the microwave.
Do you bill for janitorial services monthly? In our system we send the invoice out on the first of the month for that month. Now, the invoice is not due until the first of the following month. Any additional items we have on the invoice are for the previous month. Also, we usually email you the invoice and we still have a few that want it mailed. However, this is not in stone and we will work within your system for sure..
Can we clean carpet spots? Yes, and we have had great success. Many offices have coffee or soda stains and if we can get them right away they won’t surface again. The main thing is to know what made the stain so we can use the right product to remove it. Also, we have a cleaning product to remove gum and petroleum based products. Also, many stains are water based like coffee or soda.
Let’s go up in the foothills of Tucson. It is considered the higher end area of Tucson with all the amenities. The 85718 zip code has always been a great place to clean offices and shopping centers. The main arteries are Swan road which takes you right into Tucson and Sunrise/Skyline/Ina which take you to I-10. If you would like a bid let Scott know.
Desert Cleaning handles the highly competitive janitorial market here in Tucson. We start by having the best of the best janitors in Tucson. How did you get such a great team? It took time but the real secret is we pay our janitors more. Just like our sought after systems we have people waiting to work at Desert Cleaning and it is why we have been in business for forty years.
The offices demand the best cleaning available in the foothills. That’s where we come in with our state of the art and sought after cleaning systems. We are able to provide the best office cleaning experience here in Tucson, Arizona 85718. If you have questions or would like a phone or email quote please let us know. Scott will tour your offices with you and give you a quote.
Need a local janitor service and don’t want a multi year contract? Desert Cleaning is local and we don’t require a long term contract. That was easy. We have been in the office cleaning business for 40 years in Tucson, so use our experience to your benefit and see the savings.
Do you know the office cleaning prices in Tucson? There are no set prices because of the many variables. How many services per week, day or night service, additional services… to name a few. If you are putting together a budget or dissatisfied with your current service we can help. We can phone, email, or come and tour your office and give you a bid.
Let’s start with basic hard floor care. In almost all situations the janitor will start with sweeping the floor first. Some janitors like to skip sweeping and just start with dust mopping. There are many sizes and types of bristles for all kinds of applications. There are open areas that need a wider broom and congested areas that need a smaller width broom or vacuum.
Wet mopping is a standard part of the office cleaning system.The following are the standard weights sizes the mop heads come in: 12, 16, 20, 24, 32 ounces here in Tucson. The mop is sized to the person who will be using the mop. Wet mops come in different colors so you don’t mix chemicals and cross contaminate with them.
There are many chemicals that are used in janitorial work. If used incorrectly they can damage a surface real quick. Just because a surface looks tough with the right chemical can ruin the surface. We don’t use any acids or bleach except by key personnel. Also, we read the labels and we use the same chemicals that are known.
What is the number one janitor service in Tucson? Desert Cleaning knows the number one priority is security. Then what is the number two priority? Toilet paper, so let’s cover toilet paper. One of the issues with toilet paper is should it roll over the front or back. We do whatever the property manager wants. Most common is over the top.
Most reception areas are high on the list of importance. Probably because it is connected to the lobby area and is part of the first impression. This includes cleaning the receptionist glass and countertops. Dusting would include behind everything and moving certain items that are unique to each office. Spot clean the marks on the walls. When dusting, move certain items and dust behind.
details are
wiping around
light switches
and door knobs.
Also dusting or
the vents and
wipe cleaning
the kick plates
at the base of
doors. The
cleaning of the
light covers can
be done but will
be an extra
charge. Any
floor work or
window cleaning
is extra as
well, unless
specified in the
Everyone is
Now with covid
there are many
products on the
market and it
can get
confusing. I’m
learning every
day in this
business. Here
are a few topics
I’d like to
share: bleach
and acid
cleaners I
consider harsh
and we rarely
use them. A
cleaner and
disinfectant in
one saves time,
water based
chemicals that
are hospital
grade are
excellent we
have noticed.
We are a top of the line office cleaning service. Please see our references and our fast free online quote form.
The Tucson airport area has mostly single and multi commercial tenant offices/businesses. It has always been a great area for janitorial service. Let’s get started and take a look around the airport.
Businesses by the airport have hot water that is nice in the janitor room to use in the mop bucket. This helps in killing germs and losing matter. If the water is too hot that can have a negative effect on some surfaces and can burn the janitor. A few businesses have the hot water turned off to save money. Hot water is available in this area and it helps when cleaning the mop bucket at the end of the service and ready for the next service.
An important part of giving the customer the number one office cleaning experience is our quality assurance inspection. When our inspection team checks an office they aren’t trying to find fault with the onsite janitor. Instead, they are there to be sure the customer is receiving a high level of office cleaning. After the inspection we review any items with the onsite janitor before the complaint phone rings.
The most common complaint in the janitorial business is “dusting.” I see it on bid tours all the time and I’m amazed. It is so easy to do and I guess for some janitors it is easy to skip. And, once someone starts skipping that’s where the problems start. I hope my competitors aren’t reading this news.
Our specialties are detailing the office. It’s not hard to figure out, just look around the office. Vacuum the doormats inside and outside at the entrance. Dust any artificial plants in the lobby. Spray and wipe the kitchen cabinets. Clean the inside of the microwave. Other details include keeping our equipment clean and organized and the janitor closet.
Day Porter is a service we have been providing for over 25 years and whether you need once a week or seven we can handle it. Our services range from emptying outside trash containers to spot cleaning vacant suites. We can customize our services to fit your needs. Call or email us and let’s get started, you’ll be glad you did.
Let’s review dusting because it is important. The area I want to talk about is restroom dusting. This is an area that many companies don’t do. Some spots to dust in the restroom are the tops of the partitions, baseboards, and wall tile. Also, vents and any lighting fixtures….Dusting in the restroom is especially important because of germs and smells can make the dust a real sticky mess to clean up.
The security of your office is at the top of the list of importance for the janitor. Locking the doors we use and setting the alarm when we leave is paramount. Nobody wants to come to work in the morning and find the door unlocked. I can’t count how many times we have arrived at an account to find the door unlocked. We inform the manager in most cases.
Supplies are discussed on every bid with the office manager. It’s simple when you think of the supplies as two parts. The first part are the cleaning supplies to do the actual cleaning. The second part are the supplies needed in the restrooms, the “consumables.” The question is who will supply and pay for them? We always pay for the first part and will work the second part so it makes sense for you. Everyone has a different setup.
Here in Tucson if you need a new janitorial service see our website at desertcleaning.com. Fill out our fast, free online quote form and let us show you the best of the best.
Reid Sossong, RPA
The Tucson the list of janitor services has one name that stands out and that is Desert Cleaning janitorial services, inc. “Desert Cleaning.” Why do they stand out? Keep reading and find out why Desert Cleaning has been around so long with sought after office cleaning services in Tucson.
The original Desert Cleaning is family owned and operated and has been in the cleaning business since the company started in 1980. They aren’t out to be the biggest janitor service in Tucson, just the best. Their competitive pricing and consistent quality service can’t be beat. Click the link to their satisfied customers and let them make you a happy customer.
Dependability and trust has kept them in business as well. When an office manager hires a cleaning service they want someone they can trust, especially when they give an office key and alarm code out. That trust is carried over to the cleaning experience too. From their front line janitors to their quality assurance system you can trust the consistent janitorial service will be there to give you the best experience.
The best office cleaning service in Tucson. Desert Cleaning is the top of the list and provides a home grown local office cleaning service. They have been cleaning Tucson offices for 40 years and would love to hear from you. They give phone, email, and will visit you at your office quote. Whether you are putting a budget together or thinking of switching janitor services we’re here..
The Tucson office cleaner has a routine and irregular cleaning hot spots as well. After a few cleanings the choreography all comes together and the customer is the beneficiary. We love Tucson and it shows. I started Desert Cleaning in 1980 and love working with the people in Tucson. If you have questions or want a quote please fill out our online quote, email, or call us, you’ll be glad you did. See desertcleaning.com.
The Elevators need attention, especially if there is only one in the building. If a tenant improvement “TI” is under way the elevator walls will need to be covered. Most elevators have hooks for canvas or blanket covers. I have seen elevators used during a TI without the covers and it wasn’t good. The best is when the building has a freight elevator, however, Tucson only has a few that I know.
Elevators require a thorough cleaning, because it is like the lobby and it makes an impression. Elevators tracks are probably the most overlooked part of the elevator in regards to the cleaning. Then, there are the walls that come in many different materials. The industry is always looking for the best material for the elevator walls, they take a lot of abuse. The flooring takes abuse as well in the elevator and needs nightly attention. For such a small square footage they get used.
A liability insurance policy is usually required at most of our accounts. We have a list of accounts that are sent a certificate of insurance every year that shows the coverages we have. The liability insurance stops smaller janitorial services from expanding because of the cost. The same with workers compensation insurance and bonding.
Our phone number is 520 722 6776 or email desertcleaningtucson@gmail.com. There is a difference.
Tucson's number one janitorial service knows the number one concern for the janitor is security. Security is number one for many reasons: easy entry for thieves, and vandals are just two of them. Both of these situations could be costly and is the reason it goes to the top of the list of importance for the cleaning professional.
The second item in order of importance is toilet paper. I have to tell you this week I was at a building and for hand towels they had a roll of toilet paper on the counter. Anyway, toilet paper is number two for obvious reasons. If the owner wants an inexpensive toilet paper they will find out in the long run it costs about the same. Plus, the employees and customers are annoyed and double up on the paper. Most people use a two ply.
Handling the details that you request we created an important items list we keep in your file. This is very important and each account is unique. For example: hidden trash cans that could be missed unless you knew about them, putting smell gels in the owners restroom…. This is part of our system that all comes together to give you a high level of janitorial service here in Tucson.
Do you know the difference between a commercial vacuum and a household vacuum? To start with they have different names. The commercial vacuum has heavy duty wiring and cords for longer run times. The price is higher on the commercial vacuum. From switches to wheels the commercial vacuum is used daily and has to be built with that in mind, a lot stouter.
I took a dusting tour and to see what to look for on an inspection. Window sills are a good place to start because they are easy to forget. Lift up the blinds and look to see if the sills were dusted. In the receptionist's area move a few things around and see if there is any dust. The restrooms need to be dusted and checked as well: tops of partitions, vents, baseboard, and countertops.
Reid Sossong,
520 722 6776
Trashing is one of our basic services. This consists of emptying all trash cans in your office and restrooms. Also, we replace the liner as needed, which means some get replaced every service and others can go a while. Then, we use larger can liners in the cans so they don’t get pulled in the can. Email me if you have a question.
Do your restrooms smell and nobody has used them? It might be the floor drains. There are a couple of solutions that usually work. The first is to pour water down the drain to prevent the smells from coming up. The second is a rubber cover for the floor drain that keeps smells at bay, or both.
Next let's talk about cleaner/disinfectants. These are products that are two in one. They work well in removing soil and matter, then disinfecting, saving time and money. They are used in wipes as well which have many uses in the commercial office cleaning. NCL has an excellent product out.
What are red can liners used for? Red can liners are used mainly in medical facilities for the hazardous waste. There are services that pick them up and incinerate them out of Tucson. Years ago the janitor was involved.
Office cleaners will have a few duties outside to clean at some offices. Here’s a partial list: clean front door glass, vacuum mats, empty outside trash containers, clean drinking fountain, clean any outside tables…. We had an account that required the cleaning of the outside windows.
Desert Cleaning was started in 1980 and has been serving the Tucson area ever since. Put their experience to work for you immediately and you’ll see the difference. Desert Cleaning has the best of the best janitors in Tucson!
We have seen the janitor's closet overlooked by most cleaning services. What I mean is they never think of cleaning the closet. Keeping the closet cleaned and organized reflexes on the way they clean your offices. I have seen janitor closets where the floor was black and that wasn’t the color of the tile. Same with the mop bucket.
Will there be an initial cleaning cost for our offices? Every office is different and some need an initial cleaning and some don’t. Items that would trigger an initial cleaning would be: the office hadn’t been cleaned for a long period, can liners are stuck to the side of the can, dust is everywhere, and the rings in the toilet bowls are awful.
The janitorial business is split in two parts. First, there are all the things needed to set the business up to be able to have the janitor at your offices ready to clean. Things like insurances, cleaning supplies, payroll, phones, computers, scheduling…. Then, there is the actual cleaning of your offices.
Touch free restrooms are more and more common, and for a good reason, they work. If the goal is to curb the spread of germs then this could be the way to go. Faucets, toilets urinals, soap, lights, fans… are some of the touch free fixtures for the restroom.Then there is the door to the restroom that can have several options, but no door is the best.
Trash and dash is common with low bidders in the janitorial service business. They bid low and can’t pay the bills and are losing money just to say they have an account. Then, they resort to trash and dash to try and stay above water. They aren’t happy and the office manager is not happy.
If you use a public restroom and the paper products are weak, what do you think? That’s exactly right, it is probably how they run the rest of their business. Along with clean restrooms the paper products can’t be cheap. Clients and employees will get the wrong impression of the business and all it takes is an upgrade in the restrooms.
Office cleaning in Tucson is locally owned. Desert Cleaning takes pride in their work and is always looking for the cutting edge systems for janitorial office cleaning. In the commercial office cleaning world the best services are local services that aren’t a national franchise. The money stays here and the customer gets a high level of office cleaning. Less headaches.
Most companies overlook the empty office suite which collects dust and may even need to have the trash emptied. At many offices the employees use the empty office for eating their lunch and talking on the phone.We treat the empty office like the occupied offices, otherwise it turns into a mess.
The number one priority for the janitor is the security of the office. We try and use only a few doors to go in and out of the building and keep them secure when at the account cleaning. Many times we use the back door for taking the trash to the dumpster. Setting the alarm when leaving is important and reporting any lights that are out.
Want to make a D an A with little money and effort in office buildings. We have a building that is a D building and the restrooms are a mess. There are three empty hand towel boxes and they leave a roll of cheap home kitchen roll towels out because they don’t fit the boxes. The toilet paper is never on the holder because it is too close to the wall.... To lock the restroom they use a latch the same as used on an outside fence.
The reference letters are important in any business, especially the janitorial business. Our references are on our homepage under satisfied clients. In addition to the letters we have received we can provide phone numbers to other account references. Our company is here to serve your janitorial needs, let us show you.
Desert cleanings quality assurance system works and the good news is it is built in the price. What it does is assures you get a high level of janitorial services. Our inspection team is seasoned in both cleaning and inspecting. They have a checklist to follow that helps with consistency in the quality assurance system. Call us for a bid tour.
The cleaning side of the business is the side that really counts for references. There are some additional services I want to talk about. They are the cleaning of the phone, keyboard, mouse, and computer screen are additional services we provide. When clean they help with the employee morale and add uniformity to the office. If you have cleaning products you want us to use just let us know. Safety first.
Please note how important gloves are in the office cleaning world. There are many types available, however, there are two basic types; disposable and reusable. I prefer the reuseable mainly because they are less likely to rip. Also, when done for the day you wash them off until next time. The disposable gloves are great when finished for the day just throw them out. Gloves come in different thicknesses.
Recently, I was at a building that had restrooms that exit to the outside world. It can have a benefit when it needs airing out, but costly if it doesn’t lock properly. Bums like to steal supplies and it gets costly and annoying. Also if the door doesn’t seal properly the dust and dirt can blow in quickly and make a mess. These additional costs have to be figured in the bid. It could be a nightmare.
Desert Cleaning janitorial services, Inc. in Tucson. We work for you and it shows in our finished product. Most of the janitorial work is rote, however, it’s the janitor that can think on their feet that separates us from the mediocre.
DC can provide daytime service or day porter services. There are good and bad reasons for daytime office cleaning. The list shows it is harder to find someone for the daytime position and clean while folks are on the phone…. For these reasons the cost may be higher for cleaning during the day. Top five.
Are the cleaning of the refrigerators included in the bid price? Yes, it can be included or cleaned and billed as needed. We will work with you and your budget. We will wipe clean the outside of the refrigerator and the inside too. In the past we had an account that had us every Tuesday throw out anything in the refrigerator and then clean the inside. Not too bad.
Janitorial services include trash removal and can flow nicely if it has a system. We use oversize can liners so they don’t get sucked-in the can and are less likely to rip. Also, we use the twist and tuck method to attach the can liner to the can. The barrel on wheels is where we dump the desk into. Then, we have extra can liners attached to the barrel to pull from, no backtracking. A system is the key.
Dusting is always a never ending battle and has to be consistent. Many companies blow it off and then they lose the account. Dusting is easy to do and easy to blow off and then it builds up into a real mess. In retail stores if a product is all dusty you know it has been sitting a long time and are less likely to buy. It sounds simple and it is.
Restrooms have many details and we service these first when cleaning. This way if the janitor forgets to do something in the restroom they can go back while still at the building and correct the error. Filling the dispensers is part of cleaning the restrooms and you can’t forget the toilet paper, it’s number two of importance.
The floors take the longest to clean as a rule. The exception is if the floors are all covered with papers… and the traffic lanes are the only part of the floor to clean. The restroom floors can be cleaned last or while cleaning the restrooms, each building is different.
All the behind the scene things before the janitor arrives at the offices to clean and everything is ready to start cleaning. Restrooms are the first thing on the list to clean. Filling the mop water and checking supply levels are required. The janitor tries to avoid backtracking. Having a system makes the cleaning flow smoothly, I think I said this before.
National janitorial franchises have earned a reputation in Tucson for giving low bids, requiring long term contracts, and shoddy work. How do I know this to be true? I’ve heard it over the years numerous times from office managers and property managers telling me their story and the stories were all bad, but the salesperson got paid.
They have told me that the national janitorial companies have a salesperson running around quoting low prices for janitorial services. Then, when they get the account they hand it off to a franchisee. The franchisee isn’t making any money and starts skipping services. The only real winner is the out of town national franchiser. We like a WIN WIN situation, it makes life a lot better for everyone.
Tucson office cleaning is our specialty and has been for 40 years. We are a local office cleaning company that is family owned and operated. See our list of satisfied customers and If you are tired of cleaning up after your janitor please give us a call or fill out our fast free online quote form and put our experience to work.
Knowing in 2020 most offices have a conference room. It’s very important to your business image to have a clean uniformed conference room. What do I mean when I say uniformed? All the chairs should be positioned the same. All the blinds should be going in the same direction. Anything on top of any surface will be organized and straight. Spray and wipe conference table.
We will clean your computer screen, keyboard, mouse, and phone. Most companies have their employees clean their own space. However, we can provide this service. We use lens cleaner for the cleaning of the computer screen or terminal cleaner. On the mouse, keyboard, and phone we use disinfection wipes. Most stories are sold out because of covid-19.
We aren’t the lowest bidder usually. The low bidder may cut corners or try to increase the price after they start. I have seen other companies bid less than minimum wage to clean the account. That is a definite red flag. No one wins.
To get the office cleaner to the jobsite to do the actual cleaning is often overlooked. Let’s review some of the things it takes. It starts with marketing and sales, office overhead (computers, phones, website, supplies, insurances, payroll costs…) supervision, floaters…. All this has to be managed and timed just right so you get the service you deserve. A win win.
Let’s talk about dusting, and more dusting. It’s a never ending battle here in Tucson. In our system it’s all about consistency. Every time we clean an office the duster comes out and gets to do it’s thing. I have seen other companies lose an account mainly because the dusting wasn’t getting done. Dusting is a cleaning task that takes thought and effort. Amazing.
2020 is extremely unusual with covid-19.
Looking for a janitorial service? Please see our online quote form at desertcleaning.com.
2020 has begun and will be a great year. We love being in the janitorial business in Tucson and we look forward to making our janitorial service better this year. We have been working on a new key system and improving our Quality Assurance system. Keeping our janitorial accounts happy is number one, especially in these times.
Part of the art of the janitorial bid or pricing in 2020 is from experience. There is some science to the process as well, but used more as a benchmark or guide. After adding and subtracting all the services, you arrive at the bid price. The more seasoned you are the more comparables you have to draw from, like real estate.
Many offices have an office that is vacant. These offices still need cleaning attention. Dusting, vacuuming, and trashing are the big three. People in the office will use the vacate suite to make phone calls, eat lunch, sleep, plus other things.
We use several different brands of upright vacuums. They are Royal, Shark, Sanitaire, and Power-Flight. They each have benefits. The Power-Flight only weighs 8 lbs, half the weight of the others. The Sanitaire is easier to change the belt, especially on the job. The Royal cost more than the others, but is a real work horse. And the cordless Shark.
We are going to visit some vacuum history so we can see how far we have advanced. The article will be general in content and not just the commercial vacuum. I’ll have to do a little more research on the commercial vacuum for a future article. So, let’s get started.
The non-electric vacuum that was invented circa 1870. It was a sweeping success and the power came from a hand crank while the operator maneuvered the vacuum with the other hand. Wow!
The electric vacuum surfaced about 31years later. It was a huge unit that was horse drawn and hoses were put through windows to vacuum each room. A few years later vacuums came with different attachments and was the modern vacuum.
In the 1970’s James Dyson started to develop a vacuum without a bag. Now there are many types on the market. The commercial vacuums we use have longer cords, thicker cords, wide wheels…. The commercial vacuums are made to run a few hours at a time, compared to the one most people use.
If you have questions or would like a quote please contact me at 520 722-6776 or see our website and fill out our fast free online quote form.
We are proud of our inspection system. Why? Because it works and has kept us in business for 40 years in Tucson. Every office is different and along with our inspection checklist we use an important items sheet for each account. Things can still happen but with our A team of janitors and our quality assurance program it’s rare.
Inspection list:
The partial list is used when we do an inspection of your offices. It keeps the inspection team alert and less chance of them missing something. Also, it helps when reviewing with the onsite janitor.
It’s all about giving you a great cleaning experience. Our seasoned team takes pride in what they do and it shows month after month, year after year. When we do an inspection it is done with the thought that the end result is delivering a quality product and not to belittle the onsite janitor.
Someone asked me the other day if we check the account that has no complaints? Yes, absolutely and that is part of the reason there aren’t any complaints...
This article is about janitorial liability insurance and covers many topics. Let’s look at a few of the topics it may cover: customers, office staff, lost key, property damage….This article is basic and you should not rely on the information; please check with your insurance expert or attorney about your situation.
The two types of claims common with janitorial insurance, claims made and per occurrence. I’ll talk about policy limits and certificates of insurance that most office managers require along with additional insured on the certificate of insurance issued.
When something happens that is when you are glad you have the insurance. But, what if the janitorial service doesn’t have insurance? I wonder who they’ll look at for coverage? Each policy is different, so be sure it has janitorial coverage's in the policy.
Many liability policies bodily injury is covered. And, it may cover medical expenses and lost hours as well. With our insurance it is covered if an accident happens at our office or at a business location we clean.
Let’s talk about risk management and its importance. Eliminating a few potential problems and saving a big problem in the future is what it is all about. Let me give you an example: in a retail strip center they didn’t have poles to stop a car from smashing into the suites. Then after this happened the owner put the poles in front of the stores.
In the policy it is important to have lost key coverage included. Re-keying and having new keys made for the entire business could get expensive. A risk management idea is not to have the keys easily identified that were issued to you.
Works with microfiber when cleaning offices. It’s used in towels, wet/dry mops, and is sold in Home Depot, Target, and the janitor supply store. The microfiber comes in many colors so you don’t cross contaminate. Most janitors like microfiber.
Microfiber got its name because it is many many times smaller than a human hair. Another amazing microfiber item is that it holds nine times the water than a regular cotton towel. The microfiber works better when wet, in my opinion. The wet mops for floors are considered better mainly because of the absorption compared to cotton.
For wood floors we like to use the Bona products that come with the microfiber flat mops. We give them a thumbs up and our customers are happy. We have noticed that the microfiber towels don’t work well when using lemon oil. Let me know if you have a method.
The microfiber is man made using a high density weave. It is bacteria resistant and was developed for anti-slip flooring. Also, it is lint free. I have been told that the microfiber wet mop does a great job from absorption to cleaning. We have been switching over to mostly microfiber.
The dust mops come in microfiber as well and last a long time. They are the best dust mop on the market and feature conventional slot end sewing. These can be laundered over and over. the microfiber dust mops are produced with continuous filament microfiber yarn and are a 100% synthetic, a good combination. No treatment is necessary.
If you can, then, please keep our phone number and call us when things change.. . We provide all the basic services and any additional details you request. Our program is customized just for you and we use state of the art cleaning methods. We have been in the office cleaning business for 40 years in Tucson and love what we do for you and your office.
With our system we don’t disturb files or papers… in your offices or business when cleaning. It only makes sense and we tell our janitors when in doubt don’t move it. It mainly applies to dusting, however, some offices keep files and papers on the floor so the janitor has to be careful when trashing and vacuuming. Every office is different.
In the lobby, there is trash to be emptied, floors to cleaned, magazines to straighten and front door glass to clean to name a few. Also, part of the lobby is the receptionist's area which may have glass and counter to clean. I have been in offices as a customer and it just felt dirty and germ infested in the lobby. I think this happens when the staff uses a back entrance and nobody pays attention to the lobby. Just a thought.
Janitorial details are many and not all apply to each office or business. After the basic services are covered the details can make or break an account. I just covered a few in the lobby and now I’ll mention a few others. The conference room chairs need to be cleaned and straightened, trash can liners replaced if needed, clean inside the microwave, putting trash cans back in the right spot. All this adds up to a great janitorial experience for you and your clients
Some of the great hygiene programs are soap in the restrooms. I know that is a phenomenal concept.I was at a building this week that didn’t have any soap in the restrooms. Then I found out that they haven’t had soap for a few weeks. This is what I mean about a cheap service is it affordable. Remember to contact us if things don’t work out.
Desert Cleaning has four basic service areas and they are: trash, dust, restrooms and floors. Then all the details with each. So, let’s dive right into it and review each service area In Tucson.
First is trashing an office that requires a barrel on wheels, can liners for the barrel and desk trash cans, a spray bottle and paper towels. There are usually desk trash, kitchen trash, and restroom trash that need to be emptied and taken to the dumpster. The janitor will use the barrel on wheels to dump all the trash in before taking outside.
Second is the nationwide number one complaint is dusting. When it comes to dusting we leave competition in the dust. Why? Because we include dusting in our routine on a consistent basis. I know, I know it’s hard to believe it is that simple. Some janitorial services must think that no one will notice, but eventually they will and they lose an account.
The restrooms are third on the list of the big four. We try and service the restrooms first at an account in case you forget to do a task you are still in the building. The commercial office restrooms are built to keep clean. What do I mean? If you notice all the surfaces are easy to clean, for example: ceramic tile, stainless steel, mirrors. metal partitions…. Day porter.
Fourth on the list are floors. There are wood, tile, and carpet floors in general to take care of in the commercial office setting. Wood and laminate flooring has a different system and products we use, because you can’t use a wet mop on them for starters. An important item for carpet and tile mats at all entrances, ideally both in and out saves the floors.
Do you really want an inferior janitorial service in Tucson when Desert Cleaning is here? We specialize in office cleaning at affordable pricing. How do we consistently beat the competition? It’s simple we pay our people more, so out of the pool of people that are looking for janitorial work we get the best Janitors.
Signing with us and in our system is easy. We set-up a file so we can keep track of emails, notes taken on the initial walk through, important items…. Also, we create a file in our computer that has your billing information and email information.
Supplies can work a few ways. First there are two types of supplies: the supplies to do the cleaning and the supplies you consume: toilet paper, hand towels, soap…. We’ll handle the supplies the way you want. The most common is you supply the consumables and we supply the actual cleaning supplies to do the job.
The Desert Cleaning invoice is sent on the first of the month for that month and the supplies are shown on the invoice are for the previous month. The invoice total amount is due on the first of the following month. We can mail or email the invoice to you. Why would you want to settle for less? There is a difference.
Here are a few key items to look for when hiring a Tucson office cleaning service. If you are looking for the lowest bidder then stop reading, it’s a “no brainer.” In this article I’ll cover references, how long have they been in business in Tucson, are they just a national franchise or a quality local service….
The reference letters are very important in the bid process. A new company may not have any and could be a risk. An established company with no references is a red flag. References show a pattern of getting the job done with people that are trustworthy and easy to be around.
A very important issue is how long have they been in business here in Tucson. This shows how stable they are and if their heart is really here. Are they going to close shop and leave Tucson?
Is the janitorial service hiding behind a national franchise name? You will wind up paying for the money you save. Over the years I have talked to many unsatisfied office managers that went with a franchise thinking they must know they are doing. That’s why they called Desert Cleaning and we come in and straighten the cleaning out.
Our company has been in the office cleaning business in Tucson for 40 years and there is a reason, we do the job. See our link to references on our home page. Also, we have a few employees that have been with Desert Cleaning for over twenty five years. Call us and see the difference.
“We have had it up to here with the national franchise janitor services.” We hear it all the time from office and property managers. Well Desert Cleaning janitorial services, Inc. is locally owned and operated, so you are at the right place. Let me explain some of the things we hear about the big national janitorial franchises here in Tucson.
The big companies have long term contracts that are hard to terminate. We don’t require a long term contract, unless you want one. What if you are receiving bad service? From what I’ve been told it is hard to get out of the janitorial contract that the national franchise janitorial services require. WOW!!! We don’t operate that way and sad to see.
How big they are and low bids are their hook to get you to sign with them. Then the main office hands your account to a franchisee that tries to give a good service, but eventually will cut corners to have it make any sense. I’ve heard story after story about the national janitorial services and all bad, even from the franchisees. Emmmm!!!
Over the years we have noticed that most managers just want the job done. It’s that simple. We are a local janitorial service and do just that, provide janitorial service. Please see our references on our homepage and let us take care of your janitorial.Tell a building manager!
Office cleaning service are the vacuums used to clean your offices. We use cordless uprights, backpack, and mini vacuums mainly. The upright vacuum gets used the most to clean offices, medical, and banks.... The mini vacuum is great for detailing under desks, and hard to reach places.
The cleaning system we have calls for the janitor to not vacuum an area when there is a meeting taking place. A meeting is two or more people and unless we get the green light to vacuum that area we leave it alone. It is part of the informal structure and usually is not a problem we noticed.
We have an affordable office cleaning program that includes the restrooms. As you may know that restrooms are the most important part of the office cleaning experience. Restrooms are a breeding ground for germs, so it is high on the list for disinfection. Less worker down time and the impression it makes on clients is important.
Do you need a janitorial service in the daytime? We can handle that and at an affordable rate. Most office janitorial work is done at night, however, there are offices needing the daytime service and that is where we come in and fill the void. It may cost more because of the staffing requirements and time delays while cleaning.
When office cleaning in the day or night first impressions make a difference. It starts in the lobby. Not only is this the first impression of your office or medical suite it’s where customers wait to see you and have time to look around and form an opinion. Tell a friend.
Trash and dash was here before I got in the janitorial business. Someone usually gets the bright idea to bid low and get the account. Then after a short while they realize they aren’t making any money and they start the old trash and dash. It’s sad because the customer is cheated and the cleaning company gets fired. A lose lose for everyone.
Here’s some ideas. First, check their reference letters and call a few. It should paint a positive picture and give you a good feeling. Second, if they are the lowest bid it could be a red flag. Ask them how they arrived at the price they gave. If they don’t know its a red flag.
Ask the time it takes to do each task: restrooms, trashing, and vacuuming…. This will give you a sense if they know what they are talking about. If they are pulling a number out of the air look out, they will be trash and dashing soon. I have never heard of a legitimate janitorial service doing the trash and dash. That’s why they are legitimate they know what they are doing. They can answer all your questions and have good references too.
If this is happening to you please give us a call or email. Also, you can fill out our fast free online quote form on our website at desertcleaning.com. You’ll be glad you did. No more trash and dash!
Desert Cleaning janitorial services, Inc in Tucson makes you number one.
Half the janitorial service is the actual cleaning and the other half is putting it all together so the on site janitor has everything they need to give you a high level of office cleaning. That’s right, we want to be your office cleaner or janitor, there is a difference in Tucson.
Desert Cleaning has been cleaning offices here in Tucson for 40 years and it’s because we put you the customer first. Our management staff is seasoned and has put together a team of top janitors to serve you.
Part of our system is responding to requests and complaints. When you have a request we respond swiftly so you don’t have to keep thinking about it and we do the same when we get a complaint. It’s all about giving you a high end office cleaning experience in Tucson.
Desert clean has concepts for offices. Water temperature is important during the holidays. Most people know that hot water used during cleaning helps do a better job.However, if the water is too hot it can have a negative affect. The argument continues.
We are office cleaning specialists. Some companies try to be a jack of all trades and a master of none.. We clean offices in most areas of Tucson: central, east, north, northeast, northwest, west, south, southeast…. Contact us to see if we are in your area.
Microfiber is being used in lots of ways in our Industry. It is used to make towels, wet and dry mops both flat and string. Also, you can purchase it in different colors for different uses. The durability and absorption are other reasons to use the microfiber towels.
Microfiber is named from the small fibers that are 99.9 smaller than a house. The absorption rate is many many times more than a cotton cloth towel. We still use both in our business. The microfiber mops work great on wood floors. However, the microfiber towels don’t work well with lemon oil or other products that are petroleum based.
Microfiber doesn’t lint like a cotton towel,alright. The microfiber products can be found in Home Depot, Lowes, and Target. Also , the janitorial supply stores have them as well.
Microfiber towels are bacteria resistant. I’ve read that microfiber is being used in bed sheets and shower curtains with all the benefits. The microfiber last a long time compared to other materials and it is used in anti-slip flooring as well. WOW!!
Tucson weather is a little warmer and the mornings are cool. If you ever need a janitorial service give us a call at 520-722-6776 or email desertcleaningtucson@gmail.com.
In Tucson, there are two kinds of supplies for office cleaning;the supplies for the actually cleaning and then the supplies that get consumed: toilet paper, hand towels, soap…. We usually pay for the cleaning supplies and the owner would pay for the items consumed.. We have a few accounts that want it all bundled in one check, which is ok.
Central janitorial in Tucson covers floor maintenance basics. Let’s start with sweeping the floor to pick up any loose items. Then, we dust mop the floor to accumulate smaller dust particles. Some janitorial services skip these steps to save time and this is all part of a low bid.
Ask yourself in east Tucson “what do my clients see when they enter my office or business.” The lobby comes to mind right away because people are waiting and have time to look around. They form an opinion of how your business is run by the cleanliness of your lobby.
Some of the cleaning tasks in the lobby in central Tucson. The most common are: organize magazines, clean door glass, trash, dust, vacuum, and reception counter. The old saying that you can judge a business by how clean it is still applies today.
I hope you liked this article and as always if you have any input please email me at desertcleaningtucson@gmail.com .